She remember watching Star Trek VIII: First Contact when Zefram Cochrane made the first warp flight and encountered the Vulcans—humanity's first contact with them. When the Vulcans greeted Cochrane with the Vulcan salute, he couldn’t return the gesture, so he resorted to a human handshake instead.
Honestly though, compared to Star Trek, She’s actually more familiar with Star Wars.
當初看到在《星艦迷航記VIII:第一類接觸》中,當Zefram Cochrane第一次進行曲速航行時遇到了瓦肯人,這也是人類首次接觸瓦肯人。但當瓦肯人以瓦肯舉手禮向Cochrane問好時,Cochrane卻無法做出相同的動作,只好使用人類的問好方式握手。
比起STAR TREK,其實領航員更熟悉的是STAR WARS。
1006 領航員的TREK