【英國Gín-á古】Thóm-Thit-Thok上集︱TOM-TIT-TOT Part 1

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Once upon a time there was a woman and she baked five pies. But when they came out of the oven they were over-baked, and the crust was far too hard to eat. So she said to her daughter:

"Daughter," says she, "put them pies on to the shelf and leave 'em there awhile. Surely they'll come again in time."


古早古早有1 ê婦人人,伊去烘5塊phái,m̄-koh phái出爐ê時,soah烘過頭--ā,he phái ê皮已經烘kah tēng-khiauh-khiauh,真歹食。婦人人to̍h kā in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ講:

「Kiáⁿ--ê,你去kā hia ê phái khǹg去架á頂,koh小等--1-時-á,chia ê phái to̍h ē koh變--轉-來。」


Kó͘-chá kó͘-chá ū 1 ê hū-jîn-lâng, i khì hang 5 tè phái, m̄-koh phái chhut-lô͘ ê sî, soah hang kòe thâu--ā, he phái ê phôe í-keng hang kah tēng-khiauh-khiauh, chin pháiⁿ-chia̍h. Hū-jîn-lâng to̍h kā in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kóng: 

“Kiáⁿ--ê, lí khì kā hia ê phái khǹg khì kè-á téng, koh sió-tán--1-sî-á, chia ê phái to̍h ē koh piàn--tńg-lâi.”

By that, you know, she meant that they would become softer; but her daughter said to herself, "If Mother says the pies will come again, why shouldn't I eat these now?" So, having good, young teeth, she set to work and ate the lot, first and last.

當然--lah,chit ê婦人人ê意思是講,chia ê phái koh khǹg--1-時-á to̍h ē變kah軟lio̍h koh好食,m̄-koh in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kā伊ka-tī講:「Nā準講phái ē koh轉--來,我chit-má nah m̄ kā chia ê phái lóng總食了了?」Chŏ͘-kiáⁿ tng少年,嘴齒tng勇,伊to̍h開始食,ùi第1塊到thōng尾塊lóng ka sut了了。

Tong-jiân--lah, chit ê hū-jîn-lâng ê ì-sù sī kóng, chia ê phái koh khǹg--1-sî-á to̍h ē piàn kah nńg-lio̍h koh hó-chia̍h, m̄-koh in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kā i ka-tī kóng: “Nā chún-kóng phái ē koh tńg--lâi, góa chit-má nah m̄ kā chia ê phái lóng-chóng chia̍h liáu-liáu?” Chŏ͘-kiáⁿ tng siàu-liân, chhùi-khí tng ióng, i to̍h khai-sí chia̍h, ùi tē 1 tè kàu thōng bóe-tè lóng ka sut liáu-liáu. 

Now when supper-time came the woman said to her daughter, "Go you and get one of the pies. They are sure to have come again by now."

Then the girl went and looked, but of course there was nothing but the empty dishes.

So back she came and said, "No, Mother, they ain't come again."

暗頓ê時間到--ah,婦人人kā in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ講:「你去kā hiah-ê phái the̍h 1塊來,in chit-má ún-tàng koh變--轉-來-ah。」

Chŏ͘-kiáⁿ to̍h去架á hia ka看,當然--no͘h,kan-na chhun phiat-á空空空,其他--ê啥to無。

Só͘-pái,伊to̍h轉來kā in母--á講:「無neh,Mă-á,in無koh轉--來neh。」

Àm-tǹg ê sî-kan kàu--ah, hū-jîn-lâng kā in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kóng: “Lí khì kā hiah-ê phái the̍h 1 tè lâi, in chit-má ún-tàng koh piàn--tńg-lâi-ah.”

Chŏ͘-kiáⁿ to̍h khì kè-á hia ka khòaⁿ, tong-jiân--no͘h, kan-na chhun phiat-á khang-khang-khang, kî-tha--ê siáⁿ to bô.   

Só͘-pái,i to̍h tńg-lâi kā in bú--á kóng: “Bô neh, Mă-á, in bô koh tńg--lâi neh.”

"Not one o' them?" asked the mother, taken aback like.

"Not one o' them," says the daughter, quite confident.

"Well," says the mother, "come again, or not come again, I will have one of them pies for my supper."

"But you can't," says the daughter. "How can you if they ain't come? And they ain't, as sure's sure."

In老母感覺有夠hàm,to̍h ìn講:「連1塊to無變--轉-來?」

Cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ真有自信kā老母ìn講:「1塊to無。」


Cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ koh ìn講:「無法度--ā,in nā無轉--來你是beh按怎食?有影to無,實tú實--ê。」

In lāu-bú kám-kak ū kàu hàm, to̍h ìn kóng: “Liân 1 tè to bô piàn--tńg-lâi?”

Cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ chin ū chū-sìn kā lāu-bú ìn kóng: “1 tè to bô.”

“Hó--lah! Put-koán ū piàn--tńg-lâi a̍h bô, góa e-àm to̍h sī beh chia̍h 1 tè phái chún-chò àm-tǹg.”

Cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ koh ìn kóng: “Bô-hoat-tō͘--ā, in nā bô tńg--lâi lí sī beh án-chóaⁿ chia̍h? Ū iáⁿ to bô, si̍t-tú-si̍t--ê.”  

"But I can," says the mother, getting angry. "Go you at once, child, and bring me the best on them. My teeth must just tackle it."

"Best or worst is all one," answered the daughter, quite sulky, "for I've ate the lot, so you can't have one till it comes again—so there!"

Well, the mother she bounced up to see; but half an eye told her there was nothing save the empty dishes; so she was dished up herself and done for.

「我to̍h是beh食!」In老母teh ìn ê時已經開始teh受氣--ah,koh講:「Gín-á,你sûi去kā siōng軟ê hit塊kă the̍h--來,我一定pō͘有法!」

Cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ面àu-àu ìn講:「Siāng tēng--ê kah siāng軟--ê lóng kāng款--lah,lóng chóng hō͘我食了了--ah,nah有thang koh hō͘你食,to̍h ài等in koh再轉--來,tāi-chì to̍h是按呢!」

He老母chŏaⁿ ùi椅á頂彈--起-來,緊去架á hia看,m̄-koh伊kan-na眼--1-ē to̍h知--a,he phiat-á khăng-khang,siáⁿ to無,só͘-pái,當然siáⁿ to無thang食,火燒罟寮,全無bāng--lah。

“Góa to̍h sī beh chia̍h!” In lāu-bú teh ìn ê sî í-keng khai-sí teh siūⁿ-khì--ah, koh kóng: “Gín-á, lí sûi khì kā siōng nńg ê hit tè kă the̍h--lâi, góa it-tēng pō͘ ū hoat!”

Cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ bīn àu-àu ìn kóng: “Siāng tēng--ê kah siāng nńg--ê lóng kāng-khoán--lah, lóng chóng hō͘ góa chia̍h liáu-liáu--ah, nah ū thang koh hō͘ lí chia̍h, to̍h ài tán in koh chài tńg--lâi, tāi-chì to̍h sī án-ne!”

He lāu-bú chŏaⁿ ùi í-á téng tōaⁿ--khí-lâi, kín khì kè-á hia khòaⁿ, m̄-koh i kan-na gán--1-ē to̍h chai--a, he phiat-á khăng-khang, siáⁿ to bô, só͘-pái, tong-jiân siáⁿ to bô thang chia̍h, hóe-sio-ko͘-liâu, choân bô bāng--lah.  

So, having no supper, she sate her down on the doorstep, and, bringing out her distaff, began to spin. And as she span she sang:

"My daughter ha' ate five pies to-day,

My daughter ha' ate five pies to-day,

My daughter ha' ate five pies to-day,"

Kah to無暗頓thang食,chit ê老母to̍h坐tī戶碇,kā紡紗棍á the̍h出來紡紗,伊紗á ná紡koh ná tī hia唱講:

「Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ今á日kā 5 ê phái食了了,

 Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ今á日kā 5 ê phái食了了,

Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ今á日kā 5 ê phái食了了。」

Kah to bô àm-tǹg thang chia̍h, chit ê lāu-bú to̍h chē tī hō͘-tēng, kā pháng-se-kùn-á the̍h chhut-lâi pháng-se, i se-á ná pháng koh ná tī hia chhiùⁿ kóng:

“Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kin-á-ji̍t kā 5 ê phái chia̍h liáu-liáu, goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kin-á-ji̍t kā 5 ê phái chia̍h liáu-liáu, goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kin-á-ji̍t kā 5 ê phái chia̍h liáu-liáu.”

For, see you, she was quite flabbergasted and fair astonished.

Now the King of that country happened to be coming down the street, and he heard the song going on and on, but could not quite make out the words. So he stopped his horse, and asked:

"What is that you are singing, my good woman?"

有影--lah,hit ê老母斯當時真正是gāng--去。

Ûn-ná是真tú好--lah,hit ê國ê王,tī hit ê老母tng teh唱歌ê時,經過hit條街á路,伊聽tio̍h有人一直teh唱kāng 1條歌,teh唱siáⁿ soah lóng聽bē清。伊to̍h kā馬lêng ho͘ tiāⁿ,問講:


Ū-iáⁿ--lah, hit ê lāu-bú su-tong-sî chin-chiàⁿ sī gāng--khì. 

Ûn-ná sī chin tú-hó--lah, hit ê kok ê ông, tī hit ê lāu-bú tng teh chhiùⁿ-koa ê sî, keng-kòe hit tiâu ke-á-lō͘, i thiaⁿ tio̍h ū lâng it-ti̍t teh chhiùⁿ kāng 1 tiâu koa, teh chhiùⁿ siáⁿ soah lóng thiaⁿ bē chheng. I to̍h kā bé lêng ho͘ tiāⁿ, mn̄g kóng: 

“Chhin-ài ê hū-jîn-lâng, lí sī leh chhiùⁿ siáⁿ-hòe?”

Now the mother, though horrified at her daughter's appetite, did not want other folk, leastwise the King, to know about it, so she sang instead:

"My daughter ha' spun five skeins to-day,

My daughter ha' spun five skeins to-day,

My daughter ha' spun five skeins to-day."

Taⁿ Chit ê婦人人,sui-bóng講tú去hō͘ in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ ê好嘴斗驚--tio̍h,m̄-koh che做老母--ê,khah按怎mā無想beh hông知影chit款tāi-chì,尤其是對方koh是chit ê國ê王。Só͘-pái伊to̍h改唱講:

「Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ今á日kā 5 khûn紗紡了了,

Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ今á日kā 5 khûn紗紡了了,

Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ今á日kā 5 khûn紗紡了了。」

Taⁿ Chit ê hū-jîn-lâng, sui-bóng kóng tú khì hō͘ in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ ê hó-chhùi-táu kiaⁿ--tio̍h, m̄-koh che chò lāu-bú--ê, khah-án-chóaⁿ mā bô siūⁿ beh hông chai-iáⁿ chit khoán tāi-chì, iû-kî sī tùi-hong koh sī chit ê kok ê ông. Só͘-pái i to̍h kái chhiùⁿ kóng:

“Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kin-á-ji̍t kā 5 khûn se pháng liáu-liáu,

Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kin-á-ji̍t kā 5 khûn se pháng liáu-liáu,

Goán chŏ͘-kiáⁿ kin-á-ji̍t kā 5 khûn se pháng liáu-liáu.”


"Five skeins!" cried the King. "By my garter and my crown, I never heard tell of any one who could do that! Look you here, I have been searching for a maiden to wife, and your daughter who can spin five skeins a day is the very one for me. Only, mind you, though for eleven months of the year she shall be Queen indeed, and have all she likes to eat, all the gowns she likes to get, all the company she likes to keep, and everything her heart desires, in the twelfth month she must set to work and spin five skeins a day, and if she does not she must die. Come! is it a bargain?"

「Án娘ôe,5 khûn紗!」Che王驚1-tiô,無細膩soah喝--出-來。「我用我ê束帶kah王冠咒誓,自我生目睭發目眉,m̄-bat聽過有人hiah gâu--ê,我kā你講,我一直teh chhōe適合ê chŏ͘-gín-á beh做牽手,ah恁cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ,1 kang ē-tàng紡5 khûn紗hiah nī gâu,伊to̍h是我想beh chhōa ê人。M̄-koh,to̍h ài先kah你phín ho͘好勢,伊嫁--過-來了後,1年內底ê頭11個月,伊ē-tàng享受做王后所有ê權利,想beh食siáⁿ好料--ê to̍h有thang食,想beh穿siáⁿ-mih súi衫to̍h有thang穿,想beh ài交siáⁿ-mih款ê朋友to̍h去交,橫直to̍h是心內有想beh ài siáⁿ to̍h ē有,m̄-koh自第12個月開始,伊ta̍k日to̍h ài紡5 khûn紗á,nā做bē到,我ē ka處死。按怎!你感覺啥款?」

“Án-niâ ôe, 5 khûn se!” Che ông kiaⁿ 1-tiô, bô sè-jī soah hoah--chhut-lâi. “Góa iōng góa ê sok-tòa kah ông-koan chiù-chōa, chū góa seⁿ ba̍k-chiu hoat ba̍k-bâi, m̄-bat thiaⁿ-kòe ū lâng hiah gâu--ê, góa kā lí kóng, góa it-ti̍t teh chhōe sek-ha̍p ê chŏ͘-gín-á beh chò khan-chhiú, ah lín cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ, 1 kang ē-tàng pháng 5 khûn se hiah nī gâu, i to̍h sī góa siūⁿ beh chhōa ê lâng. M̄-koh, to̍h ài seng kah lí phín ho͘ hó-sè, i kè--kòe-lâi liáu-āu, 1 nî lāi-té ê thâu 11 kó͘-goe̍h, i ē-tàng hiáng-siū chò ông-hiō só͘-ū ê koân-lī, siūⁿ beh chia̍h siáⁿ hó-liāu--ê to̍h ū thang chia̍h, siūⁿ beh chhēng siáⁿ-mih súi saⁿ to̍h ū thang chhēng, siūⁿ beh ài kau siáⁿ-mih khoán ê pêng-iú to̍h khì kau, hoâiⁿ-ti̍t to̍h sī sim-lāi ū siūⁿ beh ài siáⁿ to̍h ē ū, m̄-koh chū tē 12 kó͘-goe̍h khai-sí, i ta̍k-ji̍t to̍h ài pháng 5 khûn se-á, nā chò bē kàu, góa ē ka chhú-sí. Án-chóaⁿ! Lí kám-kak siáⁿ-khoán?”

So the mother agreed. She thought what a grand marriage it was for her daughter. And as for the five skeins? Time enough to bother about them when the year came round. There was many a slip between cup and lip, and, likely as not, the King would have forgotten all about it by then.

Hit ê老母同意--ah。伊想講che對in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ來講,是1 chân點燈á火mā無塊chhōe ê好姻緣。Ah nā 1 kang紡5 khûn紗á ê tāi-chì,時到時擔當to̍h好,1 tang ê時間lò-lò長,tāi-chì kám講lóng bē有變化?凡勢時到王早to̍h kā chit chân tāi-chì放bē記--ah。

Hit ê lāu-bú tông-ì--ah. I siūⁿ-kóng che tùi in chŏ͘-kiáⁿ lâi kóng, sī 1 chân tiám teng-á-hóe mā bô-tè chhōe ê hó in-iân. Ah nā 1 kang pháng 5 khûn se-á ê tāi-chì, sî-kàu sî tam-tng to̍h hó, 1 tang ê sî-kan lò-lò-tn̂g, tāi-chì kám kóng lóng bē ū piàn-hòa? Hoān-sè sî kàu ông chá to̍h kā chit chân tāi-chì pàng bē-kì--ah.

Anyhow, her daughter would be Queen for eleven months. So they were married, and for eleven months the bride was happy as happy could be. She had everything she liked to eat, and all the gowns she liked to get, all the company she cared to keep, and everything her heart desired. And her husband the King was kind as kind could be. But in the tenth month she began to think of those five skeins and wonder if the King remembered. And in the eleventh month she began to dream about them as well. But ne'er a word did the King, her husband, say about them; so she hoped he had forgotten.

不管如何,in cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ to̍h是ē有11個月ê王后thang做。In cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ to̍h án-ne kah王結婚--a,tī頭前11個月--ni̍h,新娘á講有jōa幸福to̍h有jōa幸福,beh ài食siáⁿ to̍h有siáⁿ thang食,beh ài穿啥物款ê súi衫to̍h有thang穿,想beh kah啥物款ê人交陪mā lóng隨在--伊,簡單講,to̍h是beh ài啥to有,in ang,to̍h是王,對伊是好kah無塊講。M̄-koh到第10個月ê時,伊開始想tio̍h hit 5 khûn紗á ê tāi-chì,mā leh煩惱講m̄知王kám iáu-koh ē記--chit,到第11個月ê時,伊連半暝á陷眠to ē夢tio̍h hit 5 khûn紗á,m̄-koh in ang,王從來to̍h無koh講起chit 5 khûn紗á,só͘-pái,伊是真ǹg望王已經kā chit chân tāi-chì放bē記--ah。

Put-koán jû-hô, in cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ to̍h sī ē ū 11 kó͘-goe̍h ê ông-hiō thang chò. In cha-bó͘ kiáⁿ to̍h án-ne kah ông kiat-hun--a, tī thâu-chêng 11 kó͘-goe̍h--ni̍h, sin-niû-á kóng ū jōa hēng-hok to̍h ū jōa hēng-hok, beh ài chia̍h siáⁿ to̍h ū siáⁿ thang chia̍h, beh ài chhēng siáⁿ-mih khoán ê súi-saⁿ to̍h ū thang chhēng, siūⁿ beh kah siáⁿ-mih khoán ê lâng kau-pôe mā lóng sûi-chāi--i, kán-tan kóng, to̍h sī beh ài siáⁿ to ū, in ang, to̍h sī ông, tùi i sī hó kah bô-tè kóng. M̄-koh kàu tē 10 kó͘-goe̍h ê sî, i khai-sí siūⁿ tio̍h hit 5 khûn se-á ê tāi-chì, mā leh hoân-ló kóng m̄-chai ông kám iáu-koh ē-kì--chit, kàu tē 11 kó͘-goe̍h ê sî, i liân pòaⁿ-mî-á hām-bîn to ē bāng tio̍h hit 5 khûn se-á, m̄-koh in ang, ông chiông-lâi to̍h bô koh kóng-khí chit 5 khûn se-á, só͘-pái, i sī chin ǹg-bāng ông í-keng kā chit chân tāi-chì pàng bē-kì--ah.

But on the very last day of the eleventh month, the King, her husband, led her into a room she had never set eyes on before. It had one window, and there was nothing in it but a stool and a spinning-wheel.

M̄-koh to̍h tī第11個月ê siōng尾1 kang,in ang,王ka伊chhōa去1間伊從來m̄-bat看--過ê房間,房間kan-na有1扇窗á門,內底kan-na chhāi 1 chiah椅頭á kah 1台紡車,其他--ê啥to無。

M̄-koh to̍h tī tē 11 kó͘-goe̍h ê siōng bóe 1 kang, in ang, ông ka i chhōa khì 1 keng i chiông-lâi m̄-bat khòaⁿ--kòe ê pâng-keng, pâng-keng kan-na ū 1 sìⁿ thang-á-mn̂g, lāi-té kan-na chhāi 1 chiah í-thâu-á kah 1 tâi pháng-chhia, kî-tha--ê siáⁿ to bô.

"Now, my dear," he said quite kind like, "you will be shut in here to-morrow morning with some victuals and some flax, and if by evening you have not spun five skeins, your head will come off."

王真溫柔kā伊講:「Súi某,明á載早起你to̍h ē hông關tī chia,食--ê lim--ê,kah beh hō͘你紡ê亞麻,lóng ē kā你chhoân kah便,nā到下暗ê時,你無kā 5 khûn紗á紡好勢,你ê頭to̍h ē ùi ām-kún-á lak--落-來。」

Ông chin un-jiû kā i kóng: “Súi-bó͘, bîn-á-chài chái-khí lí to̍h ē hông koaiⁿ tī chia, chia̍h--ê lim--ê, kah beh hō͘ lí pháng ê a-môa, lóng ē kā lí chhoân kah piān, nā kàu e-àm ê sî, lí bô kā 5 khûn se-á pháng hó-sè, lí ê thâu to̍h ē ùi ām-kún-á lak--lo̍h-lâi.”

Well she was fair frightened, for she had always been such a gatless thoughtless girl that she had never learnt to spin at all. So what she was to do on the morrow she could not tell; for, see you, she had no one to help her; for, of course, now she was Queen, her mother didn't live nigh her. So she just locked the door of her room, sat down on a stool, and cried and cried and cried until her pretty eyes were all red.

伊真正是驚--tio̍h-ah,soah m̄知影伊本底to̍h是1 ê神經線真大條ê cha-bó͘ gín-á,根本to m̄-bat去學過啥mih紡紗--ê。Só͘-pái,明á載ê tāi-chì beh án-chóaⁿ辦,伊是完全lóng sa無cháng頭,ah to,你ka看,無人ē-tàng kā伊鬥saⁿ-kāng--ā,伊chit-má是王后,in老母當然mā bē tòa tī伊seng-khu邊。Só͘-pái,伊chŏaⁿ kā伊ê房間門鎖--起-來,椅頭á坐--leh to̍h kan-na哭,直直哭,一直哭,哭kah伊he súi-tang-tang ê目睭kui-ê lóng變kah紅kòng-kòng。

I chin-chiàⁿ sī kiaⁿ--tio̍h-ah, soah m̄ chai-iáⁿ i pún-té to̍h sī 1 ê sîn-keng-sòaⁿ chin tōa-tiâu ê cha-bó͘ gín-á, kin-pún to m̄-bat khì o̍h kòe siáⁿ-mih pháng-se--ê. Só͘-pái, bîn-á-chài ê tāi-chì beh án-chóaⁿ pān, i sī oân-choân lóng sa bô cháng-thâu, ah to, lí ka khòaⁿ, bô lâng ē-tàng kā i tàu-saⁿ-kāng--ā, i chit-má sī ông-hiō, in lāu-bú tong-jiân mā bē tòa tī i seng-khu piⁿ. Só͘-pái, i chŏaⁿ kā i ê pâng-keng-mn̂g só--khí-lâi, í-thâu-á chē--leh to̍h kan-na khàu, ti̍t-ti̍t khàu, it-ti̍t khàu, khàu kah i he súi-tang-tang ê ba̍k-chiu kui-ê lóng piàn kah âng-kòng-kòng.

Now as she sate sobbing and crying she heard a queer little noise at the bottom of the door. At first she thought it was a mouse. Then she thought it must be something knocking.

So she upped and opened the door and what did she see? Why! a small, little, black Thing with a long tail that whisked round and round ever so fast.

Tng-tong伊tī hia leh chheh-khùi流目屎ê時,伊聽tio̍h門ê下底有奇怪ê聲,he聲無kài大聲,細細聲á niâ。Tú開始,伊感覺he是niáu鼠á teh作怪,m̄-koh,jú聽jú感覺是有人teh lòng門。

所以伊to̍h peh起來開門,hó͘!Lín Kám知影伊去看tio̍h啥?是1隻烏烏koh生尾á ê細隻物á,伊ê長尾溜koh一直leh se̍h-lin-long,se̍h kah有夠緊--ê。

Tng-tong i tī hia leh chheh-khùi lâu ba̍k-sái ê sî, i thiaⁿ tio̍h mn̂g ê ē-té ū kî-koài ê siaⁿ, he siaⁿ bô kài tōa-siaⁿ, sè-sè-siaⁿ-á niâ. Tú khai-sí, i kám-kak he sī niáu-chhí-á teh chok-koài, m̄-koh, jú thiaⁿ jú kám-kak sī ū lâng teh lòng mn̂g.

Só͘-í i to̍h peh khí-lâi khui-mn̂g, hó͘! Lín Kám chai-iáⁿ i khì khòaⁿ tio̍h siáⁿ? Sī 1 chiah o͘-o͘ koh seⁿ bóe-á ê sè-chiah-mi̍h-á, i ê tn̂g-bóe-liu koh it-ti̍t leh se̍h-lin-long, se̍h kah ū kàu kín--ê.

"What are you crying for?" said that Thing, making a bow, and twirling its tail so fast that she could scarcely see it.

"What's that to you?" said she, shrinking a bit, for that Thing was very queer like.

"Don't look at my tail if you're frightened," says That, smirking. "Look at my toes. Ain't they beautiful?"

And sure enough That had on buckled shoes with high heels and big bows, ever so smart.

Hit ê物á kā王后行1 ê禮,koh開嘴ka問講:「你是按怎leh哭?」Ná leh講ê時,伊ê尾á se̍h kah有夠緊,緊kah kiông-beh hông看無。

王后ìn講:「Che kah你有siáⁿ tī-tāi?」講話ê時,人koh sió-khóa-á kiu-kiu,因為hit隻物á實在是kài ku怪。

Sòa--lòe,Hit隻物á笑笑á ìn講:「你nā ē驚你to̍h mài看我ê尾á,看我ê脚to̍h好,你看,kám m̄是真好看?」Koh有影neh,hit隻chhēng 1雙koân-ta̍h-á,鞋á頂koân koh有大大ê chiŭ-chiú kah khian-á,看tio̍h真phāⁿ。

Hit ê mi̍h-á kā ông-hiō kiâⁿ 1 ê lé, koh khui-chhùi ka mn̄g kóng: “Lí sī án-chóaⁿ leh khàu?” Ná leh kóng ê sî, i ê bóe-á se̍h kah ū kàu kín, kín kah kiông-beh hông khòaⁿ bô.

Ông-hiō ìn kóng: "Che kah lí ū siáⁿ tī-tāi?” Kóng-ōe ê sî, lâng koh sió-khóa-á kiu-kiu, in-ūi hit chiah mi̍h-á si̍t-chāi sī kài ku-koài.

Sòa--lòe, Hit chiah mi̍h-á chhiò-chhiò-á ìn kóng: “Lí nā ē kiaⁿ lí to̍h mài khòaⁿ góa ê bóe-á, khòaⁿ góa ê kha to̍h hó, lí khòaⁿ, kám m̄ sī chin hó khòaⁿ?” Koh ū-iáⁿ neh, hit chiah chhēng 1 siang koân-ta̍h-á, ê-á téng koân koh ū tōa-tōa ê chiŭ-chiú kah khian-á, khòaⁿ tio̍h chin phāⁿ.

So she kind of forgot about the tail, and wasn't so frightened, and when That asked her again why she was crying, she upped and said, "It won't do no good if I do."

"You don't know that," says That, twirling its tail faster and faster, and sticking out its toes. "Come, tell me, there's a good girl."

"Well," says she, "it can't do any harm if it doesn't do good." So she dried her pretty eyes and told That all about the pies, and the skeins, and everything from first to last.

Só͘-pái,王后to̍h無koh一直teh要意伊ê尾á,人to̍h無hiah-nī kiaⁿ-hiâⁿ--ā,koh來,hit隻koh kā王后問1遍講,到底是按怎leh哭,王后to̍h khiā起來ka ìn講:「講mā無路用--lah。」

Hit隻ìn講:「無講你nah ē知?」Ná講尾á koh se̍h kah jú緊,koh kā脚向前踏1步講:「來--lah,kă講,按呢m̄-chiah有乖。」

「好--lah,kā你講nā無好處,siōng無mā無敗害--lah。」伊to̍h kā伊súi-súi ê目睭chhit ho͘ ta,kā phái ê tāi-chì,紗á ê tāi-chì,koh有其他ê種種,詳細講hō͘ hit隻聽。

Só͘-pái, ông-hiō to̍h bô koh it-ti̍t teh iàu-ì i ê bóe-á, lâng to̍h bô hiah-nī kiaⁿ-hiâⁿ--ā, koh lâi, hit chiah koh kā ông-hiō mn̄g 1 piàn kóng, tàu-té sī án-chóaⁿ leh khàu, ông-hiō to̍h khiā khí-lâi ka ìn kóng: “Kóng mā bô-lō͘-ēng--lah.”

Hit chiah ìn kóng: “Bô kóng lí nah ē chai?” Ná kóng bóe-á koh se̍h kah jú kín, koh kā kha hiòng-chêng ta̍h 1 pō͘ kóng: “Lâi--lah, kă kóng, án-ne m̄-chiah ū koai.”

“Hó--lah, kā lí kóng nā bô hó-chhù, siōng-bô mā bô pāi-hāi--lah.” I to̍h kā i súi-súi ê ba̍k-chiu chhit ho͘ ta, kā phái ê tāi-chì, se-á ê tāi-chì, koh ū kî-tha ê chióng-chióng, siông-sè kóng hō͘ hit chiah thiaⁿ.

And then that little, black Thing nearly  burst with laughing. "If that is all, it's easy mended!" it says. "I'll come to your window every morning, take the flax, and bring it back spun into five skeins at night. Come! shall it be a bargain?"

Now she, for all she was so gatless and thoughtless, said, cautious like:

"But what is your pay?"

聽soah,hit隻細細隻koh烏烏ê物á,笑kah kiōng beh bē喘氣,講:「Nā是kan-na你講--ê án-ne,tāi-chì to̍h簡單--a!我ta̍k kang早起lóng來你ê窗á口,kā你the̍h亞麻,koh來,到下暗ê時,我koh轉來kā 5 khûn紗á the̍h hō͘--你,你看,án-ne啥款?」

Sui-bóng王后平素時lóng放放--ah,chit時mā kài慎重kā hit隻問講:「Án-ne我ài hō͘你啥貨做代價?」

Thiaⁿ soah, hit chiah sè-sè chiah koh o͘-o͘ ê mi̍h-á, chhiò kah kiōng beh bē chhoán-khùi, kóng: “Nā sī kan-na lí kóng--ê án-ne, tāi-chì to̍h kán-tan--a! Góa ta̍k kang chái-khí lóng lâi lí ê thang-á-kháu, kā lí the̍h a-môa, koh lâi, kàu e-àm ê sî, góa koh tńg-lâi kā 5 khûn se-á the̍h hō͘--lí, lí khòaⁿ, án-ne siáⁿ-khoán?”

Sui-bóng ông-hiō pêng-sò͘-sî lóng hòng-hòng--ah, chit sî mā kài sīn-tiōng kā hit chiah mn̄g kóng: “Án-ne góa ài hō͘ lí siáⁿ-hòe chò tāi-kè?”

Then That twirled its tail so fast you couldn't see it, and stuck out its beautiful toes, and smirked and looked out of the corners of its eyes. "I will give you three guesses every night to guess my name, and if you haven't guessed it before the month is up, why"—and That twirled its tail faster and stuck out its toes further, and smirked(奸笑) and sniggered(偷笑) more than ever—"you shall be mine, my beauty."

Chit時,hit隻kā伊ê尾á se̍h kah有夠緊,緊kah根本to看bē清楚--ah,sòa--lòe kā伊穿súi鞋ê脚尾向前小chhun--1-步,嘴笑目笑用目尾ka siòng,koh講:「我ta̍k暗lóng ē hō͘你3遍機會來ioh我ê名,nā是tī chit月底進前你無ioh--tio̍h...,」話講到chia,hit隻ê尾溜se̍h kah koh jú緊,脚koh向前chhun jú遠,mā笑kah jú奸koh jú神秘,講:「美人--ah,你to̍h ē變做我ê人。」

Chit sî, hit chiah kā i ê bóe-á se̍h kah ū kàu kín, kín kah kin-pún to khòaⁿ bē chheng-chhó--ah, sòa--lòe kā i chhēng súi-ê ê kha-bóe hiòng-chêng sió chhun--1-pō͘, chhùi-chhiò-ba̍k-chhiò iōng ba̍k-bóe ka siòng, koh kóng: “Góa ta̍k-àm lóng ē hō͘ lí 3 piàn ki-hōe lâi ioh góa ê miâ, nā sī tī chit goe̍h-té chìn-chêng lí bô ioh--tio̍h...,” Ōe kóng kàu chia, hit chiah ê bóe-liu se̍h kah koh jú kín, kha koh hiòng-chêng chhun jú hn̄g, mā chhiò kah jú kan koh jú sîn-pì, kóng: “Bí-jîn--ah, lí to̍h ē piàn-chò góa ê lâng.”

Three guesses every night for a whole month! She felt sure she would be able for so much; and there was no other way out of the business, so she just said, "Yes! I agree!"

And lor! how That twirled its tail, and bowed, and smirked, and stuck out its beautiful toes.

Ta̍k暝lóng ē-tàng ioh 3遍neh,koh有kui個月ê時間,王后感覺講án-ne一定ē有辦法ioh--tio̍h,而且目前mā無其他ê步--ā,王后to̍h ka ìn講:「好,我同意!」

Hó͘,hit隻thiòng kah一直tī hia se̍h伊ê尾á,行禮,gī-gī笑,koh kā伊妝thāⁿ kah súi-súi ê脚尾chhun--出-來。

Ta̍k mî lóng ē-tàng ioh 3 piàn neh, koh ū kui kó͘-goe̍h ê sî-kan, ông-hiō kám-kak kóng án-ne it-tēng ē ū pān-hoat ioh--tio̍h, jî-chhiáⁿ bo̍k-chêng mā bô kî-tha ê pō͘--ā, ông-hiō to̍h ka ìn kóng: “Hó, góa tông-ì!”

Hó͘, hit chiah thiòng kah it-ti̍t tī hia se̍h i ê bóe-á, kiâⁿ-lé, gī-gī-chhiò, koh kā i chng-thāⁿ kah súi-súi ê kha-bóe chhun--chhut-lâi.

Well, the very next day her husband led her to the strange room again, and there was the day's food, and a spinning-wheel and a great bundle of flax.

"There you are, my dear," says he as polite as polite. "And remember! if there are not five whole skeins to-night, I fear your head will come off!"

翻轉工,in ang koh chhōa伊去hit間生份ê房間,內底王后kui工ê食物,紡車kah 1大khûn ê亞麻lóng已經chhoân好勢--ah。

王真好禮kā王后講:「來,物件lóng tī chia,貼心--ê,你ài ē記--chit ŏ͘,nā是今á-ĕng,你無kā 5 khûn紗á紡好勢,我驚á你ê頭殼to̍h ē lak--落-來-ō͘!」

Hoan-tńg-kang, in ang koh chhōa i khì hit keng chheⁿ-hūn ê pâng-keng, lāi-té ông-hiō kui kang ê chia̍h-mi̍h, pháng-chhia kah 1 tōa khûn ê a-môa lóng í-keng chhoân hó-sè--ah.

Ông chin hó-lé kā ông-hiō kóng: “Lâi, mi̍h-kiāⁿ lóng tī chia, tah-sim--ê, lí ài ē-kì--chit ŏ͘, nā sī kin-á-ĕng, lí bô kā 5 khûn se-á pháng hó-sè, góa kiaⁿ-á lí ê thâu-khak to̍h ē lak--lo̍h-lâi-ō͘!”

At that she began to tremble, and after he had gone away and locked the door, she was just thinking of a good cry, when she heard a queer knocking at the window. She upped at once and opened it, and sure enough there was the small, little, black Thing sitting on the window-ledge, dangling its beautiful toes and twirling its tail so that you could scarcely see it.

伊聽tio̍h chia ê話了後,kui seng-khu to̍h開始phi̍h-phi̍h-chhoah,tī in ang離開房間koh kā門鎖--起-來了後,伊tú phah算beh好好á吼--1-ē,to̍h tī chit時,伊聽tio̍h窗á門有奇怪ê khi-khi-kho̍k-kho̍k ê聲,伊sûi khiā起來開窗á,hèⁿ,hit隻,烏烏koh細細隻hit隻,to̍h坐tī窗á唇,tī hia teh hàiⁿ伊穿súi鞋ê脚,尾á kāng款se̍h kah有夠緊,kiōng-kiōng beh hông看無。

I thiaⁿ tio̍h chia ê ōe liáu-āu, kui seng-khu to̍h khai-sí phi̍h-phi̍h-chhoah, tī in ang lī-khui pâng-keng koh kā mn̂g só--khí-lâi liáu-āu, i tú phah-sǹg beh hó-hó-á háu--1-ē, to̍h tī chit sî, i thiaⁿ tio̍h thang-á-mn̂g ū kî-koài ê khi-khi-kho̍k-kho̍k ê siaⁿ, i sûi khiā khí lâi khui thang-á, hèⁿ, hit chiah, o͘-o͘ koh sè-sè-chiah hit chiah, to̍h chē tī thang-á-tûn, tī hia teh hàiⁿ i chhēng súi-ê ê kha, bóe-á kāng-khoán se̍h kah ū-kàu kín, kiōng-kiōng beh hông khòaⁿ bô.

Goán是1 tīn真要意台語台文ê人,對台語有真深ê感情,tī chit-má這ê對台語,也tio̍h是咱Formosa chit粒島嶼本底ê共同語,去hō͘ chē-chē人看輕ê時代,想beh出來做kóa tāi-chì,kā goán目前koh ē-hiáu ê物件,分享hō͘社會知影。

THE STORY OF THE THREE BEARS Once upon a time there were three Bears, who lived together in a house of their own, in a wood. One of them was a Little
THE STORY OF THE THREE BEARS Once upon a time there were three Bears, who lived together in a house of their own, in a wood. One of them was a Little
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2024.05.27 首圖看起來又是一臉奧嘟嘟。 可憐的情勒仔,其實還是很有食慾但是因為嘴巴越來越痛,吃東西的慾望有明顯降低。 今天蟲媽炸了雞排,然後情勒仔就各種跑到廚房巡視,一下子去客廳,一下子又回到廚房,來來回回不知道逛了幾圈。 大概是炸物聞起來實在是太香惹。 而且
神話一直都在那邊,故事裡的情節多變,端看說書人要採用什麼角度來解釋,就像是 Oedipus 的故事,明明在大架構下說的是個人意志與神喻之間的拔河,卻是被佛洛伊德擷取片段為弒父娶母的情節。我猜,要是安東妮在此的話,她一定會說,同樣的蛋和白米飯,傅培梅和艾思考非耶兩位大廚會採用不同的手法處理…
請訂閱【飛火米】YT頻道!謝謝大家! 昨天只休一天假! 但還是有從桃園騎車回樹林陪爸媽! 晚上回桃園前! 老媽又弄了很豐盛的晚餐給我吃! 除此之外還有包手卷給我吃! 每次都吃不完! 那就來拍照寫炫耀文吧!
「點了炒飯、炒麵,還有滷味。 甚至也有湯麵、湯飯。 不夠的話可以再叫。」 Annie是診所的護士長,所以當然有權利代表大家發話。 「哦,今天的菜色還不錯。 你們叫了這麼多的食物,應該是不用再叫,反正也吃不完。」
天冷吃鍋最讚~結果我們跟大姐約的那一天不冷😅 上禮拜三姐一家本來要回來,結果三姐不舒服沒回來,不然禮拜六晚上隨便吃吃,禮拜天因為老媽不在家,三姐打算用空腹熊貓訂餐,誰知他們沒要回來了。
2024.05.27 首圖看起來又是一臉奧嘟嘟。 可憐的情勒仔,其實還是很有食慾但是因為嘴巴越來越痛,吃東西的慾望有明顯降低。 今天蟲媽炸了雞排,然後情勒仔就各種跑到廚房巡視,一下子去客廳,一下子又回到廚房,來來回回不知道逛了幾圈。 大概是炸物聞起來實在是太香惹。 而且
神話一直都在那邊,故事裡的情節多變,端看說書人要採用什麼角度來解釋,就像是 Oedipus 的故事,明明在大架構下說的是個人意志與神喻之間的拔河,卻是被佛洛伊德擷取片段為弒父娶母的情節。我猜,要是安東妮在此的話,她一定會說,同樣的蛋和白米飯,傅培梅和艾思考非耶兩位大廚會採用不同的手法處理…
請訂閱【飛火米】YT頻道!謝謝大家! 昨天只休一天假! 但還是有從桃園騎車回樹林陪爸媽! 晚上回桃園前! 老媽又弄了很豐盛的晚餐給我吃! 除此之外還有包手卷給我吃! 每次都吃不完! 那就來拍照寫炫耀文吧!
「點了炒飯、炒麵,還有滷味。 甚至也有湯麵、湯飯。 不夠的話可以再叫。」 Annie是診所的護士長,所以當然有權利代表大家發話。 「哦,今天的菜色還不錯。 你們叫了這麼多的食物,應該是不用再叫,反正也吃不完。」
天冷吃鍋最讚~結果我們跟大姐約的那一天不冷😅 上禮拜三姐一家本來要回來,結果三姐不舒服沒回來,不然禮拜六晚上隨便吃吃,禮拜天因為老媽不在家,三姐打算用空腹熊貓訂餐,誰知他們沒要回來了。