圖圖大主教:對於圖博、中國和達賴喇嘛的聲明 ■Archbishop Desmond Tutu/雲程譯
我們諾貝爾和平獎得主、人權領袖與關心人士,簽名表達我們對於目前圖博人權退化,與中國政府和達賴喇嘛陛下代表談判破裂的關心。我們對於圖博人自治衝突與宗教自由方面無法達成有效解決感到沮喪,並催促相關各方加倍努力以達成此關鍵目標。對我們的朋友達賴喇嘛陛下,我們要說:「我們與你站在一起。你明確表明了非暴力、同情和仁慈。很顯然,中國不瞭解你。但我們真誠地希望他們能這樣做。我們呼籲中國政府認識我們與許多朋友在過去幾十年流亡期間所認識的達賴喇嘛陛下。」我們請求UN人權特使令人尊敬的Navi Pillay女士訪問圖博,且要求其得以接觸以評估並向國際社會報告目前圖博人民的處境。特使應被准許和記者與其他觀察家同行,且與各方面密切合作,以便對幾十年來的奮鬥帶來一個和平的解決。中國在影響世界方面處於一個獨特的地位。我們要求中國利用這個地位來傾聽藏民的聲音,改善世界,創造一個可讓藏文化繁榮的解決西藏問題的新方案。這不僅將對圖博有幫助。這將會幫助中國。這將會讓人知道中國有意願作為國際事務上負責任的伙伴。最後,我們要求中國停止指明道姓地指責和辱罵一位一生都致力於和平事業的達賴喇嘛,這位諾貝爾和平獎得主,他不僅僅是一位聖人而已。他被全世界公認,是少數真正的道德權位之一。他是一位教導我們所有人如何以慈悲、非暴力與愛活出生命的導師。
Archbishop Desmond Tutu: Statement on Tibet, China and the Dalai Lama
"We the undersigned Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, human rights leaders and concerned individuals wish to express our concern at the current deterioration of the human rights situation in Tibet, and the apparent breakdown of the talks between the Chinese government and emissaries of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. We are dismayed at the lack of any concrete progress toward resolving the conflict over the autonomy and religious freedom of the Tibetan people, and urge all parties involved to redouble their effort to achieve this vital goal.
"To our dear friend His Holiness the Dalai Lama, we say: we stand with you. You define non-violence and compassion and goodness. Clearly China does not know you. It is our sincere hope that they will. We call on China's government to know His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as we and so many others have come to know him during the long decades he has spent in exile.
"We ask the esteemed Navi Pillay, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights to visit Tibet, and request that she be given access to assess and report to the international community the current state of affairs for the Tibetan people. The High Commissioner should be allowed to travel with journalists and other observers and, working with all parties involved, assist in bringing these decades of struggle to a peaceful resolution.
"China is uniquely positioned to impact and affect our world. We ask you to please use this position to improve our world by listening to the voices of the Tibetan people, and creating a new solution for Tibet that allows this culture to flourish. "This will help not only Tibet. It will help China. It will demonstrate to us that China is willing to be a responsible partner in international global affairs.
"Finally, we ask that China stop naming, blaming and verbally abusing one whose life has been devoted to peace. His Holiness the Dalai Lama, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, is not simply a holy man. He is recognized throughout the world as one of our few true moral authorities. He is a teacher who has shown us all how to live our lives with compassion, non-violence and love."In Ernest,
Archbishop Desmond Tutu