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以下例句取材自紐約時報:https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/27/smarter-living/how-to-be-happy.html?unlocked_article_code=1.ZU0.Jw1o.l1NV7KyMesLt&smid=url-share4 Easy(ish) Steps Toward Happiness You Can Take Today
1. In it you’ll find guidance ranging from tips for conquering negative thinking to assessing the effect of marriage on your happiness.
您將在其中找到各種指南, 其範圍從克服消極思維的技巧到評估婚姻對幸福的影響。
→ 子句模式:
In it you’ll find guidance that ranges from tips for conquering negative thinking to assessing the effect of marriage on your happiness.
In it, you will find guidance that covers a range of topics, from tips on conquering negative thinking to assessing the effect of marriage on your happiness
2. When something bad happens, we tend to overanalyze and have trouble getting our mind off it.
→ 子句模式:
When something bad happens, we tend to overanalyze and have trouble that gets our mind off it
When something bad happens, we tend to overanalyze and have trouble that takes our mind off it.
ChatGPT所寫出來句子不會有母語干擾的情況, 可以視為參考. 一個句子會有很多種寫法, 用分詞, 不定詞, 動名詞等去取代子句, 使文章看起來較為簡潔. 可寫完之後, 讓ChatGPT幫忙確認, 如下:
When something bad happens, we tend to overanalyze and have trouble getting our mind off it. 是否可改寫為When something bad happens, we tend to overanalyze and have trouble that gets our mind off it?
Certainly! Here's a revised version:
"When something bad happens, we tend to overanalyze and have trouble that takes our mind off it."