2021-03-19|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

031921Aa Steady& 平穩

    Enjoy the drive to the mountains.  Stop for a moment, in the place, where you feel indeed comfortable and free.  Exercise the eyes, by seeing from the near to the far, from the left to the right, from the tress to the mountains, eventually to the clouds then into the sky.  Well refreshed, even steady.  Strongly Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 堅實山群, 堅定意志; 綿延無際, 寬厚慈祥; 如父母.厚實白雲, 雍容大度; 溫柔綿密, 柔和細緻; 如師長.茂盛樹群, 青翠活力, 積極樂觀, 一起向上; 如同學.彼此愛護著, 珍愛敬愛地; 平穩了性情, 堅定了意志.
    Enjoy the drive to the mountains. Stop for a moment, in the place, where you feel indeed comfortable and free. Exercise the eyes, by seeing from the near to the far, from the left to the right, from the tress to the mountains, eventually to the clouds then into the sky. Well refreshed, even steady. Strongly Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 堅實山群, 堅定意志; 綿延無際, 寬厚慈祥; 如父母. 厚實白雲, 雍容大度; 溫柔綿密, 柔和細緻; 如師長. 茂盛樹群, 青翠活力, 積極樂觀, 一起向上; 如同學. 彼此愛護著, 珍愛敬愛地; 平穩了性情, 堅定了意志.
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