克里斯·伽德納(Chris Gardner)曾是一名無家可歸的父親,帶著未滿兩歲的兒子在舊金山流浪,甚至被迫住在地鐵站的公廁。然而,他憑藉堅韌不拔的精神,不僅在華爾街闖出一片天地,更成為第一位打入證券界的黑人富豪。他的真實經歷後來被寫成《當幸福來敲門》(The Pursuit of Happyness),並被翻譯成二十六種語言發行,曾榮登《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜第一名。這部感人至深的勵志故事於2006年被改編成電影,由威爾·史密斯(Will Smith)主演,不僅票房大賣,還入圍奧斯卡獎。全世界超過十億人被他的故事所激勵。
很多人看完電影,深受感動之餘,都想追問葛德納:「你到底是怎麼做到的?」而他想要講的故事——你可以突破自己,贏得機會改變生活——其實可以發生在這個世上任何角落。接下來,讓我來分享他的人生智慧整理 :
1.「我相信,只要全心貫注地勇敢向前走,各種挫敗都是成功的養分。」 "I believe that as long as you move forward with focus and courage, every failure becomes the nourishment for success."2.「等等,我們是無家可歸,但並非毫無希望。」
"Wait a minute, we are homeless, but we are not hopeless."
"When people can't do something themselves, they're going to tell you that you can't do it either."
"Don't let anyone tell you that you can't be great—not even your parents or family. If you have a dream, you have a responsibility to protect and pursue it."
"Start right here, right now."
"Who you become in the end depends entirely on your attitude."
"I'm the kind of person who, if you ask me a question and I don't know the answer, I'll tell you ‘ I don't know. ’But I promise you this : I know how to find the answer, and I will find it."
"Happiness is the ability to recognize where you are. No matter where I am, I always remember where I came from and how far I've come."
"You can always reschedule a sales meeting, but you can't reschedule your son's baseball game or your daughter's dance recital."
"There is only one thing in life more important than being a father, and that is being a grandfather."
資料參考 : BBC、《當幸福來敲門》、wiki