MYNE Homes Unveils Affordable Solutions to Holiday Homes

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BERLIN, GERMANY - December 17, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - MYNE Homes, a Berlin-based property tech startup that recently secured €40 million in funding, is proud to introduce its co-ownership model for premium holiday homes across Europe. Through its platform, multiple co-owners can purchase shares in luxury properties, with prices starting at €99,000, while enjoying comprehensive property management and maintenance services. MYNE Homes goal is to increase access to holiday home ownership and with it make holiday investible.


According to market studies, over 50% of people dream of owning their own holiday property, with only 2% being able to make that dream come true. MYNE Homes' co-ownership model solves challenges in the holiday home market, such as high costs, underutilization and complicated property management. It enables two to eight co-owners to share a single property, increasing access to luxury holiday home ownership whilst reducing costs and promoting better yearly property use.

Fabian Loehmer, Co-Founder and Managing Director of MYNE Homes, said, "Our home co-ownership model aims to broaden access to premium holiday home ownership. In light of higher interest rates there is a growing interest in a more economical way of owning holiday properties for owner-occupation and rental."

The MYNE Homes platform features properties across eight European countries, including locations in Spain, France, Italy, the Austrian Alps, Portugal, Croatia and Sweden. The company intends to add properties in more European destinations in the coming months.

A central feature of the MYNE Homes co-ownership model is its management and maintenance service. The company oversees all aspects of property ownership, from acquisition and renovation to maintenance and legal matters. This service allows co-owners to enjoy holiday home ownership and use without property management responsibilities.

MYNE Homes has also created an app for coordination among home co-owners to manage reservations and request concierge services. MYNE co-owners can also access other properties in the MYNE network as part of an exchange program.

Nikolaus Thomale, Co-Founder and Managing Director, said, "Our end-to-end technology-based solution combined with premium service level distinguishes MYNE Homes in the home co-ownership market. Our app and scheduling system offers a practical experience that meets modern homeowners' needs."

The launch of MYNE Homes' model coincides with growing global interest in co-ownership. Spearheaded in 2020 by American unicorn Pacaso, co-ownership is now trending globally and experiencing strong growth in demand across Europe. At a time of inflation and rising interest rates, co-ownership offers a compelling cost-benefit ratio for holiday property ownership.

Notably, MYNE recently raised €40 million in a Series A funding round led by Limestone Capital, the most significant financing round in the European property tech sector for 2024. This funding will support the company's expansion into new markets and further developing its technology platform.

Co-ownership models like MYNE Homes' offer make holiday home ownership more accessible in a market characterised by rising prices and growing demand for more flexible and economical property ownership and investment solutions.

For more information about MYNE Homes and its home co-ownership opportunities, visit

About Myne Homes

MYNE Homes is a Berlin-based property tech startup offering a new model for holiday home ownership through co-ownership. Founded in 2021 by serial entrepreneurs Fabian Loehmer and Nikolaus Thomale, MYNE Homes now offers co-owned luxury properties in the most sought-after destinations in seven European countries.

The company's platform uses advanced technology and management services to simplify the ownership experience. MYNE Homes promotes sustainable and economical property use in the European holiday-home market.

Contact information

Brand: MYNE Homes

Contact: Benjamin Moller Butcher



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就在今天稍早,我們完成了第二間房的驗屋。 接下來就是把頭期款尾款90萬元繳清,就等交屋了。
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打開各種訊息,不難發現很多小行小業,各自歇業的消息。 最近房價一直漲,完全不輸給忙碌的股市。連租房也變得困難起來,小小鄉鎮,攀比大城市租金,如果常此以往,很快又會迎來當初的房市泡沫。 年輕人,小夫妻,賺著上班族的薪水,付了昂貴的房租後,就只能勉強維持生活水平,如果又要玩又要吃得好,肯定每個人都會
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住在這個房子來到第7年, 一開始的老舊, 讓我們感覺是鬼屋, 房東的佛心, 整棟透天超便宜。 兒子最愛這個家, 兒子越大, 我們有個共同書房, 但我總靜不下來。 在2023年尾端, 決定用個簡易的個人學習空間。 花輪顯少在家的狀況下, 單人床超適合我。 昨晚兒子