New independent board member

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Solidcore Resources plc (“Solidcore” or the “Company”) announces that Abdulmonem Mohammed Al-Murshidi has been appointed as an Independent Non-Executive Director effective 24 January 2025, bringing the Board to eight members, including six independent directors.

“We are very pleased to welcome Mr Al-Murshidi to the Board. With over 12 years of proven leadership experience in mining and other industries in Oman, he brings a wealth of relevant expertise, strengthening the Board’s skill profile and its contribution to the Company’s ambitious growth strategy”, said Omar Bahram, Chair of the Company’s Board of Directors.

Abdulmonem Mohammed Al-Murshidi

Mr Al-Murshidi has over 30 years’ experience in mining, oil & gas, manufacturing, and construction. He has served as the CEO of Oman Chromite Company, a publicly listed chrome mining company based in the Sultanate of Oman, since July 2022. As the CEO, he successfully restructured the company and increased production to five times its historical average, turning around the company’s financials.

For seven years prior to this, he was the Deputy CEO of Vale Oman Pelletizing Plant, part of a joint venture between Brazilian mining corporation Vale (70%) and Oman Oil (30%), serving as a hub for raw iron ore storage and distribution across the Middle East, North Africa, and Asia. As the Deputy CEO, he directly managed activities across business development, corporate affairs, and health and safety.

Before joining Vale Oman Pelletizing Plant in 2013, he held the position of General Manager at the Gulfstone Company, a manufacturer of agglomerated engineered stone, listed on the Muscat Security Market. Mr Al-Murshidi started his career in 1995 as a petroleum engineer. Abdulmonem holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Sultan Qaboos University, Oman.

Current directorships: Chairman of Gulf Alloys Company (2023-present), a manufacturer of low carbon ferrochrome located in Sohar Free Zone.

Past directorships: Deputy Chairman of Gulf Stone Company (2022-2023), and Board Member at Sohar University Board of Trustees (2015-2020).

There is no further information required to be disclosed under Rule MDR, appendix 1, section 6.2.5 – 6.2.6 of the AIX Market Disclosure Rules.

About Solidcore

Solidcore Resources is a leading gold producer registered in AIFC, Kazakhstan, and listed on Astana International Exchange. Solidcore operates two producing gold mines and a major growth project in Kazakhstan.


Investor Relations


Kirill KuznetsovAlina Assanova+7 7172 47 66 55 (Kazakhstan)

Yerkin Uderbay+7 7172 47 66 55 (Kazakhstan)



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