Raising pets is not a temporary life experience, but a life-long commitment to animals.
To begin with, Park A is the ideal place for children because it contains numerous facilities for them to have fun. Additionally, their parents could watch their children engaging in various physical activities closely as seats are arranged nearby the facilities. As to Park B, it is filled with lush green plants and trees where people can breathe in fresh air while relishing the spectacular scenery. It also seems that people could enjoy the tranquil atmosphere.
My ideal park would be the combination of Park A and Park B, resembling Da An Park in Taipei. People could choose whatever activity they want to do based on their preferences. For instance, I love taking a stroll along the paths while basking in the warm sunshine in the afternoon. Some may opt for exercises, including badminton, soccer, etc. Others may just lie down on the grass and enjoy their picnic time. Anyway, I believe that diverse activities accompanied by beautiful scenery are the most significant elements of my ideal park. (共 168 字)
大家好,我是 Mary。
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