新嘗試:AI有聲書英文版悄悄上線~Flameblood City: The Ballad of Rebirth

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因為第一次錄製,5:14 後空白敬請大家見諒


Since it's my first recording, there's an unexpected silence after 5:14. Please forgive me for that!

Chapter 1: The Thousand-Year Fate - The Queen's Rebirth From the fantasy novel "Flameblood City: The Ballad of Rebirth"

A winter night unlike any other. The cold wind howled through the mountain passes, carrying a bite sharp enough to cut. In Xingyu City, the night lay calm and still. Sparse figures dotted the streets, and the faint glow of streetlights traced gentle pools of light on the pavement, following the quiet steps of late-night wanderers. But in the heart of this tranquil night, an extraordinary event was quietly taking shape inside an old, weather-beaten hospital.

Inside the delivery room, the atmosphere was taut with anticipation. A faint, but tangible tension hung in the air. The baby was arriving a month early. Doctors and nurses moved with precise urgency, their hands darting between medical instruments like trained dancers. Despite their vast experience, every premature birth felt like a roll of the dice against fate.

"Breathe deep. The baby’s almost here," a nurse’s voice came, soft but steady as she wiped the sweat from the mother’s brow with a gentle touch.

Out in the hallway, the mother’s own mother sat on a bench, her heart as frigid as the winter winds outside. Her eyes lifted to the window, where the sky loomed heavy with darkness. No moonlight softened the night—only a sparse collection of faint stars shimmered in the distance. Her chest tightened with a formless dread, an unspoken sense of unease coiling in her core. It was as if the distant starlight was murmuring secrets only she could hear.

Time felt suspended, every second dragging on like a century. Then, without warning, a baby’s cry shattered the stillness. Sharp and clear, it sliced through the hallway’s quiet like a blade. It wasn’t the soft wail of a fragile newborn—this sound was raw, resonant, and commanding. It carried defiance, echoing with enough force to send chills down the spines of everyone within earshot.

"It’s here!" The doctor’s voice wavered with awe and relief.

As the cry reverberated through the room, the baby’s small body stirred in the nurse’s arms. Tiny fingers flexed and curled, and her brows drew together, as if she were already grappling with the unfamiliar world around her. Her defiance wasn’t loud, but it was undeniable—like an unseen force radiating from her, subtle yet impossible to ignore.

At that moment, the starlight outside flickered. It was faint but unmistakable, as though some unseen force had stirred the cosmos. The elderly woman’s eyes widened. She shot to her feet, tears brimming as she hurried to the delivery room. Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath short. Something about this child… something about her was unlike anything she’d felt before.

The nurse cradled the baby with practiced care and handed her to the mother. Her eyes remained shut, her tiny chest rising and falling steadily. Her skin glowed faintly—a soft, rosy luster that seemed to thrum with vitality. The mother’s arms trembled as she held her child close, feeling the warmth of this fragile new life against her chest. But deep in her heart, a faint unease lingered—an unshakable feeling that the child she held in her arms did not wholly belong to this world.

"This child… She’s special," the nurse’s voice was a quiet murmur, her gaze locked on the newborn’s face, unable to look away.

The wind outside shrieked as it swept past the hospital’s windows, like an unseen choir of distant voices. The arrival of the baby had been met with the call of the wind—a song without words, reverberating through the stillness of the night. Exhaustion overtook the mother. Her eyelids drifted shut, her body finally surrendering to the weight of fatigue. And as she slipped into sleep, vivid dreams engulfed her mind.

In her dreams, she saw a world shrouded in blood-red light. The earth was scorched and cracked, and a heavy, oppressive sky pressed down from above. In the distance, an enormous throne loomed, unmoving and indomitable, a symbol of absolute might and authority. But the world around it was in turmoil. Soldiers clashed with wild ferocity, their shouts lost beneath the deafening roar of flames that devoured the battlefield. Blades flashed like streaks of silver lightning, every swing carving terror and despair into the faces of those who fought and fled. Fire engulfed every corner of the war-torn land, fierce and unrelenting.

The mother didn’t understand. Were these visions? Warnings? Her heart pounded in her chest, and she knew—she knew without doubt—that this world of blood and fire was bound to the child she had just brought into existence. Her breath caught as vivid images of war, fire, and steel seared into her mind, branding her with a truth too profound to deny.

Her heart whispered a single, undeniable truth: This child—her child—was destined for a fate far beyond the ordinary.

一切始於《烈焰血城:重生的詩篇》,這是我多年來的夢想,原本只想為奇幻小說愛好者打造聚集地,卻意外收穫了大家的溫暖支持,促使我創作了更多單元。 這不僅是創作,也是我從小的電影夢。我用心捕捉每一畫面,期望帶來更多深度內容,期待與你們真心交流,探索更多未知旅程。
我在意識拍電影 的其他內容
霧夜影子 | Hrûm ßûl Hrûk | Shadows of the Misty Night】 ─ 來自《烈焰血城》的千年搖籃曲,影子低語的靈魂之歌
紅光像火焰般在空氣中扭動,逐步吞噬了數人之間的距離。 在血色漩渦中,信念與情感的激烈碰撞,伴隨著生死一瞬的緊張對峙。命運的抉擇和黑暗的襲擊,誰能突破束縛?誰將陷入深淵?
霧夜影子 | Hrûm ßûl Hrûk | Shadows of the Misty Night】 ─ 來自《烈焰血城》的千年搖籃曲,影子低語的靈魂之歌
紅光像火焰般在空氣中扭動,逐步吞噬了數人之間的距離。 在血色漩渦中,信念與情感的激烈碰撞,伴隨著生死一瞬的緊張對峙。命運的抉擇和黑暗的襲擊,誰能突破束縛?誰將陷入深淵?
雖然已經過了一陣子(然後預算還算不出來到底刪了多少錢),但過年整理房間時翻到這張,還是廣傳一下金門立委陳玉珍的要飯說好了。她可能看錯了,我們手裡的是聚寶盆。 (明天2/19從斗六北上台北,若有在雲林金門人信任我可以約今天在斗六火車站請我轉交連署至造冊地點,我帶空白的給你寫也可以。)
在影視行銷中,一張海報的力量遠超過想像,它不只是劇集的視覺名片,更是一種敘事策略。《魷魚遊戲2》再次以強烈的「鮮豔童趣 vs 暗黑暴力」對比,將這部全球現象級劇集的獨特美學推向新高度。
今晚,就來和訂閱制讀者分享新書楔子的三分之一。原本想要把楔子整個貼上來,卻發現楔子就有六千多字,所以決定還是放三分之一就好。其實現在看這些,都覺得和自己判若兩人,有的地方連自己都不敢看下去——原來高瑞希,過去活得這麼不開心。 前天訂閱制讀者表達課第二期開班,因為感冒無法帶課,所以事先錄製了講解
雖然已經過了一陣子(然後預算還算不出來到底刪了多少錢),但過年整理房間時翻到這張,還是廣傳一下金門立委陳玉珍的要飯說好了。她可能看錯了,我們手裡的是聚寶盆。 (明天2/19從斗六北上台北,若有在雲林金門人信任我可以約今天在斗六火車站請我轉交連署至造冊地點,我帶空白的給你寫也可以。)
在影視行銷中,一張海報的力量遠超過想像,它不只是劇集的視覺名片,更是一種敘事策略。《魷魚遊戲2》再次以強烈的「鮮豔童趣 vs 暗黑暴力」對比,將這部全球現象級劇集的獨特美學推向新高度。
今晚,就來和訂閱制讀者分享新書楔子的三分之一。原本想要把楔子整個貼上來,卻發現楔子就有六千多字,所以決定還是放三分之一就好。其實現在看這些,都覺得和自己判若兩人,有的地方連自己都不敢看下去——原來高瑞希,過去活得這麼不開心。 前天訂閱制讀者表達課第二期開班,因為感冒無法帶課,所以事先錄製了講解
Google News 追蹤
程式語言在特定環境下就是魔法 現實世界也應該要有非大眾可以理解的規則與金手指才對 #因為架構太完整,這篇噗浪有用匿名發過 #故事取用前請簡單告知
  好不容易獲得的喘息卻又是另一個事件的開端。   同時他們也為了未來增加自身的能力,慢慢釐清現況。   準備前往 火神"Hephaestus"所統治的國度。   下集   第十五章 啟程
  新的子民與同伴的加入使他們更加的壯大。   而生命的希望、感情也都悄悄的慢慢成長,隨之如花朵般綻放。   但是……   下集   第十四章 與生俱來的血脈
6/2發布於X的作品,過程影片則放置在Youtube上面。 記錄了創作的過程及發現的可以改進事項。
程式語言在特定環境下就是魔法 現實世界也應該要有非大眾可以理解的規則與金手指才對 #因為架構太完整,這篇噗浪有用匿名發過 #故事取用前請簡單告知
  好不容易獲得的喘息卻又是另一個事件的開端。   同時他們也為了未來增加自身的能力,慢慢釐清現況。   準備前往 火神"Hephaestus"所統治的國度。   下集   第十五章 啟程
  新的子民與同伴的加入使他們更加的壯大。   而生命的希望、感情也都悄悄的慢慢成長,隨之如花朵般綻放。   但是……   下集   第十四章 與生俱來的血脈
6/2發布於X的作品,過程影片則放置在Youtube上面。 記錄了創作的過程及發現的可以改進事項。