Day19. PLUMP (19/31)
Inktober's nineteenth word is PLUMP 豐滿
The angel seems to have an air of unapproachability, but the plump Holy Grail is impossible to ignore. If there's anything worth admiring and revering, I think this beauty is something that everyone can appreciate.
Inktober Day16+19:ANGEL+PLUMP
Day20.FROST (20/31)
Inktober's twentieth word is FROST 冰霜
The weather has turned chilly, and even after having hot pot, it still feels like there's not enough warmth. My energy has taken a hit, and I find myself feeling tired and lethargic, wanting to sleep and lie down all day. I say... it's time to remember that mischievous troublemaker, the demon who tells cold jokes! She's lurking mischievously in the ceiling, forming frost patterns, and if you happen to sneeze, it's definitely her thinking of you. On another note, her weakness is flattery.
Inktober Day17+20:DEMON+FROST
Day21. CHAINS (21/31)
Inktober's twenty first word is CHAINS 鎖鏈
When you see a beautiful woman, what's the first thing you notice? Is it her full and rounded chest, her graceful and shapely hips, or her slender legs? Only children make choices! Regardless, she has already captured your gaze,and chained a little bit of your soul maybe.