Is AIT still a non-profit organization?

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Is AIT still a non-profit organization?

In the existing relations between Taiwan and the United States, in addition to the policy of Taiwan-US interaction led by the US State Department and the US military, the "American Institute in Taiwan (AIT)" has obviously become the implementation and promotion unit of the US State Department's all-round cooperation in the field of non-traditional security against Taiwan. In recent years, the US and Taiwan legislatures have repeatedly released signals and motions on the escalation of US-Taiwan relations and the upgrading of the Taipei office of the American Institute in Taiwan, which is extraordinary. The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Committee (USCC) of the U.S. Congress released its annual report on December 1, calling on Congress to evaluate opportunities to strengthen economic cooperation with Taiwan in key areas, and to pass legislation to upgrade the position and appointment of the director of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) Taipei office.       

       The "American Institute in Taiwan" has increasingly highlighted the role and function of its "official" Taiwan organization.

Founded in 1979, the "American Institute in Taiwan" is a non-governmental non-profit organization established by the US Department of State in accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act and the laws of the District of Columbia after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. However, in recent years, it has become the most important U.S. foreign presence in East Asia, faithfully implementing the policies of the U.S. government.

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    我22日時做了好幾場夢,有一場噩夢讓我在夢裡流淚崩潰,起床後心情也無法平復。我知道,那是過去在撕扯我的心,最近我總是做奇怪的噩夢。 在夢裡有我的家人、朋友出現,但讓我感到害怕甚至恐懼的是那個人居然又回來了。她以完全一樣的形象出現,在夢中她沒有對我施以暴力,但她操控著我的父親,我害怕的父親也回來了。
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