How to integrate Tarot into daily life

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Most people think of Tarot as a tool for answering questions or predicting the future. Whenever I take a deck of cards out of my bag, I am asked to divine for others. Tarot cards can be used to ask questions and be used to insert tarot cards into everything you do in a day.
Each of the techniques I suggest here doesn't have to take up too much time in your life. I suggest you spend less time on your draw. This will help prevent the inner editor from coming in, telling you how you did something wrong, and your explanation is not good enough. Time is precious, and simple insight behavior can be as effective as a more extended, more formal environment.
Tarot is an excellent tool for setting goals in the morning. You can put away your tarot cards when you wake up or secretly spend some time keeping a diary before dealing with your work email. Shuffle the cards, choose one at random and write down the name. Think about how the face of the card and its meaning will affect you and the activities you participate in that day. Some readers post pictures of their cards on social media so that others can follow. Others jot down their notes in their diaries or schedules.
Put away the cards and start your day. Don't force cards to stay in your mind. Let the moment soften and settle down in your mind. You'll be surprised at how much this idea will affect your activities throughout the day.
Use these cards to motivate your health and exercise goals. The power of Tarot numerology works here. I've always loved power. Strengthening is one of the reasons many people force themselves to go to the gym. I always try to choose lockers with numbers plus 8 (for example, lockers 71 and 35 are my favorites).
An exciting activity is to test your ample secret knowledge and digital restoration skills when you are on a machine. Most devices have a calorie-burning area on their monitors. These numbers start with 1, and as you move, they will increase. Add each number that appears on the screen and reduce it to a radix between 1 and 21. Can you quickly tell which card is related to which number? When you exercise on the treadmill, this task is more complex than you think.
Bring your cards crystal to work. This can be achieved through the physical card or the Tarot Card Application on the smartphone. I have Flower Shadow Tarot and charming Tarot apps on my phone.
Use cards in your daily life. Need some quick advice on new projects? Draw a card and see what it will give you. Do you need advice when dealing with colleagues? Draw two cards on this issue and see what happens and how you can resolve the conflict. Using tarot cards at work allows you to get immediate advice on dealing with complex problems without a thorough reading.
As a freelance writer, I tend to interview potential partners who work with different clients with cards. My reading also provides me with valuable insights that I may not have seen or thought about when I was engaged in short-term and long-term projects.
Need to improve self-confidence? Is there an important thing you want to succeed in? Look at your Tarot or Tarot app, and find an image that represents the energy you need. You can put cards in your pocket or wallet to remind yourself how capable you are. If you're using an app to do this, you can always set it as a background image on your phone or computer.
Then, when you're ready to ask for a raise or close a deal, take that card out. Let it remind you how strong and vital you are. Let its energy fill your confidence to get what you want!
Use tarot cards to improve your creative skills. When I feel creative, I have a deck of cards on hand, which is one of my favorite ways to integrate tarot cards into my daily life. Try to design a set of tarot cards with your painting or collage skills. Sew "clothes" (also known as boxes) on your cards. Are you entangled in two different hobbies? Why don't you let the Tarot decide for you? You can create an extension to help determine the right path to take each step of the project. Use these cards as a cue generator to prepare your inner muse for your following production process.
As a writer, I've been thinking about new ideas of writing, the world of fiction, and how I can convey my ideas to others. There is no doubt that Tarot is my creative partner. Use cards to help you create fuller characters for your novel. Draw three cards, and you have an immediate start, middle, and end story. These images can even stimulate different scenes and atmospheres and let your character run in them. Are you entangled in the idea of two new nonfiction books? Scan each project to see which is more suitable for your current job.
When internal editors try to sabotage your writing, get rid of them. Draw a card randomly, find a card to help you focus, and then put it next to your desk. Again, here, you can freely play creative and use a digital tarot card to make desktop images to help you. Tarot Cards always support me when my fingers move on the keyboard.
Use your Tarot to reflect, end your day and prepare for tomorrow. Take out the cards you drew in the morning and look at the notes. You might write how the meaning and energy of the cards fit into the day. Today is almost over. What else can you learn?
Or, you can draw another brand-new card that contains the insights of today's course. Look at the cards and think about the activities of the day. When you are ready, pick up your diary and write down a summary of the day. This exercise is especially suitable for those who don't like to draw cards first thing in the morning.

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徬徨迷茫之際我總喜歡拿起塔羅牌隨手抽個幾張,透過圖面找到事情的癥結與調整方向。每每翻開牌面,都能從中發現忽略或沒想到的地方。 《畫外話》是某次自我梳理的時候所閃現的靈感,那時我遇到找工作的瓶頸,抽出來的牌解讀後特別的像一篇文章。時隔三個月後,收到阿芙蘿黛蒂塔羅,拆封時細看每張牌面,忽然有股想要
有一些來找我的客人會要求要把桌上的牌照相,因為他們發現我根據牌所做的解讀很有啟發性,激勵著他們做出新的行動,或是幫助他們發現自己從沒想過的角度,一直忽略的內在外在資源。照個相,當自己又再度陷入心情或思維困擾時,可以拿出來「複習」,提醒自己,自己的生命有新的方向,面對舊的問題有新的選擇。 複習自己尋
真正意識到我可以使用塔羅牌進行通靈傳訊(有別於牌卡解讀,更類似礦訊),這是不久前在寫「一年脈輪共學計畫」每週作業(對同學來說是示範和導讀)時突然的發現。原本那些塔羅牌與我對話、分享形而上的智慧與奧祕,對我來說只是思索、解讀擦出的火花,像是實驗室意外催化出的結晶,無法穩定產出。 後來頻繁地接
徬徨迷茫之際我總喜歡拿起塔羅牌隨手抽個幾張,透過圖面找到事情的癥結與調整方向。每每翻開牌面,都能從中發現忽略或沒想到的地方。 《畫外話》是某次自我梳理的時候所閃現的靈感,那時我遇到找工作的瓶頸,抽出來的牌解讀後特別的像一篇文章。時隔三個月後,收到阿芙蘿黛蒂塔羅,拆封時細看每張牌面,忽然有股想要
有一些來找我的客人會要求要把桌上的牌照相,因為他們發現我根據牌所做的解讀很有啟發性,激勵著他們做出新的行動,或是幫助他們發現自己從沒想過的角度,一直忽略的內在外在資源。照個相,當自己又再度陷入心情或思維困擾時,可以拿出來「複習」,提醒自己,自己的生命有新的方向,面對舊的問題有新的選擇。 複習自己尋
真正意識到我可以使用塔羅牌進行通靈傳訊(有別於牌卡解讀,更類似礦訊),這是不久前在寫「一年脈輪共學計畫」每週作業(對同學來說是示範和導讀)時突然的發現。原本那些塔羅牌與我對話、分享形而上的智慧與奧祕,對我來說只是思索、解讀擦出的火花,像是實驗室意外催化出的結晶,無法穩定產出。 後來頻繁地接