Polymetal International plc: Results of GM

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Polymetal International plc: Results of GM

Polymetal International plc

Results of GM

Polymetal International plc (the “Company”) announces that at the General Meeting (“GM”) of the Company which was held on Friday, 8 December 2023, at 10.00 am Astana time (GMT+6), all resolutions proposed by the Directors in the Notice of the GM dated 23 November 2023 were duly passed with the results as stated below.

With these resolutions passed, the Exchange Offer announced on 23 November 2023 is approved. Further details of the Exchange Offer can be found in the combined shareholder circular and notice of General Meeting (the "Circular") and press release published on 23 November 2023. The documents are available at the link: https://www.polymetalinternational.com/en/investors-and-media/shareholder-centre/general-meetings/.

The Company is currently finalising arrangements with Nominated Brokers. Details of the Nominated Brokers, exchange instructions and further course of actions will be announced in due course.


On 3 June 2022, the EU imposed sanctions on NSD, which effectively blocked the operations between Euroclear and NSD. As a result of such sanctions, prior to the First Exchange Offer, Shareholders holding approximately 22% of the Company's issued share capital were unable to take part in any corporate actions of the Company and/or receive dividends. This prevented the Company from being able to carry out certain corporate actions with the involvement of a significant part of its shareholder base.

On 22 September 2022, the Board announced the First Exchange Offer to exchange certain shares eligible under the terms of such offer for newly issued shares. A total of 41,614,678 Shares (or approximately 8% of the total number of voting rights in the Company) were repurchased by the Company under the First Exchange Offer which was completed on 11 October 2023. The Company now holds 41,614,678 Shares in treasury, which, according to AIFC Law, do not enjoy any voting or economic rights.

Approximately 14% of the Company's Shares were not eligible to participate in the First Exchange Offer although were affected, and therefore continue to be impacted by the restrictions imposed even though the shareholders themselves might not be subject to an asset freeze insofar as the Company is aware. As a result, the Company continues to be prevented from carrying out certain corporate actions with the involvement of a significant part of its shareholder base.

On 7 August 2023, the Company announced the successful completion of the re-domiciliation of the Company from Jersey to the AIFC. As a result of the re-domiciliation, certain restrictions which previously prevented the First Exchange Offer from being addressed to Eligible Shareholders no longer apply. On 23 November 2023, the Company announced its intention to conduct the Second Exchange Offer to tender Eligible Shares for exchange in consideration for the issue of Exchange Shares on a one-for-one basis.


Announcement of results of General Meeting / Exchange Offer opens11 December 2023Notification or announcement of process to accept and adhere to the Buyback AgreementFrom time to time between 8 December 2023 and 31 October 2024Announcement of the results of each Settlement Date of a Tranche of Exchange SharesFrom time to time between 1 January 2024 and 1 November 2024Last time and date for Exchange Shares to be transferred from the Nominated Broker to the Company Securities Account30 September 2024Settlement Date of the last Tranche of Exchange Shares / Exchange Offer closes31 October 2024Announcement of the final results of the Exchange OfferOn or before 1 November 2024

The above times and/or dates may be subject to change by the Company and in the event of any such change, the revised times and/or dates will be notified to Shareholders by an announcement through the Company website or as otherwise may be required under the AIFC Laws and the AIX Business Rules.

Unless otherwise defined herein, defined terms have the same meaning as defined in the Circular.

Copies of all the above documents are also available on the Company's website at https://www.polymetalinternational.com/en/investors-and-media/shareholder-centre/general-meetings/.


Investor Relations

Evgeny Monakhov

+44 20 7887 1475 (UK) 

Kirill Kuznetsov

+7 7172 47 6655 (Kazakhstan)



Yerkin Uderbay

+7 7172 47 66 55 (Kazakhstan)





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