每日英語 #123: Old Music in New Packages

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Old Music in New Packages

There have been many reports in the past 10 years that the music industry is losing money because people aren’t buying CDs anymore. Instead, people are downloading music, and many do it through “file-sharing” (moving files from computer to computer through the Internet), so that the music companies and the “artists” (singers; musicians) don’t get paid.


One way that the music industry is trying to “make up for” (compensate for; correct; fix) this lost income is by repackaging people’s favorite artists, putting together songs and adding material in a new way. They are counting on “diehard fans” (people who love something very, very much) to want everything, or at least something special, that is released for their favorite artist.


Many of these new packages are “anniversary editions,” perhaps 10, 25, or 50 years after the album/CD was first released or since the birth or death of an artist. What do these “reissues” (re-releases) include?


Some very old recordings that came out in “vinyl” (flat, round disks played on a record player) are “re-mastered,” using today’s technology to improve the “audio” (sound) quality. Other reissues have “extras,” such as never-before-heard versions of songs, “commentary” (spoken comments) by the artist or people involved in making the music, and “remixes,” which are new versions of songs created electronically, often by changing the “tempo” (speed) or by putting them in a different order or adding parts to the songs.


Some reissues even include DVDs of “live” (in front of an audience) performances or interviews.


These reissues and repackaged music can sell for a lot of money. But for diehard fans, it is a small price to pay to own something “new” from their favorite artists.



  • 1. File-sharing [ˈfaɪl ˌʃɛrɪŋ] - 檔案分享
  • 2. Artist [ˈɑːrtɪst] - 藝術家
  • 3. Make up for [meɪk ʌp fɔːr] - 彌補
  • 4. Diehard fan [ˈdaɪhɑːrd fæn] - 死忠粉絲
  • 5. Anniversary edition [ˌænɪˈvɜːrsəri ɪˈdɪʃən] - 紀念版
  • 6. Reissue [ˌriːˈɪʃuː] - 重新發行
  • 7. Vinyl [ˈvaɪnəl] - 黑膠唱片
  • 8. Remastered [ˌriːˈmæstərd] - 重新混音
  • 9. Audio [ˈɔːdiˌoʊ] - 音效
  • 10. Commentary [ˈkɑːmənˌtɛri] - 評論
  • 11. Remix [ˈriːmɪks] - 混音
  • 12. Tempo [ˈtɛmpoʊ] - 節奏
  • 13. Live [laɪv] - 現場
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