空軍三重一村導覽解說內容重點整理 Air Force Sanchong Village Guided Tour 雙語版

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Air Force Sanchong Village Guided Tour Highlights - 中英對照

(版權所有 新北市三光國小 雙語社群 SKES BILINGUAL GROUP 轉仔請註明)

一、歷史背景 | Historical Background

  1. 建村背景 | Village Construction Background: 建於民國42年至43年(1953-1954年)。 Constructed between 1953 and 1954 (ROC Years 42-43).
  2. 因國民政府撤退來台後需要安置軍人及其家屬,由宋美齡提議興建。 Built to house military personnel and their families after the Republic of China's government retreated to Taiwan, under the suggestion of Madame Soong Mei-ling.
  3. 初期建材主要為竹篱、土牆與石灰,形成簡陋的建築風格。 Initially used materials like bamboo fences, mud walls, and lime, creating a simple architectural style.
  4. 地理位置與規模 | Geographic Location and Scale: 村落位於三重區,佔地約1.38公頃。 Located in Sanchong District, covering approximately 1.38 hectares.
  5. 原始住戶數量:59戶。 Original number of households: 59.
  6. 水患影響與房屋改建 | Impact of Floods and Housing Renovation: 民國50至70年代(1961-1981年)因水患頻繁(如52年葛樂禮颱風),建築損毀嚴重。 Frequent flooding (e.g., Typhoon Gloria in 1963) between 1961 and 1981 caused significant structural damage.
  7. 房屋逐漸由竹篱土牆改為磚牆與水泥結構。 Houses were gradually rebuilt using brick walls and concrete structures.
  8. 文物保存與登錄 | Heritage Preservation and Registration: 民國95年(2006年)被列為新北市歷史建築。 Designated as a historical building in New Taipei City in 2006 (ROC Year 95).
  9. 民國101年(2012年)登錄為全國13座軍事建村保護項目之一。 Listed as one of 13 nationally preserved military dependents' villages in 2012 (ROC Year 101).

二、建築特色 | Architectural Features

  1. 房屋類型 | Housing Types: 依住戶人口數分為四級(特級、甲級、乙級、丙級)。 Classified into four types (Special, Type A, Type B, and Type C) based on household size. 面積範圍:6坪至16坪。 Sizes ranged from 6 to 16 ping (approximately 20 to 53 square meters).
  2. 室內設計簡樸:客廳與臥室合併,家具有多功能用途。 Interiors were simple, combining living and sleeping areas, with multi-functional furniture.
  3. 建築改造 | Architectural Modifications: 70年代後因台灣經濟起飛,房屋進行6至7次擴建改造。 Houses underwent 6 to 7 rounds of expansion and renovation following Taiwan's economic boom in the 1970s.
  4. 建築風格多樣,隨著住戶需求增減。 Architectural styles became diverse, reflecting changing household needs.
  5. 特色街景與防洪設施 | Iconic Streetscape and Flood Prevention Features: "一線天"空間:狹窄巷道設計,便於居民互動。 "One Line Sky" narrow alleyways, designed to encourage community interaction.
  6. 防洪樓:部分房屋設計有小閣樓,用於避災與儲物。 Flood prevention lofts in some homes, used for disaster shelter and storage.

三、軍事遺跡 | Military Heritage

  1. 炮陣地與甬道 | Artillery Positions and Tunnels: 日治時期設有6座扇形排列的炮陣地。 Six fan-shaped artillery positions were constructed during the Japanese colonial period.
  2. 彈藥存放於地下土堆結構,通道多達10個出口。 Ammunition was stored in underground soil mounds with up to 10 exit tunnels. 甬道設計採波浪型木條結構,增強穩定性與吸音效果。 Tunnels featured wave-patterned wooden structures to enhance stability and soundproofing.
  3. 防禦策略 | Defensive Strategies: 以淡水河流域地形為天然屏障,設置戰略性防禦工事。 Utilized the Tamsui River basin as a natural barrier, constructing strategic defenses.
  4. 台北橋為唯一對外交通樞紐,成為軍事防禦重點。 The Taipei Bridge, the sole external transportation hub, became a key military defense focus.

四、文化發展與社區生活 | Cultural Development and Community Life

  1. 居民生活 | Resident Life: 初期衛浴設施集中於公共廁所。 Sanitary facilities were initially shared and located in public areas.
  2. 居民生活簡樸,兒童以手工玩具、甬道遊戲為主要娛樂。 Residents led modest lives; children played with handmade toys and in the tunnels.
  3. 多元社群融合 | Multicultural Integration: 來自不同省份的軍眷融洽相處,形成獨特的社群文化。 Military families from various provinces coexisted harmoniously, creating a unique community culture.
  4. 文創與觀光 | Cultural Innovation and Tourism: 2017年起對外開放,並引入多媒體展覽與文創活動。 Opened to the public in 2017, featuring multimedia exhibitions and cultural creative activities.
  5. 現為新北市文化園區,定期舉辦社區活動與展覽。 Now a cultural park in New Taipei City, hosting regular community events and exhibitions.

五、重要數據與特色 | Key Data and Features

  1. 村落規模 | Village Scale: 住戶:59戶。 Households: 59. 面積:1.38公頃。 Area: 1.38 hectares.
  2. 保存現況 | Preservation Status: 炮陣地與甬道為全台唯一保存完整的地下軍事設施。 The artillery positions and tunnels are Taiwan's only fully preserved underground military structures. 建築物維持原貌,僅進行必要修繕。 Structures retain their original appearance with minimal necessary repairs.
  3. 文創產業 | Cultural and Creative Industries: 吸引電影拍攝、婚紗攝影及文創商品發展。 Attracts film shoots, wedding photography, and the development of cultural products.
  4. 融合歷史、軍事與文化特色。 Integrates historical, military, and cultural features.

六、導覽小知識 | Tour Tips

  1. 提問技巧 | Questioning Techniques: 「為什麼早期房屋多以竹篱為主?」 "Why were bamboo fences commonly used in early houses?" 「炮陣地與現代建築有何不同?」 "How do artillery positions differ from modern structures?"
  2. 英語補充詞彙 | Additional Vocabulary: Military Dependents' Village:眷村 Artillery Position:炮陣地 Historical Building:歷史建築

(版權所有 新北市三光國小 雙語社群 SKES BILINGUAL GROUP 轉仔請註明)

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