每日英語 #077: Surplus Store Shopping 剩餘物品商店

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Every government or large organization buys a lot of “supplies,” things they need for daily “operations” (running of a business or organization) or special purposes. Normally, they order these items “in bulk” (large quantities; large numbers). It is usually cheaper to buy supplies this way and the government can often “negotiate” (ask for) a better price “per” (for each) item when buying in bulk.


What happens when the government or large organizations buy too much or too many of something, or if things change and there’s no need for those supplies anymore?


In the United States, you can find some of these items in surplus stores. When you have a “surplus,” you have too much or too many of something. For example, young children sometimes can have surplus energy if they don’t have enough physical activity.


When the government or a large organization has a surplus, it sells those items to “surplus stores,” which “in turn” (then; afterwards), sell them to customers who visit their stores. Some surplus stores specialize in “military” (part of the government that deals with the country’s security, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, and the Marines) items. Other surplus stores buy anything that the government or other large organizations sells them. Sometimes you can find the strangest and most “curious” (unusual) things in a surplus store.



  • Supplies 供應品 /səˈplaɪz/
  • Operations 運作 /ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənz/
  • In bulk 批量 /ɪn bʌlk/
  • Negotiate 談判 /nɪˈɡoʊʃieɪt/
  • Per 每 /pər/
  • Surplus 剩餘 /ˈsɜːrpləs/
  • In turn 隨後 /ɪn tɜːrn/
  • Military 軍用 /ˈmɪlɪˌtɛri/
  • Curious 好奇 /ˈkjʊriəs/
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