【Comment】Here are some observations referring to the Senkaku Islands intrusion on July 4th by President Ma Ying-jeou, the core agitator of Defending the Diaoyu Islands.
1. The fishing boat for tourists is not the fishery boat that is allowed to sail within 24-nautical-miles contiguous zone of Taiwan. The voyage was illegal.
2. With three SWAT-like personnel, the fact that Taiwan Cost Guard Administration's vessels escorted the illegal voyage of the above boat, from the beginning to the end, was lawless.
3. A captain of TCGA captain kept instructing the boat, suggesting that it was not a passive defense but a planned, initiative move.
4. It was a part of serial and provocative moves by the MYJ administration. Some media observe that Ma is getting tougher on the nationalist issue.
5. China has defined the incident as releasing a message of “the cross strait cooperation against outsiders.” In other words, China and Taiwan are in the same circle, while Japan is an outsider.
6. As to the fact that the Senkaku Islands are under the jurisdiction and an AOR of US-Japan alliance, MYJ saw himself as beyond the US and Japan alliance.
7. Chinese media noted the forming of a cross-strait cooperation pattern: Beijing instructs Taipei to make moves.
8. Wang Jin-ping, the Chair of the Legislative Yuan, and his colleagues are now visiting Japan. The incident might neutralize their efforts of enhancing the friendship and good will between the two countries, especially when the Memorial Day of the Second Sino-Japan War on July 7th, 1937 is coming.
9. It seemed TCGA was carrying CHINA’s will for the boat had displayed the national flag of PRC instead of ROC.
10. The neighboring countries should heed the fact that official think tanks across the strait have suggested building a “joint fleet to patrol South China Sea” in a formal co-report. revised at 2150
1. 海釣船不是漁船,只能在24海浬內活動。其遠至釣魚台,航程本身就違法。
2. 海巡署配備特勤人員、從頭即派船跟隨護航,是違法護航,非「遇相關事件……積極前往處理」的一般事件。
3. 海巡署在事件中不斷指點海釣船,這是馬政府主動的計劃性行為。
4. 無事連續惹事,且「官方態度趨於強硬」,這是馬政府主動挑釁。
5. 中國已經定義此事釋放了「兩岸合作,一致對外」的信號。換言之,中國與台灣是「內」,日本是「外」。
6. 就釣魚台是「美日安保」周邊有事的責任區而言,馬政府此舉顯然認定美、日兩國是「外」。
7. 是否形成「大陸動嘴、台灣動手」的合作模式?[1]
8. 王金平正在日本訪問一週(0701-0707),此時發生事情除抵消國會訪問團力道,也連結七七抗戰紀念日。
9. 行動中,相關人員並未攜帶ROC國旗,而是展示PRC國旗──海巡署替北京執勤?
10. 小心「兩岸組建聯合艦隊,共同參與南海巡弋。」[2]
One China practice in South China Sea: Deploying combined fleet and patrol by HoonTing
Who's warning:台灣政府公船駛入日本領
美國新的「前傾戰略」(Forward-Leaning Strategy)
華媒關注台保釣行動 稱兩岸釋放一致對外信號◎中新網(2012.07.05)http://www.chinanews.com/hb/2012/07-05/4010317.shtml
中新網7月5日電 7月4日,台灣民間保釣人士乘船前往釣魚島海域進行“保釣”活動,台當局派5艘艦艇護航。海外華文媒體高度關注事件,強調釣魚島自古就是中國領土,兩岸中國人都有義務和責任維護國家主權和領土完整。此次事件顯示兩岸民間、官方達成默契共識,釋放“兩岸合作,一致對外”的信號。
香港《大公報》發表評論《捍衛國家領土 兩岸責無旁貸》稱,釣魚島自古以來就是中國的領土,兩岸中國人都有義務和責任共同維護國家主權和領土完整。台灣同胞無懼日本政府的蠻橫之舉,以實際行動作出反擊,值得稱讚。俗話說“兄弟同心,其利斷金”,兩岸站在同一陣線,勢必讓窺覬中國領土者知難而退。
[1] http://www.ettoday.net/news/20120705/70264.htm accessed on 20120705
[2] http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/hoon-ting/article?mid=26666&prev=26667&next=26664 見 劉復國、吳士存主編,〈2010年南海地區形勢評估報告〉,國立政治大學國際關係研究中心(臺北:2011.07),p.102