Goodbye, John

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龍騰B1L2 克漏字練習

Dear John,

It is not easy to tell you this, but I still need to say it. I’m leaving you. Our relationship has been mostly __(1)__, but I’m afraid it’s over.

Leaving you really __(2)__ my heart because we__(3)__ some great times together. When you’re around, I am never bored. There is always something __(4)__ You inspire me to connect __(5) others and to communicate better. I can ask you anything, and you will probably help me __(6)__ the answer. You’ve introduced me to so much—new music, new games, new knowledge, new friends, and more.

In fact, things have been totally different __(7)__ you came into my life. When I wake up, you are there to go through my friends’ updates on Facebook and Instagram with me. __(8)__, I check my LINE app again and again throughout the day. And when it doesn’t show any new messages, I still __(9)__  the screen, just in case I miss something. All this might __(10)__ romantic, but it is difficult for me to focus on school, and my grades are __(11)__worse!

In addition, __(12)__ you around is really hurting my relationships with my friends and family. When my friends and I hang out, I __(13)__ you for Instagram updates and ignore everyone else. My friends try to talk to me, but I don’t even reply because I am too busy __(14)__ attention to you. I’m worried that they are going to stop __(15)__ me out! I can’t deny that you are always __(16)__  my side, and I love it when we play games or respond to messages together. But doing this late __(17)__ the night means I seldom speak to my family! That’s really not a good way __(18)__ build a relationship with anybody, and my parents are both angry and disappointed with me.

Please don’t take any of this personally. You’re __(19)__ wonderful, and I’ll miss you terribly. But right now, I really need to focus on my studies, __(20)__ more time __(20)__ my friends, and become a real part of my family again.

I hope you understand. For the last time, goodbye....

Best wishes,


  1. (A)satisfying (B) satisfied (C) satisfaction (D)  satisfy
  2. (A) break  (B) broke (C) breaking (D) breaks
  3. (A) have  (B) are having (C) have had (D)  had
  4. (A) doing  (B) to do  (C) that to do (D)  that do 
  5. (A) on (B) by (C) to (D) with
  6. (A) finding (B) to finding (C) found (D) find
  7. (A) since (B) if  (C) unless (D) although
  8. (A) Instead  (B) Therefore (C) However (D) Moreover
  9. (A) reply (B) refresh (C) reflect  (D) remind
  10. (A)  bring (B) allow (C) sound (D) hear
  11. (A) getting  (B) making (C) having  (D) letting 
  12. (A) had (B) to have (C) having (D) have
  13. (A) let down  (B) turn to (C) make sure  (D) dress up 
  14. (A) paying (B)  to pay (C) pay (D) paid 
  15. (A) invite (B) having invited (C) to inviting  (D) inviting
  16. (A) on (B) by  (C) to  (D) with
  17. (A) to  (B) into (C) for  (D) until
  18. (A) to (B) at  (C) on  (D) at
  19. (A) mostly (B) naturally (C) truly (D) personally
  20. (A) take; on  (B) take; from (C) spend; for (D) spend;with



6-10 DADBC

11-15 ACBAD

16-20 BBACD


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