每日英語 #137: New Ways of Sharing

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New Ways of Sharing

The expression “to share and share alike” is used when encouraging someone, often a child, to share what they have with others. For instance, if a child has a lot of candy, a parent might say, “share and share alike,” meaning they should give some candy to their friends.


With the rise of the Internet, “share” now refers to telling others about a website. You can share things via email or through social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. “To follow” used to mean walking behind someone or imitating them, but on Twitter, it means you will receive “tweets” (short 140-character messages) from people you’re following.

隨著互聯網的發展,「分享」現在還可以指告訴別人一個網站。你可以通過電子郵件或使用許多社交媒體網站,如 Facebook 和 Twitter 來分享。以前,「追隨」指的是跟在某人後面或模仿某人的行為,但在 Twitter 上,它意味著你將收到來自你追隨的人的「推文」(簡短的140字消息)。

Recently, Facebook has gained popularity. Common verbs associated with Facebook are “to like” and “to friend.” Companies, websites, and groups have Facebook pages that fans can “like.” To “like” something on Facebook is similar to “following” someone on Twitter – you will see that page’s messages on your own Facebook feed. If you have a personal account, you can “friend” people, which allows you to see their pages and get their “updates” (new messages).

最近,Facebook 變得非常受歡迎。與 Facebook 相關的常用動詞有「讚」和「加朋友」。公司、網站和群組的粉絲頁可以被「讚」。在 Facebook 上點讚類似於在 Twitter 上「追隨」某人——你將在自己的 Facebook 頁面上收到該頁面的消息。如果你有個人帳號,你也可以「加朋友」,這意味著你可以查看他們的頁面,並會收到他們的「更新」(新消息)。


  • 1. Share - 分享 / [ʃɛr]
  • 2. Follow - 追隨 / [ˈfɑːloʊ]
  • 3. Friend - 加朋友 / [frɛnd]
  • 4. Update - 更新 / [ˈʌpdeɪt]
  • 5. Tweet - 推文 / [twiːt]
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