創辦人持「傳承不守舊,創新不忘本」之初心,成立承憶蓮機能飲,意即傳承和回憶母親「蓮」的精神,繼續 守護家人們的健康。
茶飲的神奇元素:咸豐草、桑葉、白鶴靈芝和薄荷。這款高級的草本茶堅守無糖之道,善用各種草本 的特性,調配出黃金比例。口感獨特,餘味悅人,無重金屬殘留,老少皆宜,值得信賴。
紫蘇熟水香甜怡人,年節時刻,一家加熱飲用,不僅不會造成身體負擔。尤其筆者感冒時,紫蘇熟水 微酸中帶著甘甜,撫慰心靈,也轉變了常喝含糖飲料的習慣。
主要成分包含:刺五加、薄荷、白鶴靈芝、紅景天。這杯熱門寵兒,是我的冬季限定,無香精、無糖, 卻有迷人香氣與回甘的甜味,喝下去絲毫不苦,十分好入口。
目前有台積電、鴻海、聯發科、群創、聯電、 台灣康寧、日月光、統一、智邦、零壹、同亨...等百餘 家,歡迎特約員工訂購另有優惠。
JYO Cafe 揪咖啡
It's like your go-to drink, naturally light, super refreshing, and you can just grab it and go!
Not only is it one of the best souvenirs from Hsinchu, but it even bagged a One-Star International Superior Taste Award from the International Taste Institute in 2022 (think the Michelin of the food world in Belgium) – pretty impressive!
Well, it's all about sticking to the roots without being stuck in the past. They're into inheriting and embracing the vibes of "Lian," their mom, all while keeping families healthy.
Cheng Yi Lian Functional Beverage: Herbal Tea
Picture this – Salvia miltiorrhiza, Mulberry leaves, White Crane Lingzhi, and Peppermint. This herbal tea is like a boss – sugar-free, using different herbs like a pro to create that perfect golden ratio. The taste is on another level, leaves you with a sweet aftertaste, no weird metal residues, and it's good for all ages – you can trust it.
Cheng Yi Lian Functional Beverage: Sweetened Perilla Water
It's sweet, delightful, perfect for family hangs during celebrations. Heat it up if you want – it won't mess with your vibe. And when you're down with a cold, a sip of this slightly tangy and sweet Perilla water is like a cozy hug for your soul – plus, it helps break that sugary drink habit.
Cheng Yi Lian Functional Beverage: Energy Drink
Imagine this winter exclusive – Eleutherococcus senticosus, Peppermint, White Crane Lingzhi, and Rhodiola. No artificial stuff, no sugar, just a killer aroma, a sweet kick, and goes down smooth – not a hint of bitterness.
Quick note: This story is just me sharing my experience – no crazy healing claims here.