美國各地大學校園近期爆發抗議活動,全美已經有超過2000位人士因此被逮捕,本來保持沉默並將尋求連任的拜登總統,終於承受不住壓力,於美國時間五月二日對全國民眾發表談話,試圖以總統的高度為此次危機設下停損點,但真的有效嗎? 讓我們看下去。
原文: The White House資料來源1
The first is the right to free speech and for people to peacefully assemble and make their voices heard. The second is the rule of law. Both must be upheld.
We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent. The American people are heard.
In fact, peaceful protest is in the best tradition of how Americans respond to consequential issues. But — but neither are we a lawless country. We are a civil society, and order must prevail.
Throughout our history, we've often faced moments like this because we are a big, diverse, free-thinking, and freedom-loving nation.
In moments like this, there are always those who rush in to score political points. But this isn't a moment for politics. It's a moment for clarity. So, let me be clear. Peaceful protest in America — violent protest is not protected; peaceful protest is.
It's against the law when violence occurs. Destroying property is not a peaceful protest. It's against the law. Vandalism, trespassing, breaking windows, shutting down campuses, forcing the cancellation of classes and graduations — none of this is a peaceful protest.
Threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest. It's against the law.
Dissent is essential to democracy. But dissent must never lead to disorder or to denying the rights of others so students can finish the semester and their college education.
Look, it's basically a matter of fairness. It's a matter of what's right. There's the right to protest but not the right to cause chaos. People have the right to get an education, the right to get a degree, the right to walk across the campus safely without fear of being attacked.
But let's be clear about this as well. There should be no place on any campus, no place in America for antisemitism or threats of violence against Jewish students. There is no place for hate speech or violence of any kind, whether it's antisemitism, Islamophobia, or discrimination against Arab Americans or Palestinian Americans. It's simply wrong.
There is no place for racism in America. Its all wrong. It's un-American. I understand people have strong feelings and deep convictions. In America, we respect the right and protect the right for them to express that. But it doesn't mean anything goes. It needs to be done without violence, without destruction, without hate, and within the law.
You know, make no mistake: As President, I will always defend free speech. And I will always be just as strong in standing up for the rule of law. That’s my responsibility to you, the American people, and my obligation to the Constitution. Thank you very much.
Q: Mr. President, have the protests forced you to reconsider any of the policies with regard to the region? .
(影片3:20秒處)記者問: 總統,請問校園抗議有迫使您重新思考對這個區域(以色列及中東)的政策嗎?
THE PRESIDENT: No. Thank you.
我們以密西根州2020年總統大選的結果來看,拜登取得2,804,040張(50.6%)選票勝過川普2,649,852張(47.8%),只贏了154,188張選票,差距相當的接近。根據美國全國公共廣播電台NPR 2023年11月報導資料來源3,密西根州有超過20萬的穆斯林選民,想必今年的總統大選對拜登不會太友善,很有可能會輸給川普。
1. Swing State 搖擺州,共和民主兩黨皆有相當的支持度。
2. Electoral Votes 選舉人票,通常選票數贏的那一方可以全拿該州的選舉人票。
1.“Remarks by President Biden on Recent Events on College Campuses” The White House, May 2, 2024, https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/05/02/remarks-by-president-biden-on-recent-events-on-college-campuses/. Press release.
2.Julian Zelizer, “Opinion: Biden has a serious problem with young voters,” CNN, May 3, 2024, https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/03/opinions/biden-campus-protests-losing-young-voters-zelizer.
3.Jeongyoon Han and Don Gonyea, “In Michigan, where every vote counts, Arab Americans are turning away from Biden,” National Public Radio, November 17, 2023, https://www.npr.org/2023/11/17/1213668804/arab-americans-michigan-voters-biden-israel-hamas-palestinians.