美國牧師對世界末日的預言和解讀 American Pastors' Predictions and ...

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American Pastors' Predictions and Interpretations of the End Times


Here are the perspectives of a few pastors:

路易·吉格里奧(Louie Giglio)牧師的觀察

Observations by Pastor Louie Giglio


Baptist Evangelical Pastor Louie Giglio, while interpreting Matthew 24, proposed seven observations about the end times to remind Christians to prepare for Jesus' return:

  1. 保持警惕,但不驚慌:雖然會聽到戰爭和戰爭的風聲,但這些事是必須有的,末期還未到。 Be vigilant but not alarmed: Although you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, these things must happen, but the end is not yet.
  2. 防止被迷惑:許多人會冒耶穌的名來迷惑人,基督徒應專注於耶穌和聖經的教導。 Avoid deception: Many will come in Jesus' name to deceive others. Christians should focus on Jesus and the teachings of the Bible.
  3. 隨時準備:每天過著期待基督再來的生活,立即行動傳福音,不要拖延。 Be always ready: Live each day in anticipation of Christ's return, act immediately to spread the Gospel, and do not delay.
  4. 完成大使命:向所有人宣講福音,這是基督再來的關鍵。 Fulfill the Great Commission: Preaching the Gospel to all is a key to Christ's return.
  5. 忍受逼迫:基督徒將面臨逼迫,但堅忍到底的必然得救。 Endure persecution: Christians will face persecution, but those who endure to the end will be saved.
  6. 愛心冷淡:由於不法的事增多,許多人的愛心會冷淡,但要堅持愛心。 Overcome cold-heartedness: As lawlessness increases, the love of many will grow cold, but Christians must persist in love.
  7. 福音傳遍天下:當福音傳遍天下,對萬民作見證,末期才會來到。 Spread the Gospel globally: The end will come when the Gospel has been preached to the whole world as a testimony to all nations.

布蘭登·比格斯(Brandon Biggs)牧師的預言

Prophecy by Pastor Brandon Biggs


In March 2024, Pastor Brandon Biggs predicted an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, detailing a bullet grazing his right ear. The prophecy partially came true in July, garnering widespread attention. Additionally, he prophesied that human history is nearing its end, urging people to repent and turn to God for salvation before the end arrives.

格雷格·勞里(Greg Laurie)牧師的觀點

Perspectives by Pastor Greg Laurie


Greg Laurie, Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship in California, mentioned in an October 2023 sermon that Hamas' attack on Israel might be the beginning of a series of events fulfilling biblical end-times prophecy. He emphasized Jerusalem's key role in end-times events and highlighted the regathering of the nation of Israel as a "super sign" of the end times.

大衛·耶利米(David Jeremiah)牧師的提醒

Reminder by Pastor David Jeremiah


After the Hamas attack on Israel, Pastor David Jeremiah urged Christians to prepare for Christ's return, emphasizing that these turbulent events were prophesied in the Bible. He called on believers to stay rooted in Scripture and remain vigilant during these times of unrest.


General Views of American Pastors on the End Times

根據生命之道(LifeWay Research)的一項調查,約80%的美國牧師認為,雖然基督再來的時間表不明確,但應加速傳福音的步伐。約12%的受訪者相信地緣政治變化加劇了耶穌再來,應驗了聖經預言。

According to a LifeWay Research survey, about 80% of American pastors believe that while the timing of Christ's return is uncertain, the pace of evangelism should accelerate. About 12% of respondents believe that geopolitical changes have intensified, fulfilling biblical prophecies about Jesus' return.




Many American pastors have offered their interpretations and prophecies about the end times based on biblical scriptures and current events, emphasizing the importance of vigilance, evangelism, and repentance.

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