[1] 實在不想把這圖放在文章裡。有興趣的人,圖在這。 [2] 原文為“Fame, (fame) puts you there where things are hollow” [3] 原文為 “I think fame itself is not a rewarding thing. The most you can say is that it gets you a seat in restaurants.” [4] 「Fame」中的歌詞。原文為“(fame) what you like is in the limo” [5] Penfold, R. 2004. The star’s image, victimization and celebrity culture. Punishment & Society, 6(3), 289–302. 原文為“Today we live in a celebrity culture…images of stars, people ‘famous for being famous’, are circulated and consumed daily across the world.” [6] 本文中的「名人」並非一般口語中的明星藝人,而專指Penfold論文中提到的「因為有名而有名氣」的人。 [7] 原文為“A very famous, successful, and important person, especially a performer such as a musician, actor, or sports player.” [8] Coombe在著作中兼用celebrity及star指稱明星。但為避免混淆,我在文中將celebrity culture稱為「名氣文化」,而「明星」則專指名氣文化中的star。 [9] J. Coombe, Rosemary. "The Celebrity Image and Cultural Identity: Publicity Rights and The Subaltern Politics of Gender." Discourse, vol. 14, no. 3, 1992, pp. 59-88. JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/41389233. [10] 關於公司管理下的表演者到底有多少自主性,近年因MeToo運動、韓國演藝圈事件頻傳而受到較多討論。礙於版面,在此我無法深入討論。 [11] 像是70年代的當紅節目《靈魂列車》(Soul Train),便幾乎要求所有上節目的歌手對嘴。(台下觀眾還是很嗨啦。) [12] 例如Iggy Pop把麥克風放進褲擋;嗑茫的鮑伊(忘記對)故意不對好歌詞。看他們這麼任性,真的好可愛呢。(姨母笑) [13] Korda, Michael. Another Life: A Memoir of Other People. Delta, 2000. [14] Marvin, Sheena. "Celebrity Portrayals from the 1960s and 1970s". Portrayals of The Rich and Famous in Media, 2020, https://team28jrn108.wordpress.com/2014/11/25/celebrity-portrayal-from-the-1960s-and-1970s/.