【英國Gín-á古】三隻熊ê故事︱The Story of The Three Bears

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Once upon a time there were three Bears, who lived together in a house of their own, in a wood. One of them was a Little Wee Bear, and one was a Middle-sized Bear, and the other was a Great Big Bear. They had each a bowl for their porridge; a little bowl for the Little Wee Bear; and a middle-sized bowl for the Middle-sized Bear; and a great bowl for the Great Big Bear. And they had each a chair to sit in; a little chair for the Little Wee Bear; and a middle-sized chair for the Middle-sized Bear; and a great chair for the Great Big Bear. And they had each a bed to sleep in; a little bed for the Little Wee Bear; and a middle-sized bed for the Middle-sized Bear; and a great bed for the Great Big Bear.


古早古早,有3隻熊,in做夥tòa tī樹林á內,有1間in ka-tī ê厝。In內底有1隻熊,是細細隻á-kiáⁿ,另外1隻體形中中--á,koh另外1隻to̍h chiok大隻。In kok人lóng有1塊碗thang té moâi,細細隻á--ê碗細細,體態中中--ê碗中中,chiok大隻--ê碗chiok大。In kok人mā lóng有1 liâu椅á thang坐,細細隻á--ê細liâu椅,體態中中--ê椅中範,chiok大隻--ê椅chiok大。In kok人mā lóng有1頂眠床thang睏,細細隻á--ê床細細,體態中中--ê床中中,chiok大隻--ê床chiok大。

Saⁿ chiah hîm ê kò͘-sū

Kó͘-chá kó͘-chá, ū 3 chiah hîm, in chò-hóe tòa tī chhiū-nâ-á lāi, ū 1 keng in ka-tī ê chhù. In lāi-té ū 1 chiah hîm, sī sè-sè-chiah-á-kiáⁿ, lēng-gōa 1 chiah thé-hêng tiong-tiong--á, koh lēng-gōa 1 chiah to̍h chiok tōa chiah. In kok lâng lóng ū 1 tè óaⁿ thang té moâi, sè-sè chiah-á--ê óaⁿ sè-sè, thé-thài tiong-tiong--ê óaⁿ tiong-tiong, chiok- tōa-chiah--ê óaⁿ chiok tōa. In kok lâng mā lóng ū 1 liâu í-á thang chē, sè-sè-chiah-á--ê sè liâu í, thé-thài tiong-tiong--ê í tiong-pān, chiok-tōa-chiah--ê í chiok tōa. In kok lâng mā lóng ū 1 téng bîn-chhn̂g thang khùn, sè-sè-chiah-á--ê chhn̂g sè-sè, thé-thài tiong-tiong--ê chhn̂g tiong-tiong, chiok-tōa-chiah--ê chhn̂g chiok tōa.

One day, after they had made the porridge for their breakfast, and poured it into their porridge-bowls, they walked out into the wood while the porridge was cooling, that they might not burn their mouths by beginning too soon, for they were polite, well-brought-up Bears. And while they were away a little girl called Goldilocks, who lived at the other side of the wood and had been sent on an errand by her mother, passed by the house, and looked in at the window. And then she peeped in at the keyhole, for she was not at all a well-brought-up little girl. Then seeing nobody in the house she lifted the latch. The door was not fastened, because the Bears were good Bears, who did nobody any harm, and never suspected that anybody would harm them. So Goldilocks opened the door and went in; and well pleased was she when she saw the porridge on the table. If she had been a well-brought-up little girl she would have waited till the Bears came home, and then, perhaps, they would have asked her to breakfast; for they were good Bears—a little rough or so, as the manner of Bears is, but for all that very good-natured and hospitable. But she was an impudent, rude little girl, and so she set about helping herself.

有1 kang,in kā早頓ê moâi煮好勢,to̍h ka倒入去in ê碗--ni̍h,koh來,in to̍h利用he beh kā moâi khǹg ho͘涼ê時間,先去樹林á--ni̍h行行--leh,án-ne chiah bē為tio̍h siuⁿ趕緊beh食moâi,soah去ho͘燙tio̍h嘴kho͘ to̍h khah歹看,因為,in是有禮貌koh真有教示ê熊。To̍h tī in離開厝ê時陣,有1 ê cha-bó͘ gín-á,號做金鳳--ā,伊to̍h tòa tī樹林á ê另外1 pêng,hit-chūn in老母交帶伊去辦tāi-chì,tú好去經過hit 3隻熊ê厝,伊to̍h起hòⁿ玄,ùi窗á門ka探,koh ùi鎖匙khang kâng偷看厝內,當然án-ne做真m̄-thang,實在是無教無示。伊看tio̍h厝--ni̍h無人,to̍h kā門chhòaⁿ giú--開,che門mā無鎖,soah m̄知影to̍h是he熊lóng是好熊,從來m̄-bat想過beh去kâng害,mā bē按算講,ē有人beh來kā in害。Koh來chit ê金鳳--ā門開--leh,人to̍h行--入-去,無jōa久,去ho͘看tio̍h桌á頂有moâi,看kah伊ê心花開開開。這時,nā準講伊是1 ê教示真好ê cha-bó͘ gín-á,伊to̍h應該等熊in--轉-來,凡勢熊in mā ē招伊做夥食早頓。Chia ê熊lóng是真好ê熊,sui-bóng in kah一般ê熊kāng款,lóng有1-sut-sut-á粗魯,但是,in ê性地是真善良koh真好客情。不過金鳳--ā是1 ê粗魯、厚面皮koh無教示ê cha-bó͘ gín-á,伊sa--leh to̍h開始食。

Ū 1 kang, in kā chá-tǹg ê moâi chú hó-sè, to̍h ka tò-ji̍p-khì in ê óaⁿ--ni̍h, koh lâi, in to̍h lī-iōng he beh kā moâi khǹg ho͘ liâng ê sî-kan, seng khì chhiū-nâ-á--ni̍h kiâⁿ-kiâⁿ--leh, án-ne chiah bē ūi-tio̍h siuⁿ kóaⁿ-kín beh chia̍h moâi, soah khì ho͘ thǹg tio̍h chhùi-kho͘ to̍h khah pháiⁿ-khòaⁿ, in-ūi, in sī ū lé-māu koh chin ū kà-sī ê hîm. To̍h tī in lî-khui chhù ê sî-chūn, ū 1 ê cha-bó͘ gín-á, hō chò Kim-hōng--ā, i to̍h tòa tī chhiū-nâ-á ê lēng-gōa 1 pêng, hit-chūn in lāu-bú kau-tài i khì pān tāi-chì, tú-hó khì keng-kòe hit 3 chiah hîm ê chhù, i to̍h khí hòⁿ-hiân, ùi thang-á-mn̂g ka thàm, kok ùi só-sî-khang kâng thau-khòaⁿ chhù lāi, tong-jiân án-ne chò chin m̄-thang, si̍t-chāi sī bô-kà-bô-sī. I khòaⁿ tio̍h chhù--ni̍h bô lâng, to̍h kā mn̂g-chhòaⁿ giú--khui, che mn̂g mā bô só, soah m̄ chai-iáⁿ to̍h sī he hîm lóng sī hó hîm, chiông-lâi m̄-bat siūⁿ-kòe beh khì kâng hāi, mā bē àn-sǹg kóng, ē ū lâng beh lâi kā in hāi. Koh lâi chit ê Kim-hōng--ā mn̂g khui--leh, lâng to̍h kiâⁿ--ji̍p-khì, bô jōa kú, khì ho͘ khòaⁿ tio̍h toh-á-téng ū moâi, khòaⁿ kah i ê sim-hoe khui-khui-khui. Chit-sî, nā chún kóng i sī 1 ê kà-sī chin hó ê cha-bó͘ gín-á, i to̍h èng-kai tán hîm in--tńg-lâi, hoān-sè hîm in mā ē chio i chò-hóe chia̍h chá-tǹg. Chia ê hîm lóng sī chin hó ê hîm, sui-bóng in kah it-poaⁿ ê hîm kāng khoán, lóng ū 1-sut-sut-á chho͘-ló͘, tān-sī, in ê sèng-tē sī chin siān-liông koh chin hó-kheh-chêng. Put-kò Kim-hōng--ā sī 1 ê chho͘-ló͘, kāu-bīn-phôe koh bô kà-sī ê cha-bó͘ gín-á, i sa--leh to̍h khai-sí chia̍h.

First she tasted the porridge of the Great Big Bear, and that was too hot for her. Next she tasted the porridge of the Middle-sized Bear, but that was too cold for her. And then she went to the porridge of the Little Wee Bear, and tasted it, and that was neither too hot nor too cold, but just right, and she liked it so well that she ate it all up, every bit!

伊先去tam 1嘴大隻熊ê moâi,ái-iò͘,有影是有夠燒!Sòa--落-來伊koh去tam 1嘴á體態中中ê熊ê moâi,koh感覺siuⁿ冷--ah。落尾,伊去試hit碗細細隻á ê熊ê moâi,ḿ!Che tú-tú-á好,bē siuⁿ燒mā bē siuⁿ冷,伊歡喜ka̍h,to̍h kui碗ka sut了了,連1點點á to無chhun。

I seng khì tam 1 chhùi tōa-chiah-hîm ê moâi, ài-iò͘, ū-iáⁿ sī ū kàu sio! Sòa--lo̍h-lâi i koh khì tam 1 chhùi-á thé-thài-tiong-tiong-ê hîm ê moâi, koh kám-kak siuⁿ léng--ah. Lo̍h-bóe, i khì chhì hit óaⁿ sè-sè-chiah-á-ê hîm ê moâi, ḿ! Che tú-tú-á hó, bē siuⁿ sio mā bē siuⁿ léng, i hoaⁿ-hí ka̍h, to̍h kui óaⁿ ka sut liáu liáu, liân 1 tiám-tiám-á to bô chhun.

Then Goldilocks, who was tired, for she had been catching butterflies instead of running on her errand, sate down in the chair of the Great Big Bear, but that was too hard for her. And then she sate down in the chair of the Middle-sized Bear, and that was too soft for her. But when she sat down in the chair of the Little Wee Bear, that was neither too hard nor too soft, but just right. So she seated herself in it, and there she sate till the bottom of the chair came out, and down she came, plump upon the ground; and that made her very cross, for she was a bad-tempered little girl.

Sòa--落-來,金鳳--ā感覺thiám--ah,che to̍h是in老母交帶ê tāi-chì lóng無做,顛倒是tī hia leh lia̍h尾蛾á chhit-thô chiah ē án-ne。Só͘-pái伊to̍h去坐tī大隻熊ê椅á想beh歇睏,m̄-koh,tēng-khok-khok,無四序,伊to̍h koh坐去中中--á ê熊ê椅á頂,坐tio̍h軟siô-siô,mā無佮意,上尾,伊坐去細細隻á ê熊ê椅á,ĕ!Tú-tú-á好,bē siuⁿ tēng mā bē siuⁿ軟。伊to̍h ka坐tiâu--leh,坐kah人ê椅á面lak--落-去,伊mā tòe leh poa̍h tī土脚,氣phut-phut,chit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á ê性地實在是有夠bái。

Sòa--lo̍h-lâi, Kim-hōng--ā kám-kak thiám--ah, che to̍h sī in lāu-bú kau-tài ê tāi-chì lóng bô chò, tian-tó sī tī hia leh lia̍h bóe-ia̍h-á chhit-thô chiah ē án-ne. Só͘-pái i to̍h khì chē tī tōa-chiah-hîm ê í-á siūⁿ beh hioh-khùn, m̄-koh, tēng-khok-khok, bô sù-sī, i to̍h koh chē khì tiong-tiong--á-ê hîm ê í-á téng, chē tio̍h nńg-siô-siô, mā bô kah-ì, siōng-bóe, i chò khì sè-sè-chiah-á-ê hîm ê í-á, ĕ! Tú-tú-á hó, bē siuⁿ tēng mā bē siuⁿ nńg. I to̍h ka chē tiâu--leh, chē kah lâng ê í-á-bīn lak--lo̍h--khì, i mā tòe leh poa̍h tī thô͘-kha, khì-phut-phut, chit ê cha-bó͘ gín-á ê sèng-tē si̍t-chāi sī ū kàu bái.

Now, being determined to rest, Goldilocks went upstairs into the bedchamber in which the Three Bears slept. And first she lay down upon the bed of the Great Big Bear, but that was too high at the head for her. And next she lay down upon the bed of the Middle-sized Bear, and that was too high at the foot for her. And then she lay down upon the bed of the Little Wee Bear, and that was neither too high at the head nor at the foot, but just right. So she covered herself up comfortably, and lay there till she fell fast asleep.

Taⁿ,金鳳--ā按算beh歇睏,伊to̍h走去樓頂hit 3隻熊teh睏ê睏房。頭起先,伊去倒tī大隻熊ê眠床,m̄-koh chit頂床ê床頭對伊來講,有影是siuⁿ koân,sòa--lòe,伊去倒tī中中--á ê熊ê眠床頂,不而過,chit遍是床尾siuⁿ koân--ā,最後,伊走去倒tī細細隻á ê熊ê眠床頂,óa!Tú-tú-á好,床頭kah床尾lóng bē siuⁿ koân,真合真tah-bā。伊chŏaⁿ ka倒ho͘ sù-sī sù-sī,koh kā phōe kah kah好勢好勢,koh來伊to̍h睏kah真落眠--ah。

Taⁿ, Kim-hōng--ā àn-sǹg beh hioh-khùn, i to̍h cháu khì lâu téng hit 3 chiah hîm teh khùn ê khùn-pâng. Thâu khí sian, i khì tó tī tōa-chiah-hîm ê bîn-chhn̂g, m̄-koh chit téng chhn̂g ê chhn̂g thâu tùi i lâi kóng, ū-iáⁿ sī siuⁿ koân, sòa--lòe, i khì tó tī tiong-tiong--á ê hîm ê bîn-chhn̂g téng, put-jī-kò, chit piàn sī chhn̂g bóe siuⁿ koân--ā, chòe-āu, i cháu khì tó tī sè-sè-chiah-á-ê hîm ê bîn-chhn̂g téng, óa! Tú-tú-á hó, chhn̂g-thâu kah chhn̂g-bóe lóng bē siuⁿ koân, chin ha̍h chin tah-bā. I chŏaⁿ ka tó ho͘h sù-sī sù-sī, koh kā phōe kah kah hó-sè-hó-sè, koh lâi i to̍h khùn kah chin lo̍h-bîn--ah.

By this time the Three Bears thought their porridge would be cool enough for them to eat it properly; so they came home to breakfast. Now careless Goldilocks had left the spoon of the Great Big Bear standing in his porridge.

Chit-chūn,hit 3隻熊想講,in ê moâi mā差不多涼kah thang好勢á食--ah,in to̍h轉厝beh食早頓。Chit ê放放ê金鳳--ā soah kā湯匙á phiaⁿ tī大隻熊ê碗--ni̍h,to̍h插tī moâi--ni̍h插khiā-khiā。

Chit-chūn, hit 3 chiah hîm siūⁿ kóng, in ê moâi mā chha-put-to liâng kah thang hó-sè-á chia̍h--ah, in to̍h tńg chhù beh chia̍h chá-tǹg. Chit ê hòng-hòng-ê Kim-hōng--ā soah kā thng-sî-á phiaⁿ tī tōa-chiah-hîm ê óaⁿ--ni̍h, to̍h chhah tī moâi--ni̍h chhah khiā-khiā.


said the Great Big Bear in his great, rough, gruff voice.

Then the Middle-sized Bear looked at his porridge and saw the spoon was standing in it too.


said the Middle-sized Bear in his middle-sized voice.

Then the Little Wee Bear looked at his, and there was the spoon in the porridge-bowl, but the porridge was all gone!


said the Little Wee Bear in his little wee voice.

「有人食我ê moâi!」


Sòa--lòe中中--á ê熊mā去看伊hit碗moâi,kāng款mā看tio̍h湯匙á插tī hin。

「有人食我ê moâi!」

中中--á ê熊用伊中中--á ê聲án-ne講。

Koh來,細細隻á ê熊mā去看伊ê碗,內底mā有湯匙á,m̄-koh moâi 1-sut-á to無chhun。

「有人食我ê moâi!Koh lóng總kă食了了--ah!」

細細隻á ê熊用伊細細á ê聲án-ne講。

"Ū lâng chia̍h góa ê moâi!"

Tōa-chiah-hîm iōng i chho͘-chho͘ koh chho͘-ló͘ ê siaⁿ tōa-siaⁿ kóng.

Sòa--lòe tiong-tiong--á ê hîm mā khì khòaⁿ i hit óaⁿ moâi, kāng khoán mā khòaⁿ tio̍h thng-sî-á chhah tī hin.

“Ū lâng chia̍h góa ê moâi!”

Tiong-tiong--á-ê hîm i iōng tiong-tiong--á-ê siaⁿ án-ne kóng.

Koh lâi, sè-sè-chiah--á-ê hîm mā khì khòaⁿ i ê óaⁿ, lāi-té mā ū thng-sî-á, m̄-koh moâi 1-sut-á to bô chhun.

“Ū lâng chia̍h góa ê moâi! Koh lóng-chóng kă chia̍h-liáu-liáu--ah!”

Sè-sè-chiah--á-ê hîm iōng i sè-sè--á-ê siaⁿ án-ne kóng.

Upon this the Three Bears, seeing that some one had entered their house, and eaten up the Little Wee Bear's breakfast, began to look about them. Now the careless Goldilocks had not put the hard cushion straight when she rose from the chair of the Great Big Bear.


said the Great Big Bear in his great, rough, gruff voice.

And the careless Goldilocks had squatted down the soft cushion of the Middle-sized Bear.


said the Middle-sized Bear in his middle-sized voice.


said the Little Wee Bear in his little wee voice.

為tio̍h án-ne,in 3隻熊知影有人入來in厝,koh kā細細隻á ê熊ê早頓食了了,in to̍h開始四界巡四界相。Tú好tú-chiah hit ê放放ê金鳳--ā,ùi大隻熊ê椅á --起-來ê時,無kā hit塊tēng-kho̍k-kho̍k ê椅chū-á chhiâu ho͘正。


Tú-chiah hit ê放放ê金鳳--ā,koh kā中中--á ê熊hit ê軟siô-siô ê椅chū-á坐kah naih--lòe。


中中--á ê熊用伊中中--á ê聲án-ne講。

「有人來坐過我ê椅á!Koh kā我ê椅á坐kah歹--去!」

細細隻á ê熊用伊細細á ê聲án-ne講。

Ūi tio̍h án-ne, in 3 chiah hîm chai-iáⁿ ū lâng ji̍p-lâi in chhù, koh kā sè-sè-chiah--á-ê hîm ê chá-tǹg chia̍h-liáu-liáu, in to̍h khai-sí sì-kè sûn sì-kè siòng. Tú-hó tú-chiah hit ê hòng-hòng ê Kim-hōng--ā, ùi tōa-chiah-hîm ê í-á--khí-lâi ê sî, bô kā hit tè tēng-kho̍k-kho̍k ê í-chū-á chhiâu ho͘ chiàⁿ.

“Ū lâng lâi chē kòe góa ê í-á!”

Tú-chiah hit ê hòng-hòng-ê Kim-hōng--ā, koh kā tiong-tiong--á ê hîm hit ê nńg-siô-siô ê í-chu-á chē kah naih--lòe.

"Ū lâng lâi chē kòe góa ê í-á!"

Tiong-tiong--á ê hîm iōng tiong-tiong--á-ê siaⁿ án-ne kóng.

“Ū lâng lâi chē kòe góa ê í-á! Koh kā góa ê í-á chē kah pháiⁿ--khì!”

Sè-sè-chiah-á-ê hîm iōng sè-sè-á-ê siaⁿ án-ne kóng. 

Then the Three Bears thought they had better make further search in case it was a burglar, so they went upstairs into their bedchamber. Now Goldilocks had pulled the pillow of the Great Big Bear out of its place.


said the Great Big Bear in his great, rough, gruff voice.

And Goldilocks had pulled the bolster of the Middle-sized Bear out of its place.


said the Middle-sized Bear in his middle-sized voice.

But when the Little Wee Bear came to look at his bed, there was the bolster in its place!

And the pillow was in its place upon the bolster!

And upon the pillow——?

There was Goldilocks's yellow head—which was not in its place, for she had no business there.


said the Little Wee Bear in his little wee voice.

Taⁿ chit 3隻熊感覺to̍h ài四界巡巡--leh khah妥當,凡勢有賊á走--入-來,só͘-pái,in to̍h chiūⁿ樓去睏房。Tú好tú-chiah hit ê金鳳--ā有kā大隻熊ê枕頭ùi伊本底ê位giú--走。



Tú好tú-chiah hit ê金鳳--ā有kā中中--á ê熊lám leh睏ê長枕頭ùi伊本底ê位giú--走。


中中--á ê熊用伊中中--á ê聲án-ne講。

M̄-koh細細隻á ê熊走去看伊ê眠床ê時,長枕頭koh tī伊本底ê位規欉好好,枕頭mā tī長枕頭頂koân hē kah好勢好勢,m̄-koh枕頭頂koân...,nah會是金鳳--ā hit粒金毛ê頭殼?Chit粒頭完全khǹg m̄-tio̍h位,根本金鳳--ā to無應該來tī chia--ā。

「有人來倒過我ê眠床!而且伊chit-má iáu倒tī chia!」

細細隻á ê熊用伊細細á ê聲án-ne講。

Taⁿ chit 3 chiah hîm kám-kak to̍h ài sì-kè sûn-sûn--leh khah thò-tòng, hoān-sè ū chhat-á cháu--ji̍p-lâi, só͘-pái, in to̍h chiūⁿ lâu khì khùn-pâng. Tú-hó tú-chiah hit ê Kim-hōng--ā ū kā tōa-chiah-hîm ê chím-thâu ùi i pún-té ê ūi giú--cháu.

“Ū lâng lâi tó kòe góa ê bîn-chhn̂g!”

Tōa-chiah-hîm iōng i chho͘-chho͘ koh chho͘-ló͘ ê siaⁿ tōa-siaⁿ kóng.

Tú-hó tú-chiah hit ê Kim-hōng--ā ū kā tiong-tiong--á-ê hîm lám leh khùn ê tn̂g-chím-thâu ùi i pún-té ê ūi giú--cháu.

“Ū lâng lâi tó kòe góa ê bîn-chhn̂g!”

Tiong-tiong--á ê hîm iōng i tiong-tiong--á ê siaⁿ án-ne kóng.

M̄-koh sè-sè-chiah-á-ê hîm cháu khì khòaⁿ i ê bîn-chhn̂g ê sî, tn̂g-chím-thâu koh tī i pún-té ê ūi kui-châng-hó-hó, chím-thâu mā tī tn̂g-chím-thâu téng koân hē kah hó-sè-hó-sè, m̄-koh chím-thâu téng koân..., nah ē sī Kim-hōng--ā hit lia̍p kim-mo͘-ê thâu-khak? Chit lia̍p thâu oân-choân khǹg m̄-tio̍h ūi, kin-pún Kim-hōng--ā to bô èng-kai lâi tī chia--ā.

“Ū lâng lâi tó kòe góa ê bîn-chhn̂g! Jî-chhiáⁿ i chit-má iáu tó tī chia! ”

Sè-sè-chiah-á-ê hîm iōng i sè-sè-á-ê siaⁿ án-ne kóng.

Now Goldilocks had heard in her sleep the great, rough, gruff voice of the Great Big Bear; but she was so fast asleep that it was no more to her than the roaring of wind, or the rumbling of thunder. And she had heard the middle-sized voice of the Middle-sized Bear, but it was only as if she had heard some one speaking in a dream. But when she heard the little wee voice of the Little Wee Bear, it was so sharp, and so shrill, that it awakened her at once. Up she started, and when she saw the Three Bears on one side of the bed, she tumbled herself out at the other, and ran to the window. Now the window was open, because the Bears, like good, tidy Bears, as they were, always opened their bedchamber window when they got up in the morning. So naughty, frightened little Goldilocks jumped; and whether she broke her neck in the fall, or ran into the wood and was lost there, or found her way out of the wood and got whipped for being a bad girl and playing truant, no one can say. But the Three Bears never saw anything more of her.

金鳳--ā tī眠夢--ni̍h有聽tio̍h大隻熊he粗粗koh粗魯ê聲,m̄-koh伊睏kah siuⁿ落眠,he聲在伊聽--起-來只不過是風teh sà-sà叫,a̍h是tân雷公hōng-hōng叫ê聲niā-niā。伊mā有聽tio̍h中中--á ê熊中中--á ê聲,m̄-koh he to̍h kán-ná tī夢--ni̍h聽tio̍h有人teh講話kāng款。M̄-koh,伊聽tio̍h細細隻á ê熊細細á ê聲hit-chūn,he聲利劍劍koh鑿耳,伊1 ē to̍h去ho͘ hiaⁿh--起-來。伊雄雄khiā--起-來,1-ē看tio̍h眠床邊有3隻熊,chhoah 1 ē liòng過去另外1 pêng ê眠床脚,koh來to̍h趕緊走去窗á邊。窗á是開--開-ê,因為,kah其他好款koh清氣相ê熊kāng款,in 3隻熊早起精神ê時,lóng ē kā窗á門開ho͘好勢。Chit ê無乖koh tio̍h驚ê金鳳--ā to̍h ùi窗á ka跳--出-去。到底chit-ê cha-bó͘ gín-á是kā伊ê頷頸á摔kah斷斷--去,a̍h是tī樹林á--ni̍h chhōe無路thang轉,或者是講有chhōe tio̍h路thang轉,m̄-koh為tio̍h in老母交帶ê khang-khòe lóng無做,無乖soah去hông sut,che to̍h無人知--a,總--是,chit 3隻熊後--來to̍h m̄-bat koh看過伊--ā。 

Kim-hōng--ā tī bîn-bāng--ni̍h ū thiaⁿ tio̍h tōa-chiah-hîm he chho͘-chho͘ koh chho͘-ló͘ ê siaⁿ, m̄-koh i khùn kah siuⁿ lo̍h-bîn, he siaⁿ chāi i thiaⁿ--khí-lâi chí-put-kò sī hong teh sà-sà-kiò, a̍h sī tân lûi-kong hōng-hōng-kiò ê siaⁿ niā-niā. I mā ū thiaⁿ tio̍h tiong-tiong--á-ê hîm tiong-tiong--á-ê siaⁿ, m̄-koh he to̍h kán-ná tī bāng--ni̍h thiaⁿ tio̍h ū lâng teh kóng-ōe kāng khoán. M̄-koh, i thiaⁿ-tio̍h sè-sè-chiah-á-ê hîm sè-sè-á-ê siaⁿ hit-chūn, he siaⁿ lāi-kiàm-kiàm koh chha̍k-hīⁿ, i 1 ē to̍h khì ho͘ hiaⁿh--khì-lâi. I hiông-hiông khiā--khí-lâi, 1-ē khòaⁿ tio̍h bîn-chhn̂g piⁿ ū 3 chiah hîm, chhoah 1 ē liòng kòe-khì lēng-gōa 1 pêng ê bîn-chhn̂g-kha, koh lâi to̍h kóaⁿ-kín cháu-khì thang-á-piⁿ. Thang-á sī khui--khui-ê, in-ūi, kah kî-tha hó-khoán koh chheng-khì-siòng ê hîm kāng khoán, in 3 chiah hîm chá-khí cheng-sîn ê sî, lóng ê kā thang-á-mn̂g khui ho͘ hó-sè. Chit ê bô-koai koh tio̍h-kiaⁿ ê Kim-hōng--ā to̍h ùi thang-á ka thiàu--chhut-khì. Tàu-té chit-ê cha-bó͘ gín-á sī kā i ê ām-kún-á siak kah tn̄g-tn̄g--khì, a̍h-sī tī chhiū-nâ-á--ni̍h chhōe bô-lō͘ thang tńg, he̍k-chiá sī kóng ū chhōe tio̍h lō͘ thang tńg, m̄-koh ūi-tio̍h in lāu-bú kau-tài ê khang-khòe lóng bô chò, bô koai soah khì hông sut, che to̍h bô lâng chai--a, chóng--sī, chit 3 chiah hîm āu--lâi to̍h m̄-bat koh khòaⁿ kòe i--ā.

Goán是1 tīn真要意台語台文ê人,對台語有真深ê感情,tī chit-má這ê對台語,也tio̍h是咱Formosa chit粒島嶼本底ê共同語,去hō͘ chē-chē人看輕ê時代,想beh出來做kóa tāi-chì,kā goán目前koh ē-hiáu ê物件,分享hō͘社會知影。

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《Post für den Tiger》(給老虎的信) " Geliebter Freund und Bär. " 致親愛的朋友小熊。 故事大綱: 小熊與小虎住在一起,某天小熊帶著羽毛(die Feder)、墨水(die Tinte),及信紙、信封和膠水(Briefpapier un
小強帶著達勃期回到居住的木屋,讓他看看那兩隻藏著的幼貓。 是的,小強決定好人做到底,把原本要送給瓷玉的生辰驚喜「讓」給達勃期,讓他借花獻佛當作禮物。 達勃期一看到就滿臉好奇又興奮,直說瓷玉最喜歡可愛的動物,可惜琉球只有家畜、野豬,連狗都很少見
除了平日養雞養鴨外,阿三媽也養了隻母貓。還記得當母貓生下第一窩小貓的時候,山上的農民居然挑著龍眼及甘蔗來阿三家,要「以物易物」的方式換幾隻小貓回去捉老鼠。 當阿三把一窩小貓抱出來給人家選的時候,才一鬆手,有兩隻小貓立即掙扎出紙箱的窩,溜跑了。
在一個偏遠的山區,生活著一隻古靈精怪的棕色小熊。在農曆新年(龍年)前夕,這片山區迎來了一場熱鬧非凡的節慶。小熊好奇地躲在隱密處,目睹了人們為了新年的到來所做的一切,包括農曆新年前的大掃除。 角色介紹 小熊:一隻聰明機靈的棕色小熊,喜歡觀察周遭的事物。 山區居民:熱愛農曆新年的華
Once upon a time, in a forest far away, there lived a French bulldog named Ellie and a panda named Haha. Ellie was a curious and adventurous dog
一、看封面,這是什麼動物?牠怎麼了? 二、聽故事 三、認識語詞:強壯、溫柔、幽默 四、動動腦: 1.故事一開始,小豬為什麼哭了呢? 2.看到小豬哭了,好朋友們做了什麼事? 3.故事中每個小動物都非常崇拜牠們的爸爸,你還記得不同動物的專長嗎? 4.小豬會怎麼描述自己爸爸厲害的地方
《Post für den Tiger》(給老虎的信) " Geliebter Freund und Bär. " 致親愛的朋友小熊。 故事大綱: 小熊與小虎住在一起,某天小熊帶著羽毛(die Feder)、墨水(die Tinte),及信紙、信封和膠水(Briefpapier un
小強帶著達勃期回到居住的木屋,讓他看看那兩隻藏著的幼貓。 是的,小強決定好人做到底,把原本要送給瓷玉的生辰驚喜「讓」給達勃期,讓他借花獻佛當作禮物。 達勃期一看到就滿臉好奇又興奮,直說瓷玉最喜歡可愛的動物,可惜琉球只有家畜、野豬,連狗都很少見
除了平日養雞養鴨外,阿三媽也養了隻母貓。還記得當母貓生下第一窩小貓的時候,山上的農民居然挑著龍眼及甘蔗來阿三家,要「以物易物」的方式換幾隻小貓回去捉老鼠。 當阿三把一窩小貓抱出來給人家選的時候,才一鬆手,有兩隻小貓立即掙扎出紙箱的窩,溜跑了。
在一個偏遠的山區,生活著一隻古靈精怪的棕色小熊。在農曆新年(龍年)前夕,這片山區迎來了一場熱鬧非凡的節慶。小熊好奇地躲在隱密處,目睹了人們為了新年的到來所做的一切,包括農曆新年前的大掃除。 角色介紹 小熊:一隻聰明機靈的棕色小熊,喜歡觀察周遭的事物。 山區居民:熱愛農曆新年的華
Once upon a time, in a forest far away, there lived a French bulldog named Ellie and a panda named Haha. Ellie was a curious and adventurous dog
一、看封面,這是什麼動物?牠怎麼了? 二、聽故事 三、認識語詞:強壯、溫柔、幽默 四、動動腦: 1.故事一開始,小豬為什麼哭了呢? 2.看到小豬哭了,好朋友們做了什麼事? 3.故事中每個小動物都非常崇拜牠們的爸爸,你還記得不同動物的專長嗎? 4.小豬會怎麼描述自己爸爸厲害的地方