Music in My Life

更新於 2024/06/08閱讀時間約 18 分鐘

      As a lucky girl, I have no trouble listening to sounds happening around me. Therefore, I'm able to enjoy sound and music in my life including singers' voices, movie soundtracks, laughs, cries, and so on. From my viewpoint, music is made up of melodies, which can express one's feelings, emotions, attitudes, and opinions. Despite not being capable of composing, I do have various memories and experiences relevant to music since it is indispensable for people all around the world. Hence, I want to share the stories of how music affects me.

      First of all, I was a member of the school chorus from the third grade to the tenth grade, which means I have had some experiences with singing contests. During these years, I sang lots of songs in various languages including English, Chinese, Taiwanese, Magyar, and Latin, bringing me not only a sense of enjoyment but also a sense of achievement. If you ask me what's your most memorable part in the chorus life, I will definitely say it was the days when I was in the sixth grade.

      I deeply remember that the song, 幸運草, was the first time we sang a Chinese song as our free piece after I had participated in the school chorus. That was the last time that I could represent my elementary school to win first place and go to take part in the national music contest the next year. As a sixth grade student, I was deemed to be an indispensable member in the chorus. And that day, October 19, we tried our best and did it. We won first place in our area, and qualified to compete on the national stage.

      The reason why I treasure that period is not only that we finally had the opportunity to sing in the national contest. It's because there's another story during the preparation of the national chorus contest. The date we had to go to Taichung to participate in the contest was also the date I had the entrance exam of junior high. However, our chorus didn't have enough members since the people we had were already less than other choruses, and it seemed that we couldn't afford any other absence if we wanted to sing and win. The contest was in the afternoon, so the last practice and adjustment would be in the morning, when I had exams. What should I do? I mean the only approach to coping with the problem was that as soon as I finished my exams, I rushed to Taichung to take part in the contest. Even though I would not have enough time to warm up my voice completely, I still had to be there with my partners and sing our best. To my regret, we only got fourth place in the end, but it really left a memorable mark in my chorus life as I tried very hard in it. And I have to say, it was because of the experiences left during the elementary chorus that I decided to continue being in the chorus in junior and senior high and love to sing till now.

      Besides, I remember that I was afraid of watching the Harry Potter movie series before I opened the novels out of curiosity. It sounds weird, for I'm in the course related to Harry Potter, but seeing Voldemort's face on Quirrel's back head all of a sudden really shocked a seven-year-old girl. However, as I read the books, I started enjoying the world that J.K. Rowling had created. Since then, I have become a fan of the Harry Potter series, the actress Emma Watson, who has played Hermione in particular.

      After that, I often pay attention to any information about Harry Potter including co-branding clothes, events, and releases of books and TV series and share them with my family members and friends. Therefore, as soon as I knew that there would be an event called "'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' part 1 in concert", I was so excited and invited my brother to go with me. It was an orchestra performance, so I considered it to be a concert with only the orchestra playing the soundtracks in the movie.  To my surprise, it was much more interesting.

      In effect, the way this event was organized was to play the whole movie with the orchestra playing their instruments beneath the film. Thus, as the movie started, the orchestra played at the same time, which surprised me very much. I mean since I had no idea that I could watch the movie, no wonder it has become an impressive memory about music for me. My brother especially laughed at me after the movie, saying that of course there would be the film with an orchestra playing… And that's the only movie that I go watch at the National Concert Hall. Although the rest of the Harry Potter series and other movies also have the same performances there, in view of the price and time, I will not go again. However, with the summer vacation coming around, maybe it's time to have a feast for the eyes and ears.

      Last but not least, I learned to play the piano and the violin when I was five, and kept practicing and learning them until I was twelve and eleven years old respectively. I once considered that I would not learn any other musical instruments at all because it seemed like I didn't have as much time as a child to practice and spend on them. Particularly, I studied at the junior and senior high schools that cared a lot about students' grades, so it's a little bit hard to keep learning piano or violin as they are not necessary at that stage.

      However, last year, when I was preparing to apply to the university, I felt a touch of boredom sitting in the classroom and preparing not only for the files about the interview but also for the exams in summer if I failed to get into the university from the interview. I suddenly came up with an idea: why not learn to play the guzheng? My teacher at the kindergarten had knowledge of guzheng, but this fact didn't intrigue me then. When I was in elementary school or junior high, I wanted to learn to play the guzheng because I saw the animation, but I just said it and did nothing. So even I myself don't know why I had an impulse to play the guzheng last year, especially since I had no experience with it.

      I really did it, though. Went to a music classroom and learned a new way of playing the instrument. Before I started to learn to play the guzheng, I found that it would be my first time to have access to traditional instruments, to some degree, broadening my horizons. Overall, I've kept practicing and learning for a year already, and this year, I will have a performance aiming to introduce Chinese traditional music to more people, which brings a sense of achievement to me as I learn it. As for me, it was the time that I was on the verge of graduation that I had the courage to do something new and had available time to support my plan. Given the timing, location and harmony, I got excitement and various experiences during the past year. And I can say undoubtedly that thanks to myself, I gave myself a shot to learn how to play the guzheng, acted upon it as a starting point, and tried other novel things after that, making my life far more interesting.

      As I've mentioned above, music plays a main role in everyone's life, always brings profound effects on us, and brightens our world. At least, I'm one example that understands how music works in our daily lives. In addition to my own voice, hands, and ears, there are still all sorts of ways that I can experience the beauty of music. It may not change or twist my life, but knowing that music may leave some memorable, cherished pieces when I'm alive, it appears that it's the reason why we need music with us. 

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*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
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[ Music in my life ]是我心中永不褪色的專題。 無論哪個時期,總有一首首歌曲陪伴著我,想藉由此專題分享我的故事同時介紹歌曲。 在每一段時期中,我都擁有為數不少的歌曲陪伴,有些能宣洩我的悲傷、慶祝我的快樂,還有些能深刻理解我的想法 讓我成為今天江湖中的“人體點歌機”.......
      I’ll look from a few different perspectives, as a musician, a program producer, and a consumer.        As a musician, I don’t think our basic mu
*合作聲明與警語: 本文係由國泰世華銀行邀稿。 證券服務係由國泰世華銀行辦理共同行銷證券經紀開戶業務,定期定額(股)服務由國泰綜合證券提供。   剛出社會的時候,很常在各種 Podcast 或 YouTube 甚至是在朋友間聊天,都會聽到各種市場動態、理財話題,像是:聯準會降息或是近期哪些科
五福再創歷史新高…… 關於五福,或許放開一點道德標準,他可以再渣一點,你可以不愛他,卻當他是個朋友:「相互輕蔑卻又彼此來往,並一起自我作賤 — 這就是世上所謂『朋友』的真面目」 Giro,還想有第三次,誰在意多幾次高潮呢~呃,高潮迭煙火秀… 多年後,或許你會想起阿福,或許你忘了他,就像人海茫茫
他們是「傷心酒店」,咱們是「傷心的人別聽慢歌」 福無雙至~今日至;禍不單行~昨日行 今日都漲停,諸位還要在乎換不換嗎? ♡〈焦點股〉廣達證實接獲輝達AI晶片大單 股價喜亮漲停紅燈 ~訂單最大的果然是廣達… ♡大陸宣布:將採取積極措施推動「包括旅遊」的兩岸交流 ~習大大真想當皇帝,因為君無戲言…
Music !「馬德里不思議」/「日不落」 BY 蔡依林 呃,你要咱承認學生時代,到處追著她到各校園比賽嗎?~啥,當然否認,那個蔡依林只有B罩杯,真的確定不是她,晃動程度差太多…… 羨慕嗎?以前都是這麼靠近聽她唱歌,呃,前女友也是同期參賽者,GIRO,犯規,好痛,嗚嗚嗚,十幾年前的事耶……
伍佰 嘉義鄉下人,在學期間因為五科都考一百分,所以同學叫他伍佰,嘉義  高中畢業,能上嘉中代表學業成績還不錯,後因參加社團玩音樂,  導致聯考失利而未上大學,未出道時擺過地攤、做過舞廳小弟、保  險員、樂器行工作,之後因為駐唱而被發掘,出國28張專輯,也幫  過很多藝人如劉德華、張學友、王
泰勒絲:時代巡迴演唱會電影《Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour》| 買不到Taylor Swift演唱會門票? 那腦粉樹懶就看爆她的演唱會電影| 分享兩次進影聽的觀影體驗,一次威秀泰坦廳,一次一般廳。 樹懶 X Taylor Swift,Never go out of style
[ Music in my life ]是我心中永不褪色的專題。 無論哪個時期,總有一首首歌曲陪伴著我,想藉由此專題分享我的故事同時介紹歌曲。 在每一段時期中,我都擁有為數不少的歌曲陪伴,有些能宣洩我的悲傷、慶祝我的快樂,還有些能深刻理解我的想法 讓我成為今天江湖中的“人體點歌機”.......
      I’ll look from a few different perspectives, as a musician, a program producer, and a consumer.        As a musician, I don’t think our basic mu