每日英語 #122: Women’s Toiletries 盥洗用品

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Women’s Toiletries

Women often pack many “toiletries” (things that are used for cleaning oneself and/or making oneself more beautiful) when they travel. The ones “mentioned” (discussed; talked about) in today’s script are “just the beginning” (only a start; not a detailed list that includes everything).


Most women use “deodorant” (a substance placed under one’s arms to prevent or cover bad smells) and/or “antiperspirant” (a substance placed under one’s arms to prevent or reduce sweat). Many women also use “talcum powder,” which is a white powder that smells nice and is put on one’s skin after bathing to “absorb” (soak up) any “moisture” (liquid).


For the shower, women might pack “body wash” (liquid soap for the body) or an “exfoliating scrub” (a cream with many small, hard pieces that is rubbed against the skin to remove dead skin cells). A “toiletries kit” (a bag for holding toiletries) might also have a “razor” (a small tool with a plastic handle at one end and sharp metal blades at the other end, used to remove hair) and “shaving cream” (a foam used to soften hair and skin) so that the woman can shave her legs and “armpits” (the small area under one’s arm).


Other common “cosmetics” (make-up) include “eye creams” (creams placed around one’s eyes to avoid wrinkles) and “sunscreen” (a cream used to provide protection from sun damage). Many women also pack an “eyelash curler” (a small, metal tool used to curl one’s eyelashes upward), “lip balm” (a clear substance applied to one’s lips to protect them and keep them moist), and “lip gloss” (a clear or slightly colored substance applied to one’s lips to make them shiny).



  • 1. Toiletries [ˈtɔɪlɪtriz] - 盥洗用品
  • 2. Mentioned [ˈmɛnʃənd] - 提到的
  • 3. Deodorant [diˈoʊdərənt] - 除臭劑
  • 4. Antiperspirant [ˌæntiˈpɜːrspərənt] - 止汗劑
  • 5. Talcum powder [ˈtælkəm ˈpaʊdər] - 爽身粉
  • 6. Absorb [əbˈzɔːrb] - 吸收
  • 7. Moisture [ˈmɔɪstʃər] - 濕氣
  • 8. Body wash [ˈbɑːdi wɑːʃ] - 沐浴露
  • 9. Exfoliating scrub [ɛksˈfoʊlieɪtɪŋ skrʌb] - 去角質磨砂膏
  • 10. Razor [ˈreɪzər] - 剃刀
  • 11. Shaving cream [ˈʃeɪvɪŋ krim] - 剃須膏
  • 12. Armpits [ˈɑːrmpɪts] - 腋下
  • 13. Cosmeti
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