Why India Is So Worried About Trump’s Tariff Threats
作者By Shruti Srivastava and Dan Strumpf
更新時間2025年3月11日 at 下午6:30 [GMT+8]
US President Donald Trump has pledged to impose so-called reciprocal tariffs on imports from foes and allies alike from April 2, matching their levies to redress any perceived trade barriers for American companies. (美國川普總統誓言自4月2日起對來自不分敵對國及盟友的進口商品施加所謂的「對等關稅」,以相應的稅率來糾正任何被認為對美國公司造成的貿易壁壘。)
Few stand to be hit as hard as India if Trump follows through on these like-for-like duties. The South Asian nation has some of the world’s highest tariffs on imported goods — far above the rates currently charged by Washington — and the US is its largest export market, buying more than $87 billion of Indian goods in 2024. (如果川普真正實施這些「同等的」關稅,恐怕沒有多少國家會比印度受到更大衝擊。這個南亞國家對進口商品的關稅是全球最高之一,遠高於華盛頓目前徵收的稅率。而美國是印度最大的出口市場,僅在2024年就購買了超過870億美元的印度商品。)
1. tariff (n.) 關稅
The government decided to ※impose higher tariffs※ on imported electronics to protect domestic manufacturers.
2. pledge (v.) 誓言,承諾;保證
The company ※pledged to※ reduce its carbon emissions by 50% over the next decade.
3. impose (v.) 強加;施加
The new administration plans to ※impose stricter environmental regulations※ on industrial sectors.
4. reciprocal (adj.) 相互的;互惠的;對等的
The two countries signed ※a reciprocal trade agreement※ to ensure fair market access for their businesses.
5. foe (n.) 敵人;對手
In the world of international trade, a competitor can sometimes be both a business ally and ※a strategic foe※.
6. ally (n.) 盟友;同盟國
The country sought support from ※its strongest ally※ to negotiate better trade terms.
7. levy (n.) 稅款;徵收額
The government announced ※a new levy on luxury goods※ to generate additional revenue.
8. redress (v.) 補救;糾正
The government implemented new policies to ※redress economic inequalities※ and support low-income families.
9. perceived (adj.) 被認為的;感知到的
※The perceived unfairness※ of the new policy led to widespread public protests.
10. like-for-like (adj.) 等值的;同等的
The company agreed to ※a like-for-like replacement※ for the defective goods returned by customers.