2021-01-27|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 5 分鐘


2020-12-19 於 Solna
瑞典公共衛生署昨天公佈了新的防疫措施,瑞典防疫措施可說是獨樹一格,在 Covid-19 即將屆滿一週年時,總算是建議了大家在搭乘大眾運輸時戴口罩。
The government is tightening restrictions before the Christmas weekend 政府將在耶誕假期前限制緊縮
* A maximum of four people can sit together at the same table in restaurants. Valid from 24 December. 餐廳內一桌最多坐四人,自 12/24 生效。
* Alcohol sales may not take place after 8 pm. Valid from 24 December. 晚上8點後不販賣酒,自12/24起生效。
* The maximum number of people who visit shopping centers, larger stores, gyms, etc. is limited. The exact number is governed by the size of the room. 限制購物中心、大型商店、健身房... 等場所的最大入場人數,確切數字由場所空間大小而定。
* The Swedish Public Health Agency urges all physical stores to refrain from the traditional midday sale in order to reduce congestion. 瑞典公共健康署強烈要求所有實體店家避免傳統年末大拍賣以減少人潮聚集。
* The Swedish Public Health Agency recommends mouth protection in public transport in connection with work commuting and at other times when it is difficult to avoid congestion. The new guidelines will enter into force on 7 January. 瑞典公共健康署建議在通勤或其他難以避免人潮時,搭乘大眾運輸工具應戴口罩。施行方式將在1/7公佈並強制執行。
* Everyone who can should work from home. This applies to the state, regions, municipalities, and the private sector. Valid immediately and until January 24. 每個能夠在家工作的人應在家裡工作。將在政府機關、行政地區、自治市和民營單位實施。即日生效至1/24
* All activities within the state, municipalities, and regions that are not necessary should be closed immediately until 24 January. This applies, for example, to bathhouses, sports halls, and museums. 所有政府機關、行政地區、自治市和民營單位非必要活動應即刻停止至1/24。實施地點如:公共澡堂、體育館及博物館。
* High schools will teach at a distance until January 24. The upper secondary special school is excluded. 高中將採取遠距教學至1/24。大學與碩士除外。
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