
含有「子句」共 21 篇內容
名詞子句≒這是/就是 → that, 中文的這是 / 就是   I hope that he knows many people care about him. 情境:少年不識愁滋味的年紀, 總認為別人不懂他, 不了解他. 但我只想讓那個小朋友知道, 很多人關心他.   中文:我希望他知道
I have been hooked on watching YT, which has killed my motivation to learn. 情境:下班一回家, 躺在椅子上, 一開YouTube就停不下來了.  任何事都不想做, 就一直看下去, 其實也不能怪自己, 因為疲累了一天之後,
情境:那天跟一個交貨總是不準時, 而且每次一大堆藉口的廠商又不愉快.  其實全公司只要跟他講過話的人, 都會不愉快. 沒想到第二天老闆開會時, 直接點名我, 不要再讓廠商向他投訴.  但老闆不明講是那家廠商.   中文:我私下問老闆, 是哪一間廠商? 英文:I privately asked
情境:最近天氣涼爽, 工作忙碌, 就覺得天涼好個秋.  沈浸在工作中, 時間就過得很快.   中文:天氣涼爽, 工作忙碌, 讓時間過的飛快. 英文:The weather is cool, and work is very busy, which makes time pass quickly
情境:終於昨天晚上沒有追劇了, 好好的上了一門線上課.  中文:晚上我上了一門ETF的課程, 基本上就是把以前學過的再複習一次. 英文:In the evening, I watched a course about ETF, which was essentially a review of
情境:昨天去圖書館看書, 外出吃完午餐回來, 就看到一群高中生已經擅自移動我的書跟座位, 因為他們三個人想坐在一起, 心裏確實不太高興.   中文:當我回來時, 發現我的書跟座位被一群高中生移動了, 心裏不太高興, 直覺很失禮. 英文:When I returned, I found that
責任不斷增加,因為有幾項產品正從中央倉庫轉移到這裡進行分配  1)    With介系詞片語表達:Responsibilities have been increasing, with several products being relocated from the central ware
1.          Things have been piling up, because many components are being transferred from the mainland factory for production here. 因為多數零件從大陸工廠移轉到
繼續ChatGPT的神造句分析:   Both sides accused one another of foul play after the controversial decision, which was made in the closing minutes of the match.
1.          Each side blamed the other for the collision, which occurred between a Chinese vessel and a Philippine supply ship near the Spratly Island