Relevant courses(我也是不知道算不算🙃):
economics: A+(大一上) A- (大一下)
microeconomics: A-(大二上)
macroeconomics: A+ (大三上)
statistics: A+(大二上)B-(大二下) 此堂老師擔任推薦人
International Financial management: A+(大四上)此堂老師擔任推薦人
Mathematics, logic and life: A-(通識)
Seminars on Asian Economic issues A+ (Attend international seminar)
Work / Volunteer Experience:
Research assistant @ APEC SME crisis management center (2021/9 — present)
Global procurement intern @ MSD (8 months) 此經歷主管擔任推薦人
Digital Sales Summer intern @ Sony Music (2 months)
Taipei city student ambassador (1 month)
School rugby player (1 semester)
International Youth club member (1 semester)
UW MSIM(衝刺) (1/15 10:07 AM )
UW-Madison MSI(保底) (2/2 5:30 AM)
UMich MSI(衝刺)(3/13 4:09 AM)
UA MSMIS(保底)(3/15 9:35 AM)
Q1: What are the critical issues in the field of information?
談談你在個人經歷中的發現跟感悟吧!我總共舉了兩個例子,一個是自己在默沙東藥廠的實習經歷,此時主管的推薦信應該會有加成效果。另一個是自己在生活中的小發現,ex: 哪些地方是讓你感到不便而information的運用可以改善的?這例子跟我自己的學術經歷無關,但得以看出information is everywhere而自己很感興趣。Show the admission committee your passion! (此題回答243字)
Q2: What are your aspirations in the field of information?
Q3: Based on your understanding of the University of Michigan School of Information (UMSI), how will a UMSI education help you reach your aspirations?
這題我花了很多時間在UMSI的官網,題幹已經說了based on your understanding,當然對UMSI的資料越熟悉越好,UMSI很棒的地方是他在官網你看得到他整理出過去學生的實習及工作狀況,可以融入此題撰寫,我在這題寫下了自己對於畢業後的願景,以及哪些相關課程對自己會有很大的幫助。此外,再提UMSI的畢業出路及自己這兩年的規劃。(此題回答222字)
Q4: What would you contribute to the UMSI community and to the field as a whole?
How have your background and life experiences, including cultural, geographical, financial, educational or other opportunities or challenges, motivated your decision to pursue a graduate degree at the University of Michigan?