更新於 2022/07/20閱讀時間約 5 分鐘


以下摘自Barbara Hand Clown《 Chiron: Rainbow Bridge Between The Inner & Outer Planets》一書。
A meditator is in a yoga pose. The instructor walks over to the body holding the position with each limb in place. She adjusts the spine just slightly and the person is in perfect position. The breath floods the body with prana and the meditator knows illumination for just a moment, but never forgets.
A man is fishing for trout with tiny flies. He sits quietly in the boat, the gear is perfectly poised. The man watches the water reflecting the sky, intuitively connecting with the movements of the brown trout under the water. He casts the tiny fly directly over the water beast, the beast rises to strike the fly, and the man pulls back the line hard, deeply imbedding the hook into the fish's mouth.
A musician is playing Bach's Three-Part Inventions. Her hands are so perfectly trained that she is no longer conscious of her fingers striking the keys. Her eyes are so focused on the music that she no longer is thinking. The music comes out of her as if Bach existed in her essence.
You are casting a natal chart. You know the meaning of each planetary energy, aspect, and house so completely that you no longer think of the verbal or imagistic meanings. You feel each part of the chart in your body as your mind comprehends the meanings and is busy integrating all the parts into a whole. Suddenly your system shudders with orgasmic pleasure when you grasp the incarnational search of the soul revealed on paper in front of you.
The same can be described of the Tarot reader doing a reading. Saturn form is completed, Uranian awareness exists for a second, and then illumination manifests.

我聽說, 有的占星師在解盤或諮詢前會打坐, 有的會冥想, 有的會念咒。 願更多的人, 帶著敬畏、專注,和靈性, 去體悟每一個星盤, 每一個靈魂。
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