Passionate as roses, full of love, but not too hot. Lovely as jasmine, seems quite fresh, but smells even mildly. Be all out to devote in part #1/2 life, as possible as we could. In part #2/2 life, continue learning/share for experiencing/encountering the living/travellers itself/themselves. Orderly Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 明亮顏色, 柔美花瓣; 容顏身段, 展露自我;順著時候, 依序展露, 和緩優雅, 從容自在. 第一人生, 盡力而為; 服務所敬, 呵護所愛.第二人生; 繼續學習, 持續付出; 堅毅自己.