2024-02-07 Deep Fake Scam

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A few days ago, a fraud case involving HK$200 million occurred in Hong Kong. The scammer pretended to be the CFO of a multinational company's overseas headquarters and instructed the branch finance staff to join a confidential meeting. Using deepfake technology, the fraudster created a virtual video and provided "investment" guidance during this session. As per these instructions, the staff transferred a significant sum to various accounts without proper confirmation. Subsequently, when they contacted their colleagues at the UK headquarters, it became clear that they had been defrauded. They promptly reported this incident to the police after realizing what had transpired.

The rise of Deepfake technology has made what we previously referred to as "P-photos" even more difficult to defend. In the past, photos could be altered using Photoshop, leading many to question their reliability and usability as evidence. For ordinary individuals outside of Hollywood, distinguishing between real and fake imagery through such techniques is challenging.

Nowadays, with the rapid advancement of technology and network speed, along with improved computer performance and the widespread acceptance of online meetings following the COVID-19, hackers have greater flexibility in using fraudulent techniques. As a result, employees are at an increased risk of being deceived, making defense against such tactics more challenging.

With the rapid advancement of technology, it is becoming increasingly challenging to distinguish deepfake transformations, akin to the concept depicted in Matrix, the movie. Additionally, identifying participants at a conference by instructing them to perform certain actions can be very difficult. Consider a junior staff member who lacks opportunities to address executives but requests them to make gestures – this could signal disinterest in their job responsibilities.

This time, the scam is not a phishing the whole company staff, but it clearly targets the victim. The approach involved telling the victim that it was a confidential meeting and sending them a link to join, among other tactics. Can any clues be found from the emails received or from the ID of the person who logged into the meeting?

However, is there a non-technical way to prevent this scam from happening?

The author has not yet determined if the victim's company followed established procedures for transferring money. Normally, regardless of the amount, approvals are required for money transfers to ensure compliance with permissions and internal auditing controls. Smaller amounts can be approved by fewer people, while larger amounts require more signatures. Additionally, it's important to verify your own signature to prevent unauthorized use (there have been cases where executives' emails were hacked and funds were authorized). When approved by overseas headquarters, consider using an electronic signature solution like Docusign to safeguard against process interruption due to potential individual errors.

I am surprised that one person could have had access to such a large amount of money without proper oversight from an internal control or risk management perspective. If this individual had not fallen victim to a scam or been in a state of delirium, they could have potentially sent the funds to various accounts in an unregulated manner. This situation highlights insufficient risk management within the enterprise and ineffective regulation of staff authority.

In some cases, the CEO/CFO/COO of certain enterprises the author has worked with have to sign at least one signature before any payment above HK$1000 can be made. This requirement may seem strict, but it helps reduce the risks faced by the company.



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資訊保安對於企業的資訊科技部門是越來越重要,有很多企業己經開始將資訊保安從日常的資訊科技拆分,以避免資訊科技部門因日常繁重的技術支援無法同時兼顧資訊保安的應對。 而資訊保安和IT審計是密不可分的。如果說資訊保安是日常的防御工事,那IT審計就是比起防御更能預先部署的可預視的一環。 過往IT審計可能
  筆者最近和同行討論,關於駭客找尋目標的方法。其實近十年駭客對於選擇目標的方式其實已經變得很難猜測。 一般人會想到,駭客一定是會選擇一些利潤大的目標,如銀行、虛擬資產平台等等。但是不要忘記,這些財力雄厚的公司當然也知道自己是很容易成為目標,所以他們的防線也不是容易擊破的。
在企業IT環境,系統和數據的備份的重要性相信是不用解說,亦不用懷疑的。 但很時時候,企業忽略的並不是備份,而是Drill test的重要性。
隨着網絡攻擊和資料外洩的種類越來越多,防御方案的部署也要與時並進。近年,很多企業開始留意和測試部署使用者和實體行為分析(UEBA)的可行性。 在資訊保安工作上,內部人員被駭或者內部人員出現錯誤的行為導致企業暴露於風險之中......
假網站攻擊近10年一直是全球銀行業的頭痛問題,過去發卡機構也致力去防止因為日漸盛行的網上購物而引發的騙財技倆。 有一定年資的網購使用者,對於使用保安編碼器會有點印象,但成本太高,而且每天要帶着外出也十分不便(也容易出現遺失的風險),近年智能手機普及,很多銀行已經轉用mobileapp作為主要保安編
在資訊保安的工作裡,資安認知訓練是一項基本的措施,但同時亦是很多企業忽略的一環。 過往筆者也有參與資安認知訓練的設計及提供培訓服務,很多時最困難的並不是內容的撰寫,也不是預算的多寡或培訓時間的時數,而是如何讓受訓者認真去接受培訓資訊。 企業員工會覺得資訊保安是資訊科技部門的責任......
資訊保安對於企業的資訊科技部門是越來越重要,有很多企業己經開始將資訊保安從日常的資訊科技拆分,以避免資訊科技部門因日常繁重的技術支援無法同時兼顧資訊保安的應對。 而資訊保安和IT審計是密不可分的。如果說資訊保安是日常的防御工事,那IT審計就是比起防御更能預先部署的可預視的一環。 過往IT審計可能
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