Polymetal International plc: New Board member

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Polymetal International plc

New Board member

Polymetal International plc (“Polymetal” or the “Company”) announces a new appointment to its Board of Directors.

Omar Mahmood Mohamed Bahram has been appointed to the Board as a Non-Executive Director. The appointment was proposed by the Company’s major shareholder Maaden International Investment and approved by the Board. The Board now consists of seven members, including five independent non-executive directors, a non-executive director and an executive director.

“We welcome Mr Bahram to the Board. His experience in our focus region and support from the major shareholder accompanied by professional background in corporate development represent an excellent fit for the Board profile. We are looking forward to our effective cooperation in reshaping and implementing the Company’s strategy”, said Evgueni Konovalenko, Senior Independent Non-Executive Director.

Omar Bahram

Mr Bahram has over 13 years of experience in M&A, transactions and legal advisory. He currently holds the position of the Chief Executive Officer at UzOman Investment Company – Central Asia focused fund of Oman Investment Authority (“OIA”) managing a diversified portfolio and private equity investments in the region. Prior to this role, Mr Bahram was a legal advisor at OIA leading major international transaction negotiations, closing and targeting exits to achieve the privatisation strategy goals of OIA.

Current directorships:

  • Oman Infrastructure Investment Management, Non-Executive Director since 2019.
  • Majis Industrial Services, Non-Executive Director since 2021.

Past directorships:

  • OQ Gas Networks, Non-Executive Director, 2021 – 2023.

There is no further information required to be disclosed under Rule MDR, appendix 1, section 6.2.5 – 6.2.6 of the AIX Market Disclosure Rules.


Investor Relations


Evgeny Monakhov

+44 20 7887 1475 (UK)


Kirill Kuznetsov

Alikhan Bissengali

+7 7172 47 66 55 (Kazakhstan)


Yerkin Uderbay

+7 7172 47 66 55 (Kazakhstan)





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