每日英語 #158: Pop-up Stores 快閃店

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Pop-up Stores 快閃店

When the economy is bad for the average business, it can mean opportunities for a small number of other ones. “Such is the case” (that is the case; that is the situation) for “commercial property owners” (those who own buildings that are rented to businesses) in some “recessions” (bad economic times). Many shopping centers have empty spaces because so many stores have “gone out of business” (closed down).


Property owners are therefore looking for ways to make money, and have discovered that they can rent these spaces for short periods of time to seasonal business. A “seasonal business” is one that can only survive certain times during the year.

因此,房地產業主在尋找賺錢的方法,並發現他們可以將這些空間短期租給“季節性業務”。“季節性業務” 是指那些只能在一年中的特定時期生存的業務。

For example, October 31st each year is Halloween in the United States. Many parents want to buy “costumes” (clothes worn by actors or children pretending to be someone else) for their children. Stores can only really sell these costumes during the few weeks before Halloween; afterwards, no one will want to buy them until next year.


Selling Halloween costumes is therefore called a seasonal business, because a costume store would want to rent a “retail” (shop) space at a “mall” (a place with many stores) only for a short amount of time.


These short-term stores are now being called “pop-up stores.” “To pop up” means to appear suddenly. Many holiday stores, mostly for Christmas and Hanukkah in December, are now “popping up” at mall stores that were empty a few months ago, and that will be empty again in January, when the pop-up stores close.

這些短期商店現在被稱為“快閃店”。“To pop up” 的意思是突然出現。許多節日商店,主要是為了12月的聖誕節和光明節,現在在幾個月前還空著的購物中心商店“湧現”出來,而到一月當快閃店關閉時,它們又會再次空置。

One of the most popular pop-up stores this fall is Toys “R” Us, a large company that sells toys and games for children.


It isn’t clear if these pop-up stores will continue to exist after the U.S. economy “recovers” (gets better, healthier), since retail mall owners prefer that their “tenants” (people or companies renting from them) have “leases” (contracts agreeing to rent a space) longer than just a month or two.



  • 1. commercial property owners /kəˈmɜːrʃəl ˈprɑːpərti ˈoʊnərz/ 商業房地產業主
  • 2. recession /rɪˈsɛʃən/ 經濟衰退
  • 3. gone out of business /ɡɔːn aʊt ʌv ˈbɪznɪs/ 倒閉
  • 4. seasonal business /ˈsiːzənəl ˈbɪznɪs/ 季節性業務
  • 5. costumes /ˈkɑːstjuːmz/ 服裝
  • 6. retail /ˈriːteɪl/ 零售
  • 7. mall /mɔːl/ 購物中心
  • 8. pop-up store /pɒp ʌp stɔːr/ 快閃店
  • 9. to pop up /tuː pɒp ʌp/ 突然出現
  • 10. recovers /rɪˈkʌvərz/ 恢復
  • 11. tenants /ˈtɛnənts/ 租戶
  • 12. leases /liːsɪz/ 租約
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2025 年,從分享精彩的 #Myvocus2024 年度回顧開始! #Myvocus2024 年度回顧通知已送達 vocus 的 2024 有超過 12 萬筆訂單、35 萬則以上的內容、16 萬以上的新會員、4 千+ 筆數位商品訂單,5 萬 + 則貼文! 曬曬你的 2024 vocus 吧!
嘿,大家新年快樂~ 新年大家都在做什麼呢? 跨年夜的我趕工製作某個外包設計案,在工作告一段落時趕上倒數。 然後和兩個小孩過了一個忙亂的元旦。在深夜時刻,看到朋友傳來的解籤網站,興致勃勃熬夜體驗了一下,覺得非常好玩,或許有人玩過了,但還是想寫上來分享紀錄一下~