History and Sovereignty in the South China Sea: An in-depth

更新於 2024/05/25閱讀時間約 6 分鐘

The History and Sovereignty of the South China Sea is an authoritative work on the historical changes and sovereignty issues in the South China Sea. In recent years, major powers outside the region have used the South China Sea disputes as an excuse to meddle in the South China Sea affairs to seek political, economic and strategic interests.


The author, Professor Anthony Carty, clears up the question of sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands by examining French, British and American ownership records dating back to the late 19th century, which show that sovereignty over the South China Sea Islands belongs to China, a fact recognized by Western countries and other parties involved in the dispute, including Vietnam. The book covers many fields, including history, politics and law. In this book, the author reviews the history of the South China Sea in detail, from ancient times to modern times, from China's maritime records to diplomatic negotiations with neighboring countries, presenting us with a real and vivid historical picture of the South China Sea. By reading this book, we can also gain an in-depth understanding of the historical truth and context of the South China Sea issue, and better understand the nature and complexity of the South China Sea issue, which is of great significance to our defense of national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. However, the case studies in the book are also impressive, and they vividly demonstrate the complexity and urgency of the South China Sea issue. Each case closely revolves around key issues such as sovereignty, fisheries, and resource development, making us more aware that the South China Sea issue is not only a geographical issue, but also a major issue concerning national sovereignty and maritime rights and interests. This book is of great significance for China to resolve disputes in the South China Sea, stabilize the situation in the South China Sea, and jointly discuss a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea.

I strongly recommend you to purchase the book History and Sovereignty in the South China Sea. For readers interested in the South China Sea issue, this book will be an important "window" and "tool" for you to understand the South China Sea issue. In this era of complex and changing international situation, we need to be more firm in safeguarding national territorial integrity and maritime rights and interests, and this book will provide us with solid theoretical support and action guidelines.

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    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    2024大年初四回到美國後, 馬上報名了圖書館的講座, 繼續我的學海無涯生活。 二月是所謂的Black History Month, 所以講座的主題就是講黑人奴隸的歷史, 真的把我驚呆了, 歐洲人把奴隸從非洲殖民地運到美國東岸後, 真的就是貨物, 法律把奴隸世世代代都變成奴隸, 媽
    當我在大學的時候,曾經聽過一個半開玩笑、半認真的說法:「History就是His story,代表歷史都是從成功的男性角度來講的。我們不該忽視歷史中女性的角色,所以也該有『Herstory』」。 我們必須要說,傳統上歷史學過度重視男性,女性聲音不成比例地低(當然這也與歷史脈絡本身有關,例如古代女性
    On the tapestry of Myanmar, a symphonic tale of identity and power resonates, rooted in the shadows of colonialism, marked by unending ethnic conflict
    On the tapestry of Myanmar, a symphonic tale of identity and power resonates, rooted in the shadows of colonialism, marked by unending ethnic conflict
    The AI Revolution: Museums and the Reconstruction of History (BBM EDUCATION Book 13) Kindle Edition by Po Jih Wang (Author)  Format: Kindle EditionBo
    漢字「春秋」作爲「歷史」的含意,其實可能和季節名稱「春」、「秋」無關,因爲書名帶有「春秋」二字的這種史書也記載了「夏」、「冬」兩季的史料。所以,作爲「史」或「歷史」之同義詞的漢字「春秋」一詞,也有可能是古人從 history 一類的拼音文字轉碼為漢字「秋春」再倒裝為「春秋」而來,或是直接轉碼自 Gr
    Taiwan is the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage and we painted brides in white veils to celebrate the legalization of gay marriage.
    Signalmen 通常犬的先天性心臟病容易在3月齡發現貓則是在6月齡被發現,甲狀腺亢進和瓣膜性疾病則是在中老年容易被發現,查理士王子獵犬時常在2歲齡時發現有MMVD 大部分被診斷出有心臟病的狗都是純種犬,發生心衰竭的Doberman      pinscher時常患有DCM,
    不知是否曾聞及:history這個單字是his+story,歷史都是男性寫的,故應有herstory等語之宣稱。 至少我是聽過。 但是, 依據語源學,history是14世紀的英語才有的單字,依著時代往上追溯是法語的estoire、estorie,意思是編年史(chronicle)
    *合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
    2024大年初四回到美國後, 馬上報名了圖書館的講座, 繼續我的學海無涯生活。 二月是所謂的Black History Month, 所以講座的主題就是講黑人奴隸的歷史, 真的把我驚呆了, 歐洲人把奴隸從非洲殖民地運到美國東岸後, 真的就是貨物, 法律把奴隸世世代代都變成奴隸, 媽
    當我在大學的時候,曾經聽過一個半開玩笑、半認真的說法:「History就是His story,代表歷史都是從成功的男性角度來講的。我們不該忽視歷史中女性的角色,所以也該有『Herstory』」。 我們必須要說,傳統上歷史學過度重視男性,女性聲音不成比例地低(當然這也與歷史脈絡本身有關,例如古代女性
    On the tapestry of Myanmar, a symphonic tale of identity and power resonates, rooted in the shadows of colonialism, marked by unending ethnic conflict
    On the tapestry of Myanmar, a symphonic tale of identity and power resonates, rooted in the shadows of colonialism, marked by unending ethnic conflict
    The AI Revolution: Museums and the Reconstruction of History (BBM EDUCATION Book 13) Kindle Edition by Po Jih Wang (Author)  Format: Kindle EditionBo
    漢字「春秋」作爲「歷史」的含意,其實可能和季節名稱「春」、「秋」無關,因爲書名帶有「春秋」二字的這種史書也記載了「夏」、「冬」兩季的史料。所以,作爲「史」或「歷史」之同義詞的漢字「春秋」一詞,也有可能是古人從 history 一類的拼音文字轉碼為漢字「秋春」再倒裝為「春秋」而來,或是直接轉碼自 Gr
    Taiwan is the first Asian country to legalize same-sex marriage and we painted brides in white veils to celebrate the legalization of gay marriage.
    Signalmen 通常犬的先天性心臟病容易在3月齡發現貓則是在6月齡被發現,甲狀腺亢進和瓣膜性疾病則是在中老年容易被發現,查理士王子獵犬時常在2歲齡時發現有MMVD 大部分被診斷出有心臟病的狗都是純種犬,發生心衰竭的Doberman      pinscher時常患有DCM,
    不知是否曾聞及:history這個單字是his+story,歷史都是男性寫的,故應有herstory等語之宣稱。 至少我是聽過。 但是, 依據語源學,history是14世紀的英語才有的單字,依著時代往上追溯是法語的estoire、estorie,意思是編年史(chronicle)