2021-03-23|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 1 分鐘

032321Ab Show Time& 湧現

    Input the beauty of the surrounding on your mind.  Combine it with your words for the person you respect/appreciate, and write.  Words of love, then.  Naturally Yours, ~ Love365**Ps. 景, 有了; 筆, 也有了; 墨汁, 在哪裡?  在你那, 還是在途中(左下角湧出那)?
    Input the beauty of the surrounding on your mind. Combine it with your words for the person you respect/appreciate, and write. Words of love, then. Naturally Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 景, 有了; 筆, 也有了; 墨汁, 在哪裡? 在你那, 還是在途中(左下角湧出那)?
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