"Do you have any local specialty cocktails?" That's a question we often hear from customers while helping out at the bar. It's usually asked by those who have just arrived on the island, their skin still untouched by the sun's warm embrace.
2小把 鮮摘薄荷
½ 檸檬
1茶匙 椰糖
1½ 盎司 白色蘭姆酒
1盎司 椰子水
1. 先保留幾片漂亮的薄荷擦乾待用,把其他薄荷放入玻璃杯中,加入去籽檸檬切塊和椰糖搗碎溶化。
2. 加入適量碎冰塊、萊姆酒與椰子水,充分攪拌至酒杯表面結霜為止。
3. 裝飾薄荷葉即可。
1004 她的EXOTIC