美10年3戰爭 軍費逾百兆 奪25萬人命
In the name of “peaceful means”:以和平之名
At the cost of war:行戰爭之實
For the purpose of fraud:藏詐騙之術
Seven months before the 2012 Presidential election, MYJ lifted the ban of Chinese free tour on Taiwan.
An observer, Min Hong-kwei, noted the pre-war experiences that huge numbers of Japanese appeared in the Philippine Commonwealth as well as British Singapore collecting information; war broke soon afterward.
Some effects may happens:
1. Chinese secret agents may be everywhere on Taiwan, as Min Hong-kwei warned, steal information from military to social network of Taiwanese. And they might agitate the people when necessary.
2. The corrupt Chinese officials may come to check and live in the luxury houses they bought through money laundry.
3. The free tour and all other rush China-friendly policies that MYJ has adopted were in conformity with the Section 2.2.3 of Taiwan Relations Act that “It is the policy of the United States-- … to make clear that the United States decision to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China rests upon the expectation that the future of Taiwan will be determined by peaceful means.”
The US did encourage MYJ to do so without premise during the recent years.
1. 如敏洪奎所言,台灣街上充斥中國特工,竊取軍情與社會輿情,甚至必要時煽動群眾。
2. 中國貪官透過台商洗錢到台灣買豪宅,可以大大方方來台灣住豪宅,順便工作。
3. 這些都是在〈台灣關係法〉2.2.3:「表明美國決定和「中華人民共和國」建立外交關係之舉,是基於臺灣的前途將以和平方式決定這一期望;」的紅線下公然為之,且獲得美國政府毫無保留的鼓勵在先。