【英國Gín-á古】金鼻薰Kheh-á上集︱The Golden Snuff-Box Part 1

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Once upon a time, and a very good time too, though it was not in my time, nor your time, nor for the matter of that in any one's time, there lived a man and a woman who had one son called Jack, and he was just terribly fond of reading books. He read, and he read, and then, because his parents lived in a lonely house in a lonely forest and he never saw any other folk but his father and his mother, he became quite crazy to go out into the world and see charming princesses and the like.


眞久真久進前,有1 ê真好ê時代,sui-bóng講he m̄是我ê時代,mā m̄是你ê時代,凡勢beh認真ka計較,he mā無算是任何人ê時代。Tī hit時,有1對ang-á-bó͘,in有1 ê hāu生,名號做Jia̍k。Jia̍k真愛看冊,伊tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ看,時常看,不時to̍h leh看。因為in爸母to tòa tī稀微ê深山林內koh內底á內底ê 1間孤間厝,伊m̄-bat見過爸母以外ê任何人。Só͘-pái,伊變kah足期待去外口ê花花世界行行看看--leh,去看迷人ê公主,a̍h是講親像chit款ê tāi-chì。 

Kim-phīⁿ-hun Kheh-á

Chin-kú chin-kú chìn-chêng, ū 1 ê chin-hó ê sî-tāi, sui-bóng kóng he m̄-sī góa ê sî-tāi, mā m̄-sī lí ê sî-tāi, hoān-sè beh jīn-chin ka kè-kàu, he mā bô sǹg-sī jīm-hô-lâng ê sî-tāi. Tī hit-sî, ū 1 tùi ang-á-bó͘, in ū 1 ê hāu-seⁿ, miâ hō-chò Jia̍k. Jia̍k chin ài khòaⁿ chheh, i tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ khòaⁿ, sî-siông khòaⁿ, put-sî to̍h leh khòaⁿ. In-ūi in pē-bú to tòa tī hi-bî ê chhim-soaⁿ-nâ-lāi koh lāi-té-á lāi-té ê 1 keng ko͘-keng-chhù, i m̄-bat kìⁿ-kòe pē-bú í-gōa ê jīm-hô-lâng. Só͘-pái, i piàn kah chiok kî-thāi khì gōa-kháu ê hoa-hoa-sè-kài kiâⁿ-kiâⁿ khòaⁿ-khòaⁿ--leh, khì khòaⁿ bê-lâng ê kong-chú, a̍h-sī kóng chhin-chhiūⁿ chit-khoán ê tāi-chì.

So one day he told his mother he must be off, and she called him an air-brained addle-pate, but added that, as he was no use at home, he had better go seek his fortune. Then she asked him if he would rather take a small cake with her blessing to eat on his journey, or a large cake with her curse? Now Jack was a very hungry lad, so he just up and said:

"A big cake, if you please, 'm."

有1工,Jia̍k kā in老母講伊ài出發--ah,in老母to̍h ka唸講,伊是1 ê頭殼空空ê giàn頭,m̄-koh in老母mā講,伊tī厝--ni̍h ûn-ná無啥路用,不如去外面chhōe看有啥物好khang--ê-無,sòa--lòe in老母to̍h ka問講,伊是想beh chah 1粒細粒á ê雞卵糕tī路--ni̍h食,阿母mā ē kā伊祝福,a̍h是講,想beh chah 1粒大粒--ê去,m̄-koh阿母ē kā伊咒讖?Jia̍k是1 ê chiok gâu iau ê少年á,伊規氣to̍h kā in老母ìn講:


Ū 1 kang, Jia̍k kā in lāu-bú kóng i ài chhut-hoat--ah, in lāu-bú to̍h ka liām kóng, i sī 1 ê thâu-khak khang-khang ê giàn-thâu, m̄-koh in lāu-bú mā kóng, i tī chhù--ni̍h ûn-ná bô siáⁿ lō͘-iōng, put-jû khì gōa-bīn chhōe khòaⁿ ū siáⁿ-mih hó-khang--ê-bô, sòa--lòe in lāu-bú to̍h ka mn̄g kóng, i sī siūⁿ beh chah 1 lia̍p sè-lia̍p-á ê ke-nn̄g-ko tī lō͘--ni̍h chia̍h, a-bú mā ē kā i chiok-hok, a̍h-sī kóng, siūⁿ beh chah 1 lia̍p tōa-lia̍p--ê khì, m̄-koh a-bú ē kā i chiù-chhàm ? Jia̍k sī 1 ê chiok gâu iau ê siàu-liân-á, i kui-khì to̍h kā in lāu-bú ìn kóng: “A-bú--á, góa beh tōa-lia̍p--ê, lô-hoân--lí.” 

So his mother made a great big cake, and when he started she just off to the top of the house and cast malisons on him, till he got out of sight. You see she had to do it, but after that she sate down and cried.

Só͘-pái in老母to̍h去做1粒有夠大粒ê雞卵糕,tī in hāu生出發ê時,伊to̍h peh起lih厝尾頂一直kā伊咒讖,直直到Jia̍k已經行kah無khoàiⁿ人影。你mā知--lah,約束to̍h是約束,in老母mā是姑不將,m̄-koh,咒讖咒soah了後,伊坐--落-來to̍h哭--ah。

Sò͘-pái in lāu-bú to̍h khì chò 1 lia̍p ū kàu tōa-lia̍p ê ke-nn̄g-ko, tī in hāu-seⁿ chhut-hoat ê sî, i to̍h peh-khí-lih chhù-bóe-téng it-ti̍t kā i chiù-chhàm, ti̍t-ti̍t kàu Jia̍k í-keng kiâⁿ kah bô khoàiⁿ lâng-iáⁿ. Lí mā chai--lah, iok-sok to̍h-sī iok-sok, in lāu-bú mā-sī ko͘-put-chiong, m̄-koh, chiù-chhàm chiù soah liáu-āu, i chē--lo̍h-lâi to̍h khàu--ah.

Well, Jack hadn't gone far till he came to a field where his father was ploughing. Now the goodman was dreadfully put out when he found his son was going away, and still more so when he heard he had chosen his mother's malison. So he cast about what to do to put things straight, and at last he drew out of his pocket a little golden snuff-box, and gave it to the lad, saying:

Jia̍k行無jōa遠,to̍h來到1 phiàn田地,in老爸tú好tī hia teh犁田。In老爸人真好,聽tio̍h講in kiáⁿ beh離開,心內是有夠艱苦,koh聽tio̍h講,in kiáⁿ kéng beh hō͘老母咒讖,koh khah食力。Só͘-pái in老爸想真久,想beh chhōe 1 ê ē-tàng挽回ê辦法,落尾,伊ùi lak袋á內gîm 1 ê細細ê-á,金á做ê鼻薰kheh-á,ka the̍h hō͘ Jia̍k,講:

Jia̍k kiâⁿ bô jōa hn̄g, to̍h lâi-kàu 1 phiàn chhân-tē, in lāu-pē tú-hó tī hia teh lê-chhân. In lāu-pē lâng chin-hó, thiaⁿ-tio̍h kóng in kiáⁿ beh lî-khui, sim-lāi sī ū-kàu kan-khó͘, koh thiaⁿ-tio̍h kóng, in kiáⁿ kéng beh hō͘ lāu-bú chiù-chhàm, koh khah chia̍h-la̍t. Só͘-pái in lāu-pē siūⁿ chin-kú, siūⁿ beh chhōe 1 ê ē-tàng bán-hôe ê pān-hoat, lo̍h-bóe, i ùi lak-tē-á lāi gîm 1 ê sè-sè-ê-á, kim-á chò ê phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á, ka the̍h hō͘ Jia̍k, kóng:

"If ever you are in danger of sudden death you may open the box; but not till then. It has been in our family for years and years; but, as we have lived, father and son, quietly in the forest, none of us have ever been in need of help—perhaps you may."

So Jack pocketed the golden snuff-box and went on his way.

Nā是講,你hiông-hiông去tú-tio̍h性命ê危險,你to̍h ē-tàng kā chit ê kheh-á開--開,mā kan-na tī hit時chiah ē-tàng開。Chit ê鼻薰kheh-á已經tī咱家族á傳真chē年--ā,m̄-koh to̍h是咱pē-á-kiáⁿ一直lóng tī深山林內tiām-tiām-á teh過日子,lóng無tú-tio̍h ài ka the̍h出來用ê時機,凡勢che你用ē tio̍h--lah。

Jia̍k to̍h kā hit ê金鼻薰kheh-á袋--leh,繼續上路--ā。

Nā sī kóng, lí hiông-hiông khì tú-tio̍h sìⁿ-miā ê gûi-hiám, lí to̍h ē-tàng kā chit ê kheh-á khui--khui, mā kan-na tī hit sî chiah ē-tàng khui. Chit ê phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á í-keng tī lán ka-cho̍k-á thoân chin chē nî--ā, m̄-koh to̍h sī lán pē-á-kiáⁿ it-ti̍t lóng tī chhim-soaⁿ-nâ-lāi tiām-tiām-á teh kòe ji̍t-chí, lóng bô tú-tio̍h ài ka the̍h chhut lâi iōng ê sî-ki, hoān-sè che lí iōng ē tio̍h--lah.

Jia̍k to̍h kā hit ê kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á tē--leh, kè-sio̍k chiūⁿ-lō͘--ā.

Now, after a time, he grew very tired, and very hungry, for he had eaten his big cake first thing, and night closed in on him so that he could scarce see his way.

Jia̍k koh行1-chām-á了後,伊變kah有夠thiám koh有夠iau,soah m̄知影伊出發了後頭1 chân tāi-chì,to̍h是kā伊hit粒大粒雞卵糕食了了,taⁿ,天色已經變kah暗bong-bong,路mā差不多lóng看無--ā。

Jia̍k koh kiâⁿ 1-chām-á liáu-āu, i piàn kah ū kàu thiám koh ū kàu iau, soah m̄ chai-iáⁿ i chhut-hoat liáu-āu thâu 1 chân tāi-chì, to̍h sī kā i hit lia̍p tōa-lia̍p ke-nn̄g-ko chia̍h-liáu-liáu, taⁿ, thiⁿ-sek í-keng piàn kah àm-bong-bong, lō͘ mā chha-put-to lóng khòaⁿ bô--ā. 

But at last he came to a large house and begged board and lodging at the back door. Now Jack was a good-looking young fellow, so the maid-servant at once called him in to the fireside and gave him plenty good meat and bread and beer. And it so happened that while he was eating his supper the master's gay young daughter came into the kitchen and saw him. So she went to her father and said that there was the prettiest young fellow she had ever seen in the back kitchen, and that if her father loved her he would give the young man some employment. Now the gentleman of the house was exceedingly fond of his gay young daughter, and did not want to vex her; so he went into the back kitchen and questioned Jack as to what he could do.

M̄-koh尾--á去hō͘伊行到1間大間厝宅,伊to̍h行去in ê後壁門,拜托人hō͘伊食kah tòa。Chit ê少年á Jia̍k,實在是生kah真緣投,só͘-pái hit間厝ê女僕sûi to̍h叫伊入去tī壁爐邊--á,koh hō͘伊真chē好食ê肉,pháng,iah koh有bì-luh。Mā真tú好,Jia̍k tng leh食暗頓ê時,hit間厝ê主人伊hit ê tng青春,個性活潑ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ來到灶脚,去看tio̍h Jia̍k。伊to̍h走去kā in老爸講,灶脚--ni̍h有1 ê緣投ê少年á,開天地to m̄-bat看過hiah緣投--ê,koh講,nā準講老爸有疼--伊,to̍h ài chhōe kóa穡頭hō͘ chit ê少年á做。Chit ê 家ê主人有影是真théng-sēng伊chit ê青春活潑ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ,無想beh chhek伊ê意,só͘-pái伊to̍h行去後壁灶脚,問Jia̍k ē-tàng做啥款ê khang-khòe。

M̄-koh bóe--á khì hō͘ i kiâⁿ kàu 1 keng tōa-keng chhù-the̍h, i to̍h kiâⁿ-khì in ê āu-piah-mn̂g, pài-thok lâng hō͘ i chia̍h kah tòa. Chit ê siàu-liân-á Jia̍k, si̍t-chāi sī seⁿ kah chin iân-tâu, só͘-pái hit keng chhù ê lú-po̍k sûi to̍h kiò i ji̍p-khì tī piah-lô͘-piⁿ--á, koh hō͘ i chin chē hó-chia̍h ê bah, pháng, iah koh ū bì-luh. Mā chin tú-hó, Jia̍k tng leh chia̍h àm-tǹg ê sî, hit keng chhù ê chú-lâng i hit ê tng chheng-chhun, kò-sèng hoa̍t-phoah ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ lâi-kàu chàu-kha, khì khòaⁿ tio̍h Jia̍k. I to̍h cháu-khì kā in lāu-pē kóng, chàu-kha--ni̍h ū 1 ê iân-tâu ê siàu-liân-á, khai thiⁿ-tē to m̄-bat khòaⁿ kòe hiah iân-tâu--ê, koh kóng, nā chún-kóng lāu-pē ū thiàⁿ--i, to̍h ài chhōe kóa sit-thâu hō͘ chit ê siàu-liân-á chò. Chit ê ke ê chú-lâng ū-iáⁿ sī chin théng-sēng i chit ê chheng-chhun hoa̍t-phoah ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ, bô siūⁿ beh chhek i ê ì, só͘-pái i to̍h kiâⁿ-khì āu-piah chàu-kha, mn̄g Jia̍k ē-tàng chò siáⁿ-khoán ê khang-khòe.

"Anything," said Jack gaily, meaning, of course, that he could do any foolish bit of work about a house.

「做你吩咐,」Jia̍k真a-sá-lih sûi to̍h kā主人án-ne應,當然伊ê意思是講,che厝內siáⁿ-mih lok--kò sok--kò ê khang-khòe,伊lóng無問題。

“Chòe lí hoan-hù,” Jia̍k chin a-sá-lih sûi to̍h kā chú-lâng án-ne ìn, tong-jiân i ê ì-sù sī kóng, che chhù-lāi siáⁿ-mih lok--kò sok--kò ê khang-khòe, i lóng bô būn-tê.

But the gentleman saw a way of pleasing his gay young daughter and getting rid of the trouble of employing Jack; so he laughs and says, "If you can do anything, my good lad," says he, "you had better do this. By eight o'clock to-morrow morning you must have dug a lake four miles round in front of my mansion, and on it there must be floating a whole fleet of vessels. And they must range up in front of my mansion and fire a salute of guns. And the very last shot must break the leg of the four-post bed on which my daughter sleeps, for she is always late of a morning!"

M̄-koh hit ê主人想--tio̍h-ê,是1 ê ē-tàng hō͘伊hit ê青春活潑ê chŏ͘-kiáⁿ歡喜,koh ē-tàng省麻煩,m̄免chhiàⁿ chit ê Jia̍k做khang-khòe ê辦法。伊to̍h笑笑á kā Jia̍k講:「Nā是啥lóng ē-sái,少年家,án-ne我kā你講,tī明á載早起8點進前,你ài tī我ê厝頭前挖1 ê湖,湖ê岸邊se̍h 1 liàn總--ê共--ê ài有4英里hiah長,he湖面頂koh ài有1隊軍艦tī hia,軍艦koh to̍h ài排列tī我ê厝宅頭前,放禮炮kă致敬,siāng尾彈--出-來ê hit粒砲,ài準準phah tio̍h goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ眠床4支脚ê其中1支,thang hō͘伊精神,伊chiah bē像進前án-ne ta̍k工lóng睏siuⁿ òaⁿ!」

M̄-koh hit ê chú-lâng siūⁿ--tio̍h-ê, sī 1 ê ē-tàng hō͘ i hit ê chheng-chhun hoa̍t-phoah ê chŏ͘-kiáⁿ hoaⁿ-hí, koh ē-tàng séng mâ-hoân, m̄-bián chhiàⁿ chit ê Jia̍k chò khang-khòe ê pān-hoat. I to̍h chhiò-chhiò-á kā Jia̍k kóng: “Nā sī siáⁿ lóng ē-sái, siàu-liân-ke, án-ne góa kā lí kóng, tī bêng-á-chài chái-khí 8 tiám chìn-chêng, lí ài tī góa ê chhù thâu-chêng ó͘ 1 ê ô͘, ô͘ ê hōaⁿ-piⁿ se̍h 1 liàn chóng--ê kiōng--ê ài ū 4 eng-lí hiah tn̂g, he ô͘ bīn-téng koh ài ū 1 tūi kun-lām tī hia, kun-lām koh to̍h ài pâi-lia̍t tī góa ê chhù-the̍h thâu-chêng, pàng lé-phàu kă tì-kèng, siāng-bóe tôaⁿ--chhut-lâi ê hit lia̍p phàu, ài chún-chún phah tio̍h goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ bîn-chhn̂g 4 ki kha ê kî-tiong 1 ki, thang hō͘ i cheng-sîn, i chiah bē chhiūⁿ chìn-chêng án-ne ta̍k-kang lóng khùn siuⁿ òaⁿ!”

Well! Jack was terribly flabbergasted, but he faltered out:

"And if I don't do it?"

"Then," said the master of the house quite calmly, "your life will be the forfeit."

So he bade the servants take Jack to a turret-room and lock the door on him.

Jia̍k聽主人講了驚kah真食力,m̄-koh ûn-ná ti-tí-tu̍h-tu̍h kā主人問講:

「Ah nā是我做bē到--leh?」

主人語氣真平靜ka應講:「Nā是án-ne,你ê性命to̍h ē無--去。」

Koh來,伊to̍h吩咐下脚手人kā Jia̍k chhōa去塔--ni̍h ê 1間房間,koh kā伊鎖tī房間--ni̍h。

Jia̍k thiaⁿ chú-lâng kóng liáu kiaⁿ kah chin chia̍h-la̍t, m̄-koh ûn-ná ti-tí-tu̍h-tu̍h kā chú-lâng mn̄g kóng:

“Ah nā sī góa chò bē kàu--leh?”

Chú-lâng gí-khì chin pêng-chēng ka ìn kóng: “Nā sī án-ne, lí ê sìⁿ-miā to̍h ē bô--khì.”

Koh-lâi, i to̍h hoan-hù ē-kha-chhiú-lâng kā Jia̍k chhōa khì thah--ni̍h ê 1 keng pâng-keng, koh kā i só tī pâng-keng--ni̍h.

Well! Jack sate on the side of his bed and tried to think things out, but he felt as if he didn't know b from a battledore, so he decided to think no more, and after saying his prayers he lay down and went to sleep. And he did sleep! When he woke it was close on eight o'clock, and he had only time to fly to the window and look out, when the great clock on the tower began to whirr before it struck the hour. And there was the lawn in front of the house all set with beds of roses and stocks and marigolds! Well! all of a sudden he remembered the little golden snuff-box.

Chit-má,Jia̍k坐tī眠床邊,想beh kā tú-chiah ê tāi-chì想ho͘清楚,m̄-koh伊mā是感覺ka-tī完全lóng sa無總,só͘-pái,伊決定beh放棄,無ài koh思考,伊to̍h開始睏前ê祈禱,祈禱soah to̍h倒落去睏,koh有影睏死--去!伊koh精神ê時,已經kiōng-beh 8點--ah,Jia̍k kan-na ē赴thang chông去窗á口hia看,kāng hit時間,塔頂ê大鐘已經teh hm-hm叫,差不多beh開始tân 8點ê鐘聲--a。厝頭前ê草埔á--ni̍h,lóng是發kah tīⁿ-tīⁿ ê玫瑰,紫羅蘭kah臭菊á。Chit時!伊chiah雄雄去想tio̍h hit ê細細ê-á ê金鼻薰kheh-á。

Chit-má, Jia̍k chē tī bîn-chhn̂g-piⁿ, siūⁿ beh kā tú-chiah ê tāi-chì siūⁿ ho͘ chheng-chhó, m̄-koh i mā sī kám-kak ka-tī oân-choân lóng sa-bô-cháng, só͘-pái, i koat-tēng beh hòng-khì, bô ài koh su-khó, i to̍h khai-sí khùn chêng ê kî-tó, kî-tó soah to̍h tó lo̍h-khì khùn, koh ū-iáⁿ khùn-sí--khì! I koh cheng-sîn ê sî, í-keng kiōng-beh 8 tiám--ah, Jia̍k kan-na ē-hù thang chông-khì thang-á-kháu hia khòaⁿ, kāng hit sî-kan, thah-téng ê tōa-cheng í-keng teh hm-hm-kiò, chha-put-to beh khai-sí tân 8 tiám ê cheng-siaⁿ--a. Chhù thâu-chêng ê chháu-po͘-á--ni̍h, lóng sī hoat kah tīⁿ-tīⁿ ê mûi-kùi, chí-lô-lân kah chhàu-kiok-á. Chit-sî! I chiah hiông-hiông khì siūⁿ tio̍h hit ê sè-sè-ê-á ê kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á.

"I'm near enough to death," quoth he to himself, as he drew it out and opened it.

And no sooner had he opened it than out hopped three funny little red men in red night-caps, rubbing their eyes and yawning; for, see you, they had been locked up in the box for years, and years, and years.

「我chit-má離死無jōa遠--ā。」Jia̍k ná唸,ná ka the̍h出來開--開。

伊tú ka開--開,kheh-á內to̍h sûi有3仙看--起-來笑詼笑詼ê紅人跳--出-來,細仙細仙,隨人koh lóng tì 1頂紅色ê睏帽,ná jôe目睭ná hah-hì。看--起-來to̍h是去hông關tī chin內底真chē年,真chē年,真chē年--ā。 

“Góa chit-má lî sí bô jōa hn̄g--ā.” Jia̍k ná liām, ná ka the̍h chhut-lâi khui--khui.

I tú ka khui--khui, kheh-á lāi to̍h sûi ū 3 sian khòaⁿ--khí-lâi chhiò-khoe chhiò-khoe ê âng-lâng thiàu--chhut-lâi, sè-sian sè-sian, sûi lâng koh lóng tì 1 téng âng-sek ê khùn-bō, ná jôe ba̍k-chiu ná hah-hì. Khòaⁿ--khí-lâi to̍h sī khì hông koaiⁿ tī chin lāi-té chin chē nî, chin chē nî, chin chē nî--ā.

"What do you want, Master?" they said between their yawns. But Jack heard that clock a-whirring and knew he hadn't a moment to lose, so he just gabbled off his orders. Then the clock began to strike, and the little men flew out of the window, and suddenly

Bang! bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

He紅人iân-lō͘ hah-hì iân-lō͘問Jia̍k講:「主人,你想beh ài啥?」Chit時Jia̍k已經聽tio̍h大鐘teh hm-hm叫ê聲,伊知影時間已經真逼,連1-ē-á mā bē-tàng chhiân--tio̍h,伊to̍h像連珠炮án-ne,kā hit kóa命令lóng講--出-來。Koh來時鐘to̍h開始tân,hit 3仙紅人mā飛出窗á外,chit時hiông-hiông ──

Póng! Póng! Póng! Póng! Póng! Póng!

He âng-lâng iân-lō͘ hah-hì iân-lō͘ mn̄g Jia̍k kóng: “Chú-lâng, lí siūⁿ beh ài siáⁿ?” Chit-sî Jia̍k í-keng thiaⁿ tio̍h tōa-cheng teh hm-hm-kiò ê siaⁿ, i chai-iáⁿ sî-kan í-keng chin pek, liân 1-ē-á mā bē-tàng chhiân--tio̍h, i to̍h chhiūⁿ liân-chu-phàu án-ne, kā hit kóa bēng-lēng lóng kóng--chhut-lâi. Koh-lâi sî-cheng to̍h khai-sí tân, hit 3 sian âng-lâng mā poe chhut thang-á-gōa, chit sî hiông-hiông

Póng! Póng! Póng! Póng! Póng! Póng!

went the guns, and the last one must have broken the leg of the four-post bed, for there at the window was the gay young daughter in her nightcap, gazing with astonishment at the lake four miles round, with the fleet of vessels floating on it!

炮聲一直tân,siāng尾á 1炮百面是有kā四支脚ê眠床其中1脚phah斷--去,因為hit ê青春活潑ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ,chit-má tng khiā tī窗á邊,tì睏帽á,目睭thí kah有夠大kòng,teh看he pha 1 liàn-tńg ài 4英里ê湖,kah湖面頂ê艦隊,看kah kui-ê人lóng戇神--去。

Phàu-siaⁿ it-ti̍t tân, siāng bóe-á 1 phàu pah-bīn sī ū kā 4 ki kha ê bîn-chhn̂g kî-tiong 1 kha phah tn̄g--khì, in-ūi hit ê chheng-chhun hoa̍t-phoah ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ, chit-má tng khiā tī thang-á-piⁿ, tì khùn-bō-á, ba̍k-chiu thí kah ū kàu tōa kòng, teh khòaⁿ he pha 1 liàn-tńg ài 4 eng-lí ê ô͘, kah ô͘ bīn-téng ê lām-tūi, khòaⁿ kah kui-ê lâng lóng gōng-sîn--khì.

And so did Jack! He had never seen such a sight in his life, and he was quite sorry when the three little red men disturbed him by flying in at the window and scrambling into the golden snuff-box.

"Give us a little more time when you want us next, Master," they said sulkily. Then they shut down the lid, and Jack could hear them yawning inside as they settled down to sleep.

Jia̍k mā kāng款!伊kui世人to m̄-bat看過chit款光景,nā m̄是sòa--落-來hit 3仙紅人ùi窗á外飛--轉-來,beh peh入去金鼻薰kheh-á ê時去ka攪擾--tio̍h,伊koh感覺看無夠khùi--leh!

In 3仙激1 ê屎面講:「主人!你後遍nā需要--阮ê時,ài hō͘阮khah chē時間準備--leh-lah!」講soah,to̍h kā kheh-á關--起-來。Sòa--lòe Jia̍k to̍h聽tio̍h in tī kheh-á--ni̍h hah-hì,準備beh睏--ah。

Jia̍k mā kāng khoán! I kui-sì-lâng to m̄-bat khòaⁿ kòe chit khoán kong-kéng, nā m̄ sī sòa--lo̍h-lâi hit 3 sian âng-lâng ùi thang-á-gōa poe--tńg-lâi, beh peh ji̍p-khì kim phīⁿ-hun-kheh-á ê sî khì ka kiáu-jiáu--tio̍h, i koh kám-kak khòaⁿ bô-kàu-khùi--leh!

In 3 sian kek 1 ê sái-bīn kóng: “Chú-lâng! Lí āu-piàn nā su-iàu--goán ê sî, ài hō͘ goán khah chē sî-kan chún-pī--leh-lah!” Kóng soah, to̍h kā kheh-á koaiⁿ--khí-lâi. Sòa--lòe Jia̍k to̍h thiaⁿ tio̍h in tī kheh-á--ni̍h hah-hì, chún-pī beh khùn--ah.

As you may imagine, the master of the house was fair astonished, while as for the gay young daughter, she declared at once that she would never marry any one else but the young man who could do such wonderful things; the truth being that she and Jack had fallen in love with each other at first sight.

咱ē-tàng想像--lah,chit間厝宅ê主人chhoah 1-ē lóng gông--去,ah伊hit ê青春活潑ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ--leh?伊當場to̍h宣布講,伊kan-na ē嫁hō͘ chit ê有能力,有才調做che hiah奇妙ê tāi-chì ê少年人,事實上,自in 2 ê頭1遍見面,to̍h互相有意愛--ah。

Lán ē-tàng sióng-siōng--lah, chit keng chhù-the̍h ê chú-lâng chhoah 1-ē lóng gông--khì, ah i hit ê chheng-chhun hoa̍t-phoah ê cha-bó͘-kiáⁿ--leh? I tong-tiûⁿ to̍h soan-pò͘ kóng, i kan-na ē kè hō͘ chit ê ū lêng-le̍k, ū châi-tiāu chò che hiah kî-biāu ê tāi-chì ê siàu-liân-lâng, sū-si̍t-siōng, chū in 2 ê thâu 1 piàn kìⁿ-bīn, to̍h hō͘-siong ū ì-ài--ah.

But her father was cautious. "It is true, my dear," says he, "that the young fellow seems a bully boy; but for aught we know it may be chance, not skill, and he may have a broken feather in his wing. So we must try him again."

M̄-koh in老爸人真謹慎,伊講:「寶貝á-kiáⁿ--ah,有影--lah,chit ê少年--ê看--起-來確實是真gâu,m̄-koh che mā有可能是伊運氣siuⁿ好,m̄是伊本底to̍h真有才調,凡勢伊有啥物臭khang咱koh m̄知,咱一定ài koh ka試--1-遍。」

M̄-koh in lāu-pē lâng chin kín-sīn, i kóng: “Pó-pòe-á-kiáⁿ--ah, ū-iáⁿ--lah, chit ê siàu-liân--ê khòaⁿ--khí-lâi khak-si̍t sī chin gâu, m̄-koh che mā ū khó-lêng sī i ūn-khì siuⁿ hó, m̄ sī i pún-té to̍h chin ū châi-tiāu, hoān-sè i ū siáⁿ-mih chhàu-khang lán koh m̄ chai, lán it-tēng ài koh ka chhì--1-piàn.”

Then he said to Jack, "My daughter must have a fine house to live in. Therefore by to-morrow morning at eight o'clock there must be a magnificent castle standing on twelve golden pillars in the middle of the lake, and there must be a church beside it. And all things must be ready for the bride, and at eight o'clock precisely a peal of bells from the church must ring out for the wedding. If not you will have to forfeit your life."

來伊to̍h kā Jia̍k講:「Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ 一定ài有1間súi厝thang tòa,só͘-pái,tī明á載早起8點進前,湖ê中央to̍h ài有1棟氣派ê城堡,城堡to̍h ài起tī 12支金á做ê大thiāu頂koân,城堡ê邊--á koh ài有1間教堂,所有ê一切lóng ài為新娘chhoân kah便便,而且八點1-ē到,教堂ê鐘聲to̍h ài tân--起-來,為tio̍h chit ê婚禮tân--起-來,nā無,你ê性命to̍h ē無--去。」

Lâi i to̍h kā Jia̍k kóng: “Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ it-tēng ài ū 1 keng súi-chhù thang tòa, só͘-pái, tī bêng-á-chài chái-khí 8 tiám chìn-chêng, ô͘ ê tiong-ng to̍h ài ū 1 tòng khì-phài ê siâⁿ-pó,siâⁿ-pó to̍h ài khí tī 12 ki kim-á chò ê tōa-thiāu téng-koân, siâⁿ-pó ê piⁿ--á koh ài ū 1 keng kàu-tn̂g, só͘-ū ê it-chhè lóng ài ūi sin-niû chhoân kah piān-piān, jî-chhiáⁿ 8 tiám 1-ē kàu, kàu-tn̂g ê cheng-siaⁿ to̍h ài tân--khí-lâi, ūi-tio̍h chit ê hun-lé tân--khí-lâi, nā bô, lí ê sìⁿ-miā to̍h ē bô--khì.”

Goán是1 tīn真要意台語台文ê人,對台語有真深ê感情,tī chit-má這ê對台語,也tio̍h是咱Formosa chit粒島嶼本底ê共同語,去hō͘ chē-chē人看輕ê時代,想beh出來做kóa tāi-chì,kā goán目前koh ē-hiáu ê物件,分享hō͘社會知影。

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