更新於 2022/08/29閱讀時間約 6 分鐘


三年一度的國際博物館協會(ICOM)大會,對致力博物館館物和專業人士是意義重大的全球活動之一,今年是第26 屆,於八月份舉行。自1948 年以來,全球各洲與會人數逐年增長,大家齊聚討論和分享交流博物館面臨的各種時事熱點問題。上一屆ICOM 大會匯聚4,500多名專業人士。大會已成為促進全球博物館領域國際合作的樞紐。
今年大會包含一項海報徵集活動,從世界各地博物館選出193 件海報,由 21 個ICOM 委員會評選。由佛陀紀念館設計並命名為「佛館的力量」海報,被國際教育與文化行動委員會(CECA)選中。
這張海報是為了慶祝今年5月的佛誕節和國際博物館日設計的。海報中底部手掌是蓮花手印、加上拇指與中指相扣,象徵恭敬地向所有遊客問好;中間手勢和笑臉的心形圖案,凸顯佛陀紀念館核心價值:「三好」與「四給 」。
博物館的三個主題,包括持續發展的力量、數位創新的力量和公眾教育與社區建設的力量,也反映在海報中三個不同部分。首先,透過「佛誕生像」示現 (1) 佛陀誕生的重要時刻,(2) 不斷推動佛教地宮文化。其次,海報以層疊交錯的雲朵,呈現佛館目前致力長期推動持續性工作。第三,透過底部彩色區塊說明今年五月的活動如何響應博物館主題。
At its 26th edition, the ICOM triennial General Conference, held in August 2022, is one of the most significant global events dedicated to museums and its professionals. Since 1948, an ever-growing number of participants from all continents have been gathering to discuss and share ideas related to the topical issues facing museums. Bringing together more than 4,500 professionals to its last edition, the ICOM General Conference is a worldwide hub that encourages international cooperation in the museum sector.
This year’s conference includes a Call for Posters. A total of 193 posters from museums all around the world were selected for discussion in the 21 international ICOM committees. The Buddha Museum’s poster, titled “The Power of Buddha Museum,” has been selected by the International Committee for Education and Cultural Action (CECA).
This poster was designed for this year’s International Museum Day and the Buddha’s Birthday celebrations held in May 2022. The hand at the bottom is in the gesture of the lotus mudra, in which the thumb and middle finger are joined, to symbolize respectful greetings to all visitors. The heart shape symbol with a hand gesture and a smiling face in it represents the core values of the Buddha Museum, which are the “Three Acts of Goodness” and the “Four Givings.”
The powers of achieving sustainability, of innovating on digitalization and accessibility, and of community building through education are reflected in three different parts of the poster. Firstly, they are shown in the form of a Baby Buddha to signify (1) the important occasion of the Buddha’s birth, and (2) the work involved in promoting the Buddhist underground palaces. Secondly, they are shown in the form of a myriad cloud to signify the ongoing work the museum is currently undertaking. Thirdly, they are shown in the color segments at the bottom to signify how the May activities are carried out in accordance with the theme.
See all posters at
https://icomprague2022.gcon.me/topics .
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