Give and go on giving. Never try to hoard anything. Keep everything flowing freely. Whether it is talent, love, money or possessions, keep it flowing, keep it moving. When you do, you will find it will increase a thousand fold. The life force in your body cannot be hoarded; it has to keep moving, keep circulating; for only in this way can newer, fresher and even greater life force enter, and you can become a vital being. So it is with everything: keep it moving, and never hold up the flow. Watch life unfold for you in true perfection. See your every need met at exactly the right time. Expect it to come about, and never allow any doubts you're your consciousness. Be positive about everything, no matter what the outer conditions may appear to be, and feel those niggardly thoughts disappearing as they are replaced by increase and plenty. Have absolute faith that all is very, very well, and all is working out perfectly because all is in My hands.