2021-04-03|閱讀時間 ‧ 約 2 分鐘

040321A2 Leisurely& 從容

    Tall trees, at the left side, as the audience.Enjoying the view in front of them(= scenery at the right side of this photo), from the near where the pineapples are planted, till the far where the mountains are grouping, even far the clouds dancing in the sky.  After watching the performance leisurely performed by all these natural characters, feeling very calmly.  Comfortably Yours, ~ Love365**   Ps. 依天氣, 定出遊;  正方向, 路順心. 在地菜市場, 順路採買, 當季鮮果蔬, 回家料理; 旅程甜美憶, 更加美味了.
    Tall trees, at the left side, as the audience. Enjoying the view in front of them(= scenery at the right side of this photo), from the near where the pineapples are planted, till the far where the mountains are grouping, even far the clouds dancing in the sky. After watching the performance leisurely performed by all these natural characters, feeling very calmly. Comfortably Yours, ~ Love365** Ps. 依天氣, 定出遊; 正方向, 路順心. 在地菜市場, 順路採買, 當季鮮果蔬, 回家料理; 旅程甜美憶, 更加美味了.
    Share what I got, from the NATURE. ~ 隨遇而拍, 順心飛翔, 提筆如意. Ps. Movies I Enjoyed: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtmDGNyd1s9YWm_PPF7jrYXZZQI6mhFwh
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