L8: Convenience Stores: Where Our Wallets Are Always Open

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Reference: 龍騰文化

It has probably happened to you before. The glass doors of the convenience store slide open invitingly; you hear the ___(1)___ “Welcome!” and enter just to ___(2)___ one item. A few minutes later, you walk out with a whole bag full of drinks, snacks, and other goodies you never even thought of buying! 


There’s no need ___(3)___ embarrassed if you’ve experienced this sudden urge to shop. Convenience stores use certain ___(4)___   to make you feel this way. One of these strategies is to follow the “eye level is buy level” rule. ___(5)___ the products are, the easier it is ___(6)___  shoppers to notice and purchase them. ___(7)___, smart shop owners usually ___(8)___  their most profitable and popular items at the average shopper’s eye level to make sure that those items are most likely to be seen. Similarly, products ___(9)___  are aimed at children, __(10)___  toys, are placed on lower shelves ___(11)___  younger shoppers will surely see them. 


Another eye-catching convenience store strategy is to promote impulse purchases of small, cheap items like candy bars. These are ___(12)___ near cash registers and are ___(13)___  easily noticed and within quick reach. Special offers, like “buy one, get one free,”  ___(14)___ such little “extras” even more attractive. ___(15)___  customers are lining up at cash registers to pay for their things anyway, these items can easily be grabbed and added ___(16)___  their shopping baskets on impulse. 


A third strategy is to make customers ___(17)___ more time in stores so that they will spend more money, too. Studies have shown ___(18)___  the longer people stay inside, the more products they buy. Shops ___(19)___ this by setting up bar-style seating  or dining areas. Here, people can read the paper, hold a meeting, or just hang out. ___(20)___ these customers might start off with just a beverage, they often grow ___(21)___  over time. ___(22)___, they end up ___(23)___  more things like microwave dinners and fruit packs. 

To avoid ___(24)___  any of the traps above, try to be more ___(25)___  the clever strategies convenience stores use to get ___(26)___  into your pocket. If you can always remember the tricks that shop owners use, you ___(27)___  have to worry about spending too much! 




1.        (A) enormous (B) essential (C) familiar (D) horrific

2.        (A) pick up (B) take out (C) look up (D) get over

3.        (A) being (B)be (C) to being (D) to be

4.        (A) strategies (B) locations (C) conclusions (D) differences

5.        (A) The visibler (B) The more visible

(C) The visible (D) The most visible

6.        (A) in (B) at (C) to (D) for

7.        (A) Therefore (B) Nevertheless (C) Furthermore (D) However

8.        (A) match (B) place (C) remove (D) notice

9.        (A) where (B) what (C) x (D) that

10.  (A)except for (B) far from (C) such as (D) due to

11.  (A) so that (B) only if (C) even though (D) as soon as

12.  (A) display (B) displayed

(C)are displaying (D) are displayed

13.  (A) similarly (B) though (C) unless (D) thus

14.  (A) get (B)let   (C) help (D) make

15.  (A) Since (B) While (C) Although (D)Until

16.  (A)for (B)under (C) to (D) at

17.  (A) spent (B) spending (C) spend (D) to spend

18.  (A) where (B) what (C) which (D) that

19.  (A) strike a balance on (B) take advantage of

(C) take notice of (D) pose a threat to

20.  (A)Since (B) Although (C) Unless (D)Until

21.  (A) mad (B) full (C) hunger (D) hungry

22.  (A) Hence (B) However (C) Nevertheless (D) Eventually

23.  (A) purchasing (B) to purchase (C) purchase (D) purchased

24.  (A)fall into (B) falls into (C) falling into (D) fell into

25.  (A) concentrate on (B) confident in (C) good at (D) aware of

26.  (A) deeper (B) deep (C) to deep (D) deepest

27.  (A) might not (B) wouldn’t (C)don’t   (D) won’t



6-10 DABDC

11-15 ADDDA

16-20 CCDBB

21-25 DDACD

21-27 AD


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進感應門之前就有價格表可以看,可以好好思考要讀多久~ 當初我進去之前也是猶豫很久,畢竟第一次去,價格跟我想像有落差,但還是進去嘗試一番。 不得不說,裡面的氣氛真的很想讓人一直待下去!
中午用餐後跟好友相聚一下 感謝老公幫忙顧孩子 讓我可以出來透透氣 🙂 今天待在超商聊一些生活日常 還有好友為我規劃保險 👩‍💻 這次發現超商有可愛的飲料杯 😍🥤 讓談話的氛圍也變得少女起來 😁 感謝好友特別跟我分享茶包 😊 再忙也要給自己一點空間好好調整步伐 👣 而不總是過
我去過的超商,不計其數,卻第一次遇見這種事。   過年前,有一天,下午5:00多,去附近全家超商。 老婆想要預訂年菜,往年也會預訂年菜。   進入全家超商後,我先找座位坐下。 請老婆去買了兩瓶飲料,我喝飲料,老婆去櫃台預訂年菜。   這時,女店長回店了。
住家旁邊巷口的雜貨店取下已經掛了一年的出售/出租招牌,開始裝潢之後,大家就開始好奇這裡要開什麼店。 這家雜貨店已開業甚久,從我們剛搬到附近時就已存在,是自家的店面,一家人自營的商店。 彼時常被我戲稱是「市區鄉下」的此地,還是安靜的住宅區,沒有傳統市場與超市,連便利商店都要開車才能到。於是這家兼賣
進感應門之前就有價格表可以看,可以好好思考要讀多久~ 當初我進去之前也是猶豫很久,畢竟第一次去,價格跟我想像有落差,但還是進去嘗試一番。 不得不說,裡面的氣氛真的很想讓人一直待下去!
中午用餐後跟好友相聚一下 感謝老公幫忙顧孩子 讓我可以出來透透氣 🙂 今天待在超商聊一些生活日常 還有好友為我規劃保險 👩‍💻 這次發現超商有可愛的飲料杯 😍🥤 讓談話的氛圍也變得少女起來 😁 感謝好友特別跟我分享茶包 😊 再忙也要給自己一點空間好好調整步伐 👣 而不總是過
我去過的超商,不計其數,卻第一次遇見這種事。   過年前,有一天,下午5:00多,去附近全家超商。 老婆想要預訂年菜,往年也會預訂年菜。   進入全家超商後,我先找座位坐下。 請老婆去買了兩瓶飲料,我喝飲料,老婆去櫃台預訂年菜。   這時,女店長回店了。
住家旁邊巷口的雜貨店取下已經掛了一年的出售/出租招牌,開始裝潢之後,大家就開始好奇這裡要開什麼店。 這家雜貨店已開業甚久,從我們剛搬到附近時就已存在,是自家的店面,一家人自營的商店。 彼時常被我戲稱是「市區鄉下」的此地,還是安靜的住宅區,沒有傳統市場與超市,連便利商店都要開車才能到。於是這家兼賣