2009-04-14|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

顛狂與抒情:眾神列傳之Neil Young(下)

這是4/14誠品講堂的「搖滾索隱──風流人物與他們的時代 」第八講投影片,以及播出的曲目和講綱。 播出曲目:

VIDEO: Rockin' in the Free World (NBC Saturday Night Live, 1989)
White Line (Ragged Glory, 1990)
VIDEO: Blowin' in the Wind (Weld, 1991)
VIDEO: All Along the Watchtower (Bob Dylan 30th Anniversary Celebration, 1992)
VIDEO: Harvest Moon (Harvest Moon, 1992)
Sleeps with Angels (Sleeps with Angels, 1994)
VIDEO: Like a Hurricane (Year of the Horse, 1997)
VIDEO: F*!#in' Up (Pearl Jam with Neil Young & Crazy Horse, 1995)
VIDEO: Buffalo Springfield Again (Silver & Gold, 2000)
VIDEO: This Old Guitar (Heart of Gold, 2006)
VIDEO: Fork in the Road (Fork in the Road, 2009)

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