The New Consensus: Annulment of ROC after 1949

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The New Consensus: Annulment of ROC after 1949

The Zhonghua Book Company released the History of the Republic of China lately.  The project was started under the instruction of  late Chinese Premier Chou En-lai in 1971 where Resolution No.2758 UN Assembly recognized PRC was the legitimate government of China, not so-called ROC on Taiwan.

It is not only a Chinese tradition for the successor to edit the formal history of the predecessor, but also a practice in conformity with the international law on the succession of government.  Through the practices, both ROC and PRC are aware of the fact that they are not China as a state, but a government of which.  It is merely a political propaganda that ROC is a sovereign state. 

However, “ROC” has not yet, while it should have, formalized the Qing history.  This might be partly because of the restless destiny of ROC and partly because of its uncertain status as legitimate ROC after 1949 on Taiwan.  Having not rested Qing in peace by publishing its history, ROC shirks its historical responsibility. 

Ironically, MYJ’s rush pro-China policy, which might terminate ROC, is carried out by one of the Aisin-Gyoro members in the centennial.[1]  Could it be Qing’s revenge done with forbearance of a whole century?

Ever since 2008, MYJ administration keeps cooking up the so-called “Consensus of 1992,” and claims either side could define its own China unconnectedly.  He imagines that ROC could be a parity party to have a détente with Beijing.  In reality, we never confirm that Beijing accepts it through the applications of foreign affairs.  Meanwhile, MYJ stresses the Constitution of the Republic of China, which was passed in 1947 before ROC’s exile to Taiwan, and threatens his political rivals from exercising their civil rights to outline the future of Taiwan.  ROC, a government-in-exile, has become an impediment to the Taiwan question and the reconciliation of the Strait.

Beyond our imagination, Taiwanese people and Beijing now have an ideal alternative to "Consensus of 1992" to base their reconciliation on  “Annulment of ROC after 1949” could be a creative foundation for both sides to re-establish their relationship.  The new start does not hinder the RPC’s stance, nor in contradiction of the acknowledgement of Taiwanese people.  What is more, the Taiwan Governing Authority in Taiwan Relations Act keeps its weight as ever.  It is a win-win-win case.    revised on 0917


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