每日英語 #157: Carmageddon 車禍末日

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Carmageddon 車禍末日

A “neologism” is a newly created word that has not yet been widely accepted or used, a word not found in a dictionary. Neologisms are often the result of some new event or activity, and sometimes are formed by changing or combining existing words.

“新詞” 是指新創造的單詞,尚未被廣泛接受或使用,並且在字典中找不到。新詞通常是由某些新事件或活動引起的,有時是通過改變或組合現有單詞來形成的。

For example, the word “Armageddon” refers to the end of the world, as some people think is “depicted” (shown; described) in the last book of the Christian Bible. The term is more generally used now to mean a terrible disaster, bigger than anything previously seen.

例如,“末日之戰” 這個詞指的是世界末日,有些人認為這是基督教《聖經》最後一本書中所“描繪”的(展示;描述)。這個詞現在更廣泛地用來指代比以往任何災難都更嚴重的災難。

That brings us to the neologism “Carmageddon,” a combination of the words “car” and “Armageddon.” So what is the Carmageddon? The term was used to describe something that happened in Los Angeles on July 16 and 17, 2011, when a 10-mile “stretch” (section of a road or highway) of one of the “major” (most important; busiest) freeways – Interstate 405 – was completely closed for more than two days for “construction” (building).


Some experts predicted that this would be a big disaster, with people unable to move or travel “due to” (because of) all of the “traffic” (cars) that would be “diverted” (moved) to other streets and freeways. People expected large “traffic jams” (where cars are stopped or are moving very slowly) on all of the streets and roads. The 405 Freeway in Los Angeles “carries” (has on it) more than 280,000 cars per day.


It is important to understand that closing a freeway in Los Angeles is unlike a similar event in most other cities. Los Angeles has a “car culture,” where owning and driving a car is considered “essential” (necessary) for most people. Los Angeles does not have a good public system of transportation like other big cities in the U.S., such as New York or Chicago, so almost everyone drives.


People were told to stay home that weekend, not to try to drive anywhere unless it was an emergency. The warnings must have worked, because despite all of the predictions, there were no major problems. Perhaps because everyone expected major traffic jams, they stayed away from the 405 Freeway.


Although Carmageddon did not turn out to be a big disaster, the term will always be associated with major traffic problems.



  • 1. neologism /niˈɒlədʒɪzəm/ 新詞
  • 2. depicted /dɪˈpɪktɪd/ 描繪的
  • 3. stretch /strɛtʃ/ 路段
  • 4. major /ˈmeɪdʒər/ 主要的
  • 5. construction /kənˈstrʌkʃən/ 施工
  • 6. due to /djuː tuː/ 由於
  • 7. traffic /ˈtræfɪk/ 車流
  • 8. diverted /daɪˈvɜːrtɪd/ 分流的
  • 9. traffic jam /ˈtræfɪk dʒæm/ 交通堵塞
  • 10. carries /ˈkæriz/ 承載
  • 11. car culture /kɑːr ˈkʌltʃər/ 汽車文化
  • 12. essential /ɪˈsɛnʃəl/ 必需的
  • 13. public transportation /ˈpʌblɪk ˌtrænspɔːrˈteɪʃən/ 公共交通
  • 14. emergency /ɪˈmɜːrdʒənsi/ 緊急情況
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