源於art home的駐留計劃,將皇后大道中行的唐樓改成藝術工作室,工作室的條件有利camera obscura 暗房的做法。藝術家Dory發現這個可能性,於是開始了48天的暗房拍攝。
皇后大道中, 2023
沉積物, 2023
光於每個人的定義也不同,光帶領和啟發了藝術家。Dory對拍攝和沖曬充滿自信,完成了她對camera obscura的懂憬和期待。
7月29日(週六) - 8月13日(週日)
arthome 藝術家
後記:導賞的討論裏,我們提起班雅明的理論,關於機械複製藝術,提到「靈光」這個概念,是班雅明(Walter Benjamin)在1936年的文章— — 《機械複製時代的藝術作品》中提到的藝術概念,指的是藝術作品在機械複製時所喪失的本質。在機械複製越來越常見的這個時代,藝術家Dory安排了一個特有的畫布房間, 由駐留空間的內外觀之,回到純粹的影像,讓不同的人去感受48天拍攝的壓縮感。
Dissect, 2023
"𝗘𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗖𝗮𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁"
Inspired by the light from buses and vehicles in the night, Dory Cheng presented three photography works created by camera obscura on the 4th floor of Queen's Road Central studio through the residency program of the arthome in Sheung Wan. Dory has been a talented artist in film photography for a long time. She adored the 48 nights she spent in the studio and showed how memories can be restructured and reformed in puzzling photographs.
With a purple-painted background as a huge canvas, she arranged the works opposite to one another in the gallery so as to provide a space for conversation between the two works, Queen’s Road Central(2023) and Deposit(2023). Comers will find different arrangments of the two wall-sized works provoking an experience of memories illusion. Entering the carefully arranged area, the artist and comers can locate and submerge into the view from the window of the studio night and be drawn into the time tunnel established by Dory. She insisted on the fluidity of memories and played among those she was familiar. In these huge collages full of refreshment and passion, Dory achieved to generate a sense of time and memory confusion playedplayed through compressing the real-time through the prudent and thoughtful display of photographs taken and exposed in the studio. Allowing a rethinking of what photographs can capture more, the last work, dissect(2023), echoed the vision of comers mightily with Dory’s 3-month residency at the Queen's Road Central studio.