每日英語 #160: Help for the Romantically Clueless 為浪漫無能者提供幫助

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Help for the Romantically Clueless 為浪漫無能者提供幫助

To be “clueless” means to be lost or confused, or to not realize something that everyone else around you can clearly see. Many people are romantically clueless. They aren’t very good at attracting a “potential” (possible) romantic partner.


Now there is hope for these “poor folks” (unfortunate people): a few new companies will, “for a price” (if you pay them), give you advice on what to say and do with the man or woman you are interested in dating.


“To flirt” is to talk and act in a certain way in order to let someone else know that you are romantically interested in them. These “dating coaches” give you personal advice on what to wear, where to go, and what to say to that beautiful girl or handsome boy sitting at the cafe.


For a fee per month, you get “unlimited” (as much as you want) advice by email. The best part of the service, however, may be the ability to “hire” (employ) a wing woman.


A “wing woman” is a female “friend” (in this case, the woman you pay) who goes with the male customer to a bar. She doesn’t flirt with you, however, and she’s not your “date” (romantic partner for the evening). Instead, she talks to the beautiful women who may be interested in you, telling them what a nice guy you are and that you want to meet them. She helps the man connect to the women he wants to meet.


There is a similar term, wingman, but this is typically used to describe a man who goes with his male friend to a bar. The wingman and you walk up to two women, and he (the wingman) starts talking and flirting with the girl you are not interested in, leaving you free to focus on the woman you are attracted to.



  • 1. clueless /ˈkluːləs/ 無能的,迷茫的
  • 2. potential /pəˈtɛnʃəl/ 潛在的
  • 3. poor folks /pʊr foʊks/ 可憐的人,不幸的人
  • 4. for a price /fɔːr ə praɪs/ 收取費用
  • 5. to flirt /tə flɜrt/ 調情
  • 6. dating coach /ˈdeɪtɪŋ koʊtʃ/ 約會教練
  • 7. wing woman /wɪŋ ˈwʊmən/ 僚機女
  • 8. date /deɪt/ 約會對象
  • 9. wingman /ˈwɪŋmæn/ 僚機男
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